Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 26: 4/26, 4/25, 4/24, 4/23

4/26 MU. Brian did a warm up, including up and backs. Did a segmented 400H -- 1-4, 30 sec, 5-7, 30 sec, 8-F. Tried to get out in 21-22, came through in 25 -- but he backed off on H1, disrupting flow and speed. Hurdles in turn were good -- low to mid 5s. Same for hurdles to finish. Went back to H1 for a few reps to work on pattern. Counted rights (12), and he cut more than .5 when getting a consistent rhythm. Jogged a lap and stretched.

4/25 MU. RachelR, Bianca, Maia, Des, Jess and Deven came out for a high hurdle workout on a typical spring day in Milwaukee -- 45 degrees. Jess led mobility, warm up and drills (1/2-space 3s or tight 2s) before 3-point starts out to 4-5-6-7. 30" in a foot but with a 5-step (37') after 4 to build speed into 5-6-7. 2x64m (H7) group start. Some did some spike vs trainer testing.

4/24 KC. Sam, RachelL, RachelR, Lexi, AlexJ, AlexM, Keaton, Michaela.  Michaela had shin pain and had limited participation. Independent warmup then worked on some drills for plant foot contacts -- walking, skipping and skipping for height. 5 short approach jumps, 5 RTs and 5 jumps, working up to higher bars. Push ups and squats for misses at opening height. Worked 4x1 exchanges with Coy, Eddie, Alex, Brian and Keaton. They learned quickly, and the 24-shoe spacing worked well.

4/23 MU. Jess, Des, Deven and Sam came out to MU on a nice 55-degree day for some hurdle training. Started with mobility, then some warm up drills. Sam did some high hurdle drills and then 4x speed reps over 4, 5, 6, 7, all 4-stepping, running splits in 1.5-1.7 range. Very good improvement in both speed, skill and consistency. Jess, Des and Deven did 400H workout, doing a segmented 400H (1-4, 30 sec, 5-7, 30 sec, 8-Finish) then 3x3 on turn with walk across recovery. Cool down.

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