Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kevin, Emily back to back NAC champs

Tremendous performance for this dynamic duo, winning NAC titles in the 55H and setting conference records. This was Emily's second conference indoor title and Kevin's third gold -- to go along with a silver in 2009.

Kevin gets win, records, qualifies for nationals; Emily wins, sets NAC record

Great day for Kevin and Emily, repeating as NAC 55H indoor champions in the meet held at North Central College. In addition to Kevin and Emily PRs, Karly PR'd in both her races, finishing 6th and missing 5th by just .01. Mike fought off injury to gut out a great 4th-place finish. In the high jump, Karly got off to a rough start, missing opening height but regained form and jumped into 4th place. Winners in pizza challenge: Kevin, Emily, Joe, Karly, Mike.

Kevin 7.85/7.72 [1st PR SR CR NQ #1 all time] 5-9.75 [7th]
Mike 8.43/8.40 [4th]
Eric 8.88
Joe 5-9.75 [6th]
Alex 5-7.75
Emily 9.01/8.89 [1st PR CR #2 all time]
Karly 9.74/9.71 [6th PR #3 all time] 4-7.5 [4th]
Mollie 10.64 NH

Complete results

Kevin holds off Vinny. Tightening up the trail leg side by keeping the lower leg folded and arm swinging back bent and lower will help Kevin go even faster.

Emily leads it from start to finish.

Emily and Mollie start in prelims.

Karly's start in prelims.

Eric, Kevin and Mike start in prelims.

Karly with some good vertical. Down the road, need to get a lead arm block and bring the lead knee around to the front -- and then hold the layout a bit longer. Nearly folded on this bar.

Joe with a very good attempt at this nearly 6-foot bar.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/21 - 2/25

2/21  After warm up, Kevin and Eric lifted 3x550, 5x530; Mike 3x490, 5x460. 1 set of hurdle mobility. 4x3H 5-step tech run. 1x1-2-3-4H + mulligans. Mike starts for H1: 2.07, 2.10. Kevin's splits 1.23, 1.23. Eric's splits 1.42, 1.38, 1.38.
2/23  Exercises followed by deadlifts. Emily, Mollie and Karly lifted 2x400, 5x350 followed by box jumps and leg swings. One set of hurdle mobility drills followed and then 3x3H 5-steppers. Finished with 1x1H-2H-3H-4H. Best starts: Emily 2.27, Karly and Mollie 2.44. Best splits: Emily PR 1.30, Karly 1.36, Mollie 1.45.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Results 2/18: Karly PRs 60H

At UW-Milwaukee.

While some group members sat this one out to rest or rehab for conference, Joe, Alex, Eric, Karly and Mollie competed. Joe had another solid outing at 5-10.75, finishing fourth. Karly broke the 11-second barrier in the 60H and into second on the all-time list, Mollie three-stepped through hurdle 3 for the first time.

Eric 9.57
Alex NH (5-8.75)
Joe 5-10.75 [4th =SB]
Karly 10.95 [PR 5th #2 all-time]
Mollie 11.41 [5th]

Alex with a good foot plant and layout but take off is toward the bar rather than maintaining lean in the curve and looking for more vertical before layout.

Joe clearing 5-10.75 with room to spare. Foot plant parallel. Better to keep somean angle there. Excellent layout -- as usual.

Eric good clearance technique but getting back on heels too much between hurdles.

Mollie's hips are behind her landing foot, causing braking after each hurdle. Karly continues to improve, getting a bit better lean into hurdle, a little less "air" and better lead leg cut down. Still some upper body twisting coming off the hurdles, but everything is getting better.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/14 - 2/18

2/14  Kevin, Eric and Aaron did 6 warm up exercises followed by 2x550, 3x530, 5x510. Box jumps and leg swings. 3x4H (39) 5-step. 2x9.14m flys. Bests: Kevin 9.53mps, Eric PR 8.96, Aaron 8.96. 3x1H (36). 3x4H (42 -1). Focus was more on technical improvements than time. Kevin focused mostly on left side -- trail leg tightness and lower and bent left arm sweep. Eric worked on running with more power to try to avoid overstriding; he also worked on the left arm sweep, making lower and more bent. Aaron had some good 1H reps. 4H reps were a bit erratic.
2/16  Emily, Karly and Mollie did warm up exercises and then lifted 2x390, 3x370, 5x350 followed by box jumps and leg swings. Next, acceleration and block work followed by 3x4H 5-step. Then, 2x8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 7.73mps, Karly 7.66, Mollie 7.52. Ended with 2x2H, 2x4H, 2x4H extended start. Best auto splits: Emily PR 1.31, Karly 1.44, Mollie 1.48. Extended start auto bests: Emily 1.25, Karly 1.38, Mollie 1.43.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Results 2/12: Mike, Mollie enter 60H lists at #2

At Grand Valley State.

