Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 27: 5/2, 5/1, 4/30

5/2 MU. Sam, RachelR, Bianca, Maia, Des and Jess were out for a high hurdle workout and Deven warmed up with the group before doing a 400H workout. After mobility and warmup, 4 reps over 5 hurdles with the first 3 at 1/2 space for 3s and then 2 that were on full space for 5s. Did an independent rep over H1, then in groups over H2, H3, H4 and H5. Close to race specs. Most at 30 but some 33s. Finished with a group 3-point start and sprint out to H6 (about 55m).

5/1 KC. Maia, Michaela, Sam, RachelR, RachelL, Alex and Keaton were in for a few tune up jumps. Independent warmup and then about 5 jumps, starting at opening and working up a height or two. Three cleared bars at 4-8 -- Maia, RachelL and RachelR. Everyone looked good, and we kept the volume low to be rested for Saturday.

4/30 MU. Warm day for 400H workout. Mobility, warm up, hurdle drills and 3-point starts over 1, 2, 3. Jess and Holly took another over 4 and Deven over 3. Des was sore and stayed back at KC for recovery workout. Michaela, Lea and Holly ran off for third leg on relay. Lea was first, then Michaela and Holly in the 120m standing start race. In hurdles, Jess was 17-stepping, Holly 18, Deven 16. All hit their target times or were a little under.

Beloit: Rachel R takes HJ; Jess gets pair of seconds in hurdles

4/28 Beloit. Cool, breezy and sunny for this with highs in mid-50s. Rachel R had a busy day, doing 6 events, which included a win in HJ with a PR 4-7.5. Jess was second in both hurdle races, taking advantage of a good tailwind to run a season best in 100H. Deven continues his rapid progress in 400H, dropping under 61 and moving up to #12 on the all time list in just his third race.

RachelR: 4-7.5 (1st PR #14 all time) 2:37.77 (6th PR) 98-3 (8th) 20.01 (12th PR #17 all time) 14-0.5 (12th) 30-6.5 (17th PR)
Jess: 15.62 (2nd) 68.72 (2nd) 9-2.25 (5th) 4x1 (5th)
Alex: 6-0 (T3rd)
Deven: 60.67 (4th PR #12 all time)[6.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.4 5.9 6 6.1 6.5] 4x1 (8th)
Des: 17.02 (5th) 74.92 (6th) 15-0 (9th) 4x1 (5th)
RachelL: 4-7.5 (5th)
Michaela: 4-7.5 (6th)
Keaton: 5-2.75 (6th)
Holly: 17.09 (6th) 75.84 (8th) 32-1.5 (10th) 4x1 (5th)
Bianca: 19.34 (10th) 4-5.5 (T7th) 32-3.75 (9th)
Maia: 19.75 (11th) 25-0 (23rd) 80-6 (20th) 117-11 (2nd) 
Sam: 21.68 (13th PR #20 all time) 2:45.13 (9th) 4-3.5 (10th PR) 78-9 (15th) 12-8.5 (17th PR) 24-11.25 (24th)
Lea: 33-3.25 (7th) 101-4 (4th)

Complete results

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 26: 4/26, 4/25, 4/24, 4/23

4/26 MU. Brian did a warm up, including up and backs. Did a segmented 400H -- 1-4, 30 sec, 5-7, 30 sec, 8-F. Tried to get out in 21-22, came through in 25 -- but he backed off on H1, disrupting flow and speed. Hurdles in turn were good -- low to mid 5s. Same for hurdles to finish. Went back to H1 for a few reps to work on pattern. Counted rights (12), and he cut more than .5 when getting a consistent rhythm. Jogged a lap and stretched.

4/25 MU. RachelR, Bianca, Maia, Des, Jess and Deven came out for a high hurdle workout on a typical spring day in Milwaukee -- 45 degrees. Jess led mobility, warm up and drills (1/2-space 3s or tight 2s) before 3-point starts out to 4-5-6-7. 30" in a foot but with a 5-step (37') after 4 to build speed into 5-6-7. 2x64m (H7) group start. Some did some spike vs trainer testing.

4/24 KC. Sam, RachelL, RachelR, Lexi, AlexJ, AlexM, Keaton, Michaela.  Michaela had shin pain and had limited participation. Independent warmup then worked on some drills for plant foot contacts -- walking, skipping and skipping for height. 5 short approach jumps, 5 RTs and 5 jumps, working up to higher bars. Push ups and squats for misses at opening height. Worked 4x1 exchanges with Coy, Eddie, Alex, Brian and Keaton. They learned quickly, and the 24-shoe spacing worked well.

