Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Workouts: 2/25, 2/26

2/25 At KC. Madeline, Mollie, Kasey, Alex, Jana, Brad and Jerome trained. Jana left after a few jumps because of the hip flexor problem. Kasey also left after a few jumps with a knee problem. Madeline, Mollie, Alex, Brad and Jerome continued. Started at opening height with a couple jumps and then moved up a couple inches (3 for Jerome). Took a couple more jumps and then added another 2-3 inches. Alex got some jumps at 4-6 (got her in a bit closer and stopped stepping out of curve). Mollie cleared a 4-8 bar, and Madeline had a couple jumps at that height that were close. Brad had some good jumps around 5-0 and jumped well at some higher bars. Jerome had clearances at 6-3 and 6-5, and a very close effort at 6-8 to close out the session.

2/26 At KC. Like last night, the group was sharp. Loosened up, did one set of strength with 5x deadlifts (190/310), 5x depth jumps, 6x walkovers and 10x elevated push ups. 30-minute pre-event warm up rehearsal, 5x2H with finish from blocks in pairs. Everyone was running race speed or faster at regular height and spacing. Foam rolled. We're ready to go for Saturday with everyone capable of running a PR.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

UWM: Joe gets 60H and 200 PRs; several others perform well

2/22 At UWM. Joe's 8.51 (#2 all time) 60H highlighted the Panther Tune-Up. Jerome won another HJ competition (6-6.75), despite arriving late because of a test and not getting any run-throughs or warm up jumps. Brad also got a 60H PR of 9.71 as did Nathalie with her 10.60 (#2 all time). Mollie ran 11.06. In women's HJ, Madeline and Mollie both cleared 4-7 and had some good attempts at 4-9. Kasey and Alex both made 4-5 and had strong jumps at 4-7. All the high jumpers got 7 or 8 jumps in the competition.

In other events: Mollie LJ (15-5.5). Brad PV (11-5.75), LJ (19-0.5). Logan 60 (7.48), 400 (54.22). Nathalie 200 (31.06). Kasey 200 (32.25). Alex 200 (33.16).

Complete results

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Workouts: 2/18, 2/19, 2/20

2/18  At KC. Jerome, Brad, Kasey, Mollie, Alex and Madeline all jumped. Mike (ankle) and Jana (hip flexor) out with injuries. After warm up, we focused on error corrections using ramp jumps and later full approach jumps. For all the women, we worked to stay away from the bar to jump up rather than across. Madeline and Mollie also worked on lead knee drive and lower leg tuck. Jerome worked on plant angle and staying back longer at the top. Brad made some good improvements, driving the lead knee up and keeping it up to set up a better rotation around the bar than he had been getting. Still needs to get inverted more consistently after hitting the top, but he had some good jumps tonight.

2/19 At KC. Nathalie, Annika, Joe and Brad's workout included a 2-set strength series with 5x deadlift (200/300), high skip / long skip, hurdle mobility and elevated push ups. Drill work was 6x 4-step power + 1 3/4-step. Starts over 1-2-3-4 and then a few extra reps -- hurdler's choice. Foam rolled. Worked on some error correction. Brad on getting lead leg down, Joe on trail leg finish and arm movement, Annika on arm bend and knee drive into hurdles, Nathalie on better and more consistent speed into H1 and H2. Hand split times for Joe were around 1.2. Brad's best reps were around 1.3. Nathalie was a bit under 1.4 to 1.45. Annika ranged from 1.45 to 1.60.

2/20 At KC. Mollie loosened up and then did a strength series that included some sumo style straight bar deadlifts at 180#. Did some power hurdles +1 3-step and then starts over 1-2-3-4, as done the day before with the other group. She also did a few extra reps at 4 and fewer. Had a number of splits around 1.45 but then crushed one near 1.3 right at the end, showing what she can do at her best.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Platteville: Jerome has another record-breaking day

2/15 At Platteville. Once again, Jerome improved on his own school and conference records with a 6-9.75 jump, which to him 2nd in a strong field. Starting at 6-2.75, Jerome had no misses until 6-10.75, where he had some very good attempts, clearing on his final attempt but then folding on it. Mike tried out his ankle and managed 5-10.75, good for 7th. Brad tried the 5-5 opener but couldn't make that.

Joe had another strong performance, making the 60H final and finishing 8th (8.63/8.70). He nearly made the 60 final as well, running to a 7.31. Joe also ran the opening leg of the 4x4 (53.2). Also in 60H, Brad ran 9.73, and threw 32-2.25 in shot. In women's HJ, Mollie and Kasey both made 4-6, Alex 4-4. In women's hurdles, Mollie 10.96, Kasey 11.43, Annika 14.44 after taking a fall on the final hurdle.

In sprints, Logan ran 7.51 and 23.94. In LJ, Mollie jumped 14-8.75. Madeline, Nathalie, Jana, Nate did not compete.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Workouts: 2/11, 2/12

2/11 At KC. Jana, Kasey, Mollie, Alex, Jerome and Brad all jumped. After warm up, we had about 6 ramp jumps from 4-step and then a similar number of scissors jumps to work on getting vertical before layout. Took about 8 to 12 full jumps (Alex and Jana less, Alex leaving for class and Jana because of hip flexor injury). Full jumps started with a couple around opening height (4-2, 5-2, 6-2, respectively) and then up a couple of inches for a couple more jumps and then up a couple more inches for a few more. We moved back down for a couple additional jumps late in the session. Had some strong jumps at some sizable bars.

