Monday, April 16, 2012

Workouts: 4/16, 4/17, 4/19

4/16  Tim trained at Kern Center. We worked on entry mechanics and then did 5x1H (33>42). Next, 2x4H (36/39 -1). Went back to 3x1H. Had trouble hitting the takeoff point on H1, but a race situation and a slight tailwind will take care of that. On the times Tim hit the mark, he was in good position to drive the lead knee into the hurdle and get off the hurdle quickly. He posted hand-time splits around 1.25 on those reps. When he was well behind the takeoff, the lead leg was left hanging too long and slowed down entry and exit to the hurdle -- as well as hitting a couple, which impacted hurdles that followed. However, hitting the takeoff point shouldn't be difficult in race conditions, provided the conditions are right on race. We'll get a few block starts on Friday to work this some more.

4/17  Jerome, Nate, Joe and Mollie were jumping. Did about 4 run throughs, 4 short approach jumps, 4-5 full run jumps and 4 box jumps. Focused on plant angle, quick last steps, knee drive, staying away and dropping the hips slightly on penultimate to get better vertical speed. Mollie jumped with bars in 4-4 to 4-8 range, Joe and Jerome 5-6 to 5-10, and Nate 5-8 to 6-0.

4/19  Tim, Jim, Tom and Jon worked 400H in Kern, primarily by taking 2x1H (33) at race space and then 8x3H at relative space for each hurdlers stride rhythm. Tim worked 15s, Jim 16s, Tom and Jon 17s. Jon stayed around and did some oppo work -- which got very good in last 5 reps. Great practice despite being stuck inside.

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