Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 27: 5/2, 5/1, 4/30

5/2 MU. Sam, RachelR, Bianca, Maia, Des and Jess were out for a high hurdle workout and Deven warmed up with the group before doing a 400H workout. After mobility and warmup, 4 reps over 5 hurdles with the first 3 at 1/2 space for 3s and then 2 that were on full space for 5s. Did an independent rep over H1, then in groups over H2, H3, H4 and H5. Close to race specs. Most at 30 but some 33s. Finished with a group 3-point start and sprint out to H6 (about 55m).

5/1 KC. Maia, Michaela, Sam, RachelR, RachelL, Alex and Keaton were in for a few tune up jumps. Independent warmup and then about 5 jumps, starting at opening and working up a height or two. Three cleared bars at 4-8 -- Maia, RachelL and RachelR. Everyone looked good, and we kept the volume low to be rested for Saturday.

4/30 MU. Warm day for 400H workout. Mobility, warm up, hurdle drills and 3-point starts over 1, 2, 3. Jess and Holly took another over 4 and Deven over 3. Des was sore and stayed back at KC for recovery workout. Michaela, Lea and Holly ran off for third leg on relay. Lea was first, then Michaela and Holly in the 120m standing start race. In hurdles, Jess was 17-stepping, Holly 18, Deven 16. All hit their target times or were a little under.

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