4/23 MU. Jess, Des, Deven and Sam came out to MU on a nice 55-degree day for some hurdle training. Started with mobility, then some warm up drills. Sam did some high hurdle drills and then 4x speed reps over 4, 5, 6, 7, all 4-stepping, running splits in 1.5-1.7 range. Very good improvement in both speed, skill and consistency. Jess, Des and Deven did 400H workout, doing a segmented 400H (1-4, 30 sec, 5-7, 30 sec, 8-Finish) then 3x3 on turn with walk across recovery. Cool down.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Lewis: Holly, Jess and Maia have a late night

4/24 Romeoville IL. Holly, Jess and Maia competed at an evening meet at Lewis University. Late arrival meant a 5-minute warm up for Holly before 100H, where she was 10th (17.32) and was 7th in TJ (34-3.5).  Jess tied for 8th in PV (8-8.25). Maia was 4th in JT (103-7) and 22nd in LJ (14-5).

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

HJ approach marks

Michaela 9 / 12 / 41 (9)
Des 10 / 27 / 49 (10)
Lea 10 / 25 / 41 (9)
Bianca 11 / 29 / 55 (10)
Katie 10 / 27 / 50 (10)
Rachel 10 / 27 / 52 (10) 10 / 27 / 42 (8)
Keaton 12 / ?? / 43 (8)
Sam 10 / 26 / 49 (10)
Noah 12 / 27 / 50 (10)
Hayden 12 / ?? / 51 (10)
Alex 12.5 / 29 / 57 (9)
Samantha 10 / ?? / 50 (10) ?

Updated 4/24/18

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Coe: Good weather and performances

4/21 Cedar Rapids IA. Lost the meet at St. Norbert because of the record snowfall still remaining on the track, so we did an overnight for a meet at Coe College. Alex was the top finisher with a 2nd-place finish in HJ after a jump off. Jess was 3rd and Des 4th in 400H. Deven showed great efficiency, running just 3 seconds slower in 400H than his open 400 indoors. Typically, that differential is about 5 seconds. Women high jumpers had a good showing, and we had some good first outings in the 100H for Rachel, Bianca and Sam.

Alex: 5-10.75 (2nd)
Jess: 67.33 (3rd)[7.5 5.3 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.6 6 6.1 6.4 6.7 7.3] 16.51 (11th) 8-3.5 (6th) 4x1 (4th)
Des: 74.14 (4th)[8 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.6 7.2 7.1 7.4 7.3 7.5] 17.39 (12th) 16-1.5 (6th) 4x1 (4th)
RachelR: 4-7 (7th #14 all time) 29.95 (13th) 20.69 (18th #18 all time) 15-5 (9th) 81-5 (11th)
Deven: 61.19 (7th PR #15 all time)[7 4.8 4.7 4.8 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.7 6 6.2] 12.21 (17th)
RachelL: 4-7 (8th)
Lea: 4-7 (9th) 19.80 (16th #15 all time) 4x1 (4th) 16-7.25 (2nd) 101-4 (4th)
Michaela: 4-7 (10th) 4x1 (4th)
Bianca: 4-5 (11th) 19.86 (17th #16 all time) 31-6.75 (6th)
Samantha: 83-3 (10th) 4-1.25 (13th) 22.09 (19th #20 all time) 30.22 (14th)

Complete results

Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 25: 4/19, 4/18, 4/17, 4/16

4/19 KC. Brian did a hurdle session. After warm up, 1/2H drills to work on trail leg -- stationary on rail, walkovers, skipovers and jogovers. Speedbuilders. 4-step power hurdles. Relative 17 pattern on 3H 7-steppers. 3x7H with 10 high knee in place between, taking about 40-45 sec per rep. Rolling and stretching. Brian was technically better and more consistent in this session, including a number of reps over 36. Jess, Des, Maia, Lea and Michaela did 4x1 exchanges after field event training.

4/18 KC. Snowing, so we were inside. Sam, Bianca, Maia, Des, Jess, Deven on hand for 400H workout. Rolling and mobility exercises followed by skips, switches, straight leg bounds, quick leg, shuffle, carioca and dribble series with bursts. Worked L+R on 1 steppers and speedbuilders. 3x5x3H at relative spacing for 17, 18 or 19. Rolled and stretched. Good session with a good volume of quality reps and some technical improvements for Sam, Maia and Bianca. Des still ailing but showed good consistency as did Deven and Jess.

4/17 KC. Maia, RachelR, Rachel L, Sam, Bianca, Michaela, Lea, Alex, Alex and Keaton all did some jumping. After individual warm up, RachelR and Sam did some stack jumps, and others joined in for a couple. Took some short approach ramp jumps, working  on plant angle but rotating the shoulders to perpendicular; then 6 RTs and 6-7 jumps up 3" on makes and down 3" on misses.