We don't contest the 60mH often, but Mike's time was the second fastest ever for MSOE and superior to his 55H PR set last week. Eric's race also was superior to his season best at Point last week. Both Mike and Eric won their heats. Emily's time also was superior to her season PR in the 55H and just a tenth off her PR last year. Compared to her 60 time, her hurdle time was 87.2%. Mollie's 60H time moved her just ahead of Karly on the all-time list.

Joe 5-10.5
Mike 9.07 [#2 all time]
Eric 9.48
Emily 9.75
Mollie 11.32 [#2 all time]

Complete results

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly highlights 2/7 - 2/10

2/7  Bodyweight exercises then Kevin, Eric, Aaron and Mike lifted 2x550, 3x530. 2 sets of hurdle mobility drills followed and then 2 pickups and 2 flys. Bests: Kevin 9.14mps, Mike 8.96, Eric 8.70, Aaron 8.46. Ended with 2x1H, 2x2H, 2x3H (-1). Best times from start to H1 touchdown: Kevin PR 2.02, Mike PR 2.07, Eric =PR 2.20, Aaron 2.23. Best times on split around H2: Kevin 1.21, Mike 1.31, Eric PR 1.44.
2/9  Emily, Mollie and Karly did the same workout but at different times. Started with plate exercises and then lifted 2x380, 3x370, 5x350 followed a variety of plyos. 2 sets of hurdle drills followed and then 2x8.5m flys. Bests: Emily 7.8mps, Karly 7.72, Mollie 7.59. Next, 2x1H, 2H, 3H (-1). Auto-timed start bests: Emily 2.16, Karly PR 2.23, Mollie 2.26. Auto-timed hurdle split bests: Emily PR 1.33, Karly PR 1.34, Mollie PR 1.43. Good progress tonight. Karly and Mollie crushed their previous hurdle split PRs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Robles video

In Spanish, but there are some cool angles and slow-mos of Dayron Robles, world recordholder, here:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kevin equals record; Mike, Emily, Eric get season bests at Stevens Point

Mike set a PR 8.34 in the trials and made the final, finishing seventh in 8.47. Emily ran a season best 9.04 in prelims and got off to a good start in the finals before hammering hurdle 4 and finishing eighth in 9.51. Eric showed signs of regaining form, running a season best 8.84. On Friday, Kevin equaled his school and conference record in the hurdles with his 7.81 race in setting a school record in the pentathlon.

Kevin 7.81 [=PR=SR] 5-11.5 (in pentathlon) [3rd SR]
Eric 8.84 [SB]
Mike 8.34 [PR #2 all-time] /8.47 [7th PR]
Joe 5-8.75
Emily 9.04 [SB] /9.51 [8th]
Karly 4-6 10.16

Karly turning head toward bar, leaning into the bar (and back) at takeoff. Need to work at driving up and waiting to rotate at the top. Lead knee could turn more to the front and away from the bar. A bit too far out, so the highest point is out away from the bar and on descent here nearly comes down on bar. On the upside, plant is good, arms are better and rotation around the bar is as well.

Eric looking good here. Overstriding a bit but staying on the ball of foot. Arms are much better here -- lower and more bent than typical. Lead leg action is good, too.

Emily a bit tardy at the start but the greatest concern here is backing off a bit a couple of steps prior to hurdle one. After that, the attack and clearances on subsequent hurdles are crisp.

Karly's getting a bit too close to the hurdle forcing her up and moving her trajectory well beyond the hurdle. Need to drive forward into hurdle one rather than reaching out, getting too close and leaning back into hurdle rather than forward when the takeoff foot hits the ground. Action in the air is good -- arms are getting much better. A bit of a twist as the arm folds and comes across the body on the getaway step. And then the lower portion of the trail leg is extending rather than staying folded and driving down to the ground under the hip.

Here you see that backing off the hurdle again, but it could be that Emily is aware she is getting too close and is adjusting to the hurdle. Need to either ignore that and push through quickly or go for more turnover in the middle strides on the approach to hurdle one.

On this start, Mike actually pulls his lead foot of the block and then start pushing back, rather than loading that lead foot against block and pushing back hard. After that, he drives through hurdle one well with a nice, low arm drive.

Joe leans in a bit on this one, but his rotations and layout are great as usual.