Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/7 - 2/10

2/7  Bodyweight exercises then Kevin, Eric, Aaron and Mike lifted 2x550, 3x530. 2 sets of hurdle mobility drills followed and then 2 pickups and 2 flys. Bests: Kevin 9.14mps, Mike 8.96, Eric 8.70, Aaron 8.46. Ended with 2x1H, 2x2H, 2x3H (-1). Best times from start to H1 touchdown: Kevin PR 2.02, Mike PR 2.07, Eric =PR 2.20, Aaron 2.23. Best times on split around H2: Kevin 1.21, Mike 1.31, Eric PR 1.44.
2/9  Emily, Mollie and Karly did the same workout but at different times. Started with plate exercises and then lifted 2x380, 3x370, 5x350 followed a variety of plyos. 2 sets of hurdle drills followed and then 2x8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 7.8mps, Karly 7.72, Mollie 7.59. Next, 2x1H, 2H, 3H (-1). Auto-timed start bests: Emily 2.16, Karly PR 2.23, Mollie 2.26. Auto-timed hurdle split bests: Emily PR 1.33, Karly PR 1.34, Mollie PR 1.43. Good progress tonight. Karly and Mollie crushed their previous hurdle split PRs.

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