Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/21 - 2/25

2/21  After warm up, Kevin and Eric lifted 3x550, 5x530; Mike 3x490, 5x460. 1 set of hurdle mobility. 4x3H 5-step tech run. 1x1-2-3-4H + mulligans. Mike starts for H1: 2.07, 2.10. Kevin's splits 1.23, 1.23. Eric's splits 1.42, 1.38, 1.38.
2/23  Exercises followed by deadlifts. Emily, Mollie and Karly lifted 2x400, 5x350 followed by box jumps and leg swings. One set of hurdle mobility drills followed and then 3x3H 5-steppers. Finished with 1x1H-2H-3H-4H. Best starts: Emily 2.27, Karly and Mollie 2.44. Best splits: Emily PR 1.30, Karly 1.36, Mollie 1.45.

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