Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly highlights 3/28 - 4/2

3/28  Cold day at MU track. in 33-degree weather, Kevin, Eric and Arthur did some hurdle warm up followed by 3x5H 5-step and then 3x10H (-2 and -3 last 3H at 39 then 42 then 39). Hurdle stretches.
3/29  HJ at KC. Mollie, Karly, Carol, Joe, Alex and Kevin jumped. After drills, we did jumps in sets of about 3, starting at 4-3/5-6 and then going up a couple of inches per set, topping out at about 12 total jumps.
3/30  Emily, Leah and Karly did workout similar as men on Monday, running 3x10H (33) (-2/-3/-4).

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