Monday, April 30, 2018

Beloit: Rachel R takes HJ; Jess gets pair of seconds in hurdles

4/28 Beloit. Cool, breezy and sunny for this with highs in mid-50s. Rachel R had a busy day, doing 6 events, which included a win in HJ with a PR 4-7.5. Jess was second in both hurdle races, taking advantage of a good tailwind to run a season best in 100H. Deven continues his rapid progress in 400H, dropping under 61 and moving up to #12 on the all time list in just his third race.

RachelR: 4-7.5 (1st PR #14 all time) 2:37.77 (6th PR) 98-3 (8th) 20.01 (12th PR #17 all time) 14-0.5 (12th) 30-6.5 (17th PR)
Jess: 15.62 (2nd) 68.72 (2nd) 9-2.25 (5th) 4x1 (5th)
Alex: 6-0 (T3rd)
Deven: 60.67 (4th PR #12 all time)[6.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.4 5.9 6 6.1 6.5] 4x1 (8th)
Des: 17.02 (5th) 74.92 (6th) 15-0 (9th) 4x1 (5th)
RachelL: 4-7.5 (5th)
Michaela: 4-7.5 (6th)
Keaton: 5-2.75 (6th)
Holly: 17.09 (6th) 75.84 (8th) 32-1.5 (10th) 4x1 (5th)
Bianca: 19.34 (10th) 4-5.5 (T7th) 32-3.75 (9th)
Maia: 19.75 (11th) 25-0 (23rd) 80-6 (20th) 117-11 (2nd) 
Sam: 21.68 (13th PR #20 all time) 2:45.13 (9th) 4-3.5 (10th PR) 78-9 (15th) 12-8.5 (17th PR) 24-11.25 (24th)
Lea: 33-3.25 (7th) 101-4 (4th)

Complete results

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