Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/14 - 2/18

2/14  Kevin, Eric and Aaron did 6 warm up exercises followed by 2x550, 3x530, 5x510. Box jumps and leg swings. 3x4H (39) 5-step. 2x9.14m flys. Bests: Kevin 9.53mps, Eric PR 8.96, Aaron 8.96. 3x1H (36). 3x4H (42 -1). Focus was more on technical improvements than time. Kevin focused mostly on left side -- trail leg tightness and lower and bent left arm sweep. Eric worked on running with more power to try to avoid overstriding; he also worked on the left arm sweep, making lower and more bent. Aaron had some good 1H reps. 4H reps were a bit erratic.
2/16  Emily, Karly and Mollie did warm up exercises and then lifted 2x390, 3x370, 5x350 followed by box jumps and leg swings. Next, acceleration and block work followed by 3x4H 5-step. Then, 2x8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 7.73mps, Karly 7.66, Mollie 7.52. Ended with 2x2H, 2x4H, 2x4H extended start. Best auto splits: Emily PR 1.31, Karly 1.44, Mollie 1.48. Extended start auto bests: Emily 1.25, Karly 1.38, Mollie 1.43.

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