2/12 At KC. Kasey, Mollie, Annika, Nathalie, Joe and Brad loosened up and then did a strength series. Women did 180 to 200 on DLs, men 300. Couple sets of 5. Also did 20x Russian boxes, 10x elevated pushups and hurdle walkovers. Followed with stride-jog-pickup-walkback-accel. Falling start over H1, 3-pt start to H2 and block start to H3. About 5 minutes of individualized warm up and then starts over 1-2-3-4 all on regular spacing with first two at race height and the final two at -3". Foam rolled. Well-focused workout with good quality throughout.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sterling: Joe moves to #1 NACC rankings; loads of PRs

2/9 At Sterling, IL. Joe had PRs in 55H prelims and finals (8.00/7.87), winning the event, as well as 200 (23.12), where he finished 2nd. He's now just .15 off the school record in the 55H (that's just .03 per hurdle) and ranked #1 in both events in conference. Brad also had a couple hurdle PRs (9.22/8.95), a 5th place finish and now is #10 in conference rankings.

In women's hurdles, Nathalie cracked the 10 mark with a PR 9.97 prelim (10.21 final for 6th), making her the 4th under 10 in MSOE history. Mollie finished 8th (10.33/10.40). Annika cut some time off her race, running a PR 11.07 (#9 all time). Our women now rank 6, 7, 10, 11 in conference.

In high jump, Jerome won again, this time at 6-5. Madeline had a breakout performance, clearing 4-7.75 for 4th place and #5 all time MSOE and #8 conference ranking. Mollie jumped 4-6 for 5th place.

In other running: 200 - Jerome 25.63, Brad 26.10, Nate 28.72. 400 - Nate 64.29, Logan - 55.02. 55 - Logan 7.02. 4x4 splits: Madeline 75.7, Annika 75.9, Nathalie 71.9, Mollie 69.7. PV - Madeline 7-9.75. SP - Brad 33-8.

In the team competition, the men won, and the women finished fourth with 43 points, gaining nearly half of its points in the jumps.

Complete results

Joe's start in 55H finals

Mollie and Nathalie start in 55H finals

Madeline at 4-9.75

Mollie at 4-7.75

Nathalie and Mollie prelim

Joe prelim

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Workouts: 2/4, 2/5, 2/6

2/4 At KC. Alex, Mollie, Jana, Annika, Brad and Jerome practiced HJ. Took a couple jumps at opening heights (4-2 for women, 5-1 for Brad, 6-2 for Jerome). After starting height, we moved up a couple inches on makes and down an inch on misses but never going below the opening heights. Women all worked on staying away from bar and getting vertical (not jumping toward bar). Alex had some nice jumps, clearing a 4-5 bar by a few inches. Mollie had some nice jumps, too, including one at 4-6. Jana made a 4-4 bar. Annika didn't make any bars but made some progress on going vertical and rotating before layout. Still was backing into bar and folding on it. Brad had a clearance around 5-4 and a near miss at 5-7. Jerome made three jumps at 6-5 and had several jumps at 6-6 and 6-7 that were close, attacking the plant with speed and aggressiveness. Plant angle was parallel, which isn't quite what we wanted. Also worked on holding the top longer, getting mixed results there. Still, the approach has been consistent and aggressive, which is 90% of any good jump.

2/5 At KC. Jana left with a hip flexor issue. Kasey was ill. Mollie had an academic conflict. That left Brad, Joe, Nathalie and Annika. Did some rotations, hip mobility and 2x strength series ( 5x 290/190 or 180 deadlifts, 2x20 Russian box jumps, 2x6 walkovers, 2x10 elevated push ups). Leg swings and foam rolling followed and then 4x6 reactive hurdles with a mix of 1-step (15/12) (30/27) and 3-step (27/24)(36/30) segments. 4x2H (regular height -1 for H2). 4x2 (with H2 pulled out for 7- or 8-step at -3). 4x4H (-6" -2'). Foam rolling. Good workout with a lot of variety and high-speed segments. None of it was slow. Some fast, some quick. Had some good hand time splits at race pace or faster. Joe had some splits faster than 1.1.

2/6 At KC. Worked on 4x4 exchanges with Annika, Nathalie, Kathryn and Mollie. Did some block work with Kathryn and Mollie. Mollie also did some 2H starts (33 -1) and 4H sets (-2 30).

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Cornell: Jerome elevates to new level

2/1 At Cornell College. Opening with a jump at 6-0.75, Jerome said, "That didn't feel very good." I replied, "Bar isn't high enough yet." He then went on to clear 6-2.75, 6-4.75, 6-6.75 and 6-8.75, breaking his school and conference records -- all without a miss. His first miss came at 6-9.5, and though he brushed the bar on his next attempt, the bar remained on the standards, giving Jerome yet another school and conference record. Three jumps followed at 6-10.25, with the third cleared but knocked off when he folded a bit too early. His jump ranks #4 in NCAA DIII. Oh, yeah... he also got first place in the meet. Mike jumped 6-0.75 for sixth. In women's HJ, Kasey 4-5.5, Alex and Mollie 4-3.5.

Joe continued his steady improvement in the hurdles, running to PRs of 8.68/8.59 in 60H for fourth place and #2 on the NACC honor roll, just a few hundredths behind the leader now. Joe's 8.59 is #2 on MSOE's all-time list. In women's hurdles, Nathalie's 10.74 moved her to #2 all time in MSOE's 60H to #5 on the NACC honor roll. Mollie moved to #3 all time and #6 on the NACC honor roll with her 10.91. Annika continued her improvement, running 11.82 (#6 all time), #9 in NACC.

In other events: 60 - Logan 7.62. 400 - Matt 51.28, Brian 53.8, Nate 64.4, Kasey 72.34. 200 - Mollie 31.01, Annika 33.11, Nathalie 31.26, Alex 34.04. 4x2 - Logan 24.8, Mike 25.1. 4x4 - Joe (23.5/29.10) 52.6, Matt (24.3/27.6) 51.9.

Complete results

Jerome's record breaking jump