4/16 KC. Jess, Des, Maia, Sam, Rachel, Holly and later, Lea were in for high hurdle work. Began with usual rolling and mobility work. Forward and backward skips, in-place switch hops, straight leg bounds, cariocas, dribbles and bursts. 3x 6-6 12 wicket run. 3x fly sprint (bests: Jess PR .99, Des 1.03, Holly 1.07, Maia 1.11, Rachel PR 1.12, Sam 1.13). Everyone either ran a PR or was within a couple of hundredths. Drills: 1-step L+R, 5H reactives (1-1-3-5-3), 4-step power hurdle L+R. 3-4x 4H (3-steppers ran 33s at -1; 4-steppers ran 30s at regular spacing). Strength: 3 sets 5 kb split squats L+R, 6x long skips, 5x L+R mini H hop and freeze. Cool down: bike, roll, stretch.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 24: 4/13, 4/12, 4/11, 4/10, 4/9

4/13 KC. Maia, Jes, Des, Michaela and Holly worked on 4x1 exchanges. Bianca joined the other hurdlers for some drills and a few starts over 2-4 hurdles.

4/12 MU. Same crummy weather, same great workout but this time with Brian, who did the 400H workout that Deven did the day before. Target times were same as Deven's, but he didn't quite hit those marks for 62.5 pace. A little too much air time on clearances, but Brian's hurdling continues to improve. Still more to do, but he looks to be good enough to race. He did some hurdles at 30, some at 33 and most at 36.

4/11 MU. Though warm at mid-day, temps were low 40s with a breeze off the lake for today's workout. Holly came out early, and then Des, Jess, Bianca, Deven, Sam, Maia and RachelR. Typical warm up and then some L+R 1-steppers and L+R 5-steppers. Combo hurdlers did 2x10H (-1 for zone 1, -2 for zone 2 and -3 for zone 3). HH specialists did one or two more. Deven did 3x4H, hitting his target of 22 seconds all three times. He then did 3x3 turn hurdles, going to finish on final rep. Combo hurdlers did 2x4H and then 3x3 on turn with finish. Bianca got through the highs fine, just needs to stay forward off the hurdles and finish the trail a little better. Maia also was leaning back a bit off the hurdles and popping up a little high on oppo. Deven was very consistent both on pace and rhythm. Jess and Des a little quick on the 4H, but they had a good tailwind, so faster was not surprising. Sam needs to get the oppo going in the highs. Rachel did well, getting 4s on her reps. All the "highs" work was at 30".

4/10 KC. Maia, RachelL, RachelR, Sam, Keaton, Bianca, Michaela, Alex (and Alex) practiced HJ. 10-min general warm up, then pit work and 5x short approach bungee jumps to work on plant angle and lean away. Moved right into 5-6x fulls with bar. Started with 1-2 moderate height jumps and moved to challenging heights.

4/9 KC. Good start to the week. Jess, Des, Sam, Rachel, Holly and Lea were working high hurdles. Jess led warm up with foam rolling, 90s, scorpions, swings, cycles, skips, straight-leg run, switch hops, shuffles, dribbles and bursts. Drills: 1-step, speed builders, 4-step power hurdles -- worked left and right on all drills. Speed reps: 4-5x 4H at 21-27-30-33 and -1'. Strength: 3x 8x kb squat, kb swing, push up, box jumps. Cool down: 3-lap jog, roll and stretch. Jess got a little close on H1 at times but otherwise was consistent, running around 1.3 on 33s. Holly was about the same. Des was a little less consistent but did well in getting her 3s and got the 33s around 1.4. Sam got a pretty good 3-step to H2 at the end but couldn't get any 4s, shifting down to 5s. Rachel did well with 4s but needs to get the oppo trail out and around instead of under. Lea led with the foot, but she put down the fastest splits with mid-1.2s on the 33s. Worked after the speed reps to improve the lead leg cycling -- and she did a good job on 4-step power hurdles. Need to take that into the full-speed reps.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Carroll: Alex gets a win, Jess a pair of seconds

4/7 Waukesha. January weather in April? Meet began with temperature at 18 degrees with winds about 10-15. Almost made it above freezing in late afternoon. Despite the weather, Alex jumped well, clearing a collegiate PR 6-0.75 to win the event. Jess was 2nd in both hurdle races, three-stepping all the way until H10 even though the race was run into wind. Keaton had a good day in HJ, tying his season best of 5-7, and Deven's first 400H turned out well. Lots of group members missing, not returning from break.

Alex: 6-0.75 (1st PR =#8 all time)
Jess: 16.49 (2nd) 68.92 (2nd) [7.7 5.4 5.9 5.4 5.7 5.8 6 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.6] 8-11 (6th)
Keaton: 5-7 (3rd =PR)
Deven: 63.16 (6th #21 all time) 12.61
Michaela: 4-5 (8th) 29.06 (16th)
RachelL: 4-5 (9th)
RachelR:100-0 (4th) 2:41.34 (11th) 24-7 (25th)
Samantha: 98-5 (5th) 2:50.34 (16th) 12-6.75 (18th)

Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 23: Break week

2nd cycle this week. Everyone working on their own with a list of high-intensity options and low-intensity options.