Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 22: 3/29, 3/28, 3/27, 3/26

3/29 MU. Brian went out to MU -- 38 degrees with 15-20 mph winds -- nasty. He did a few reps over H1, then 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 trying to hit target pace, which was tough into the headwind to H1. Brian was consistent -- just about a second slower than target for 62. Finished with 4x3 on turn. He split 4.5 to 5.5 on those, getting faster each time. Hurdling was inconsistent but much better than previous sessions and it got better within the session as well. And then we got locked in and had to wait for security to let us out.

3/28 MU. Jess, Des, Jacob and Deven did mobility with 90s, scorpions, swings and cycles. Warmed up with skips, switches, dribbles and bursts. 10-30y up and backs. 3-point starts over 2 then 3 then 4, trying to hit target times. Jess was on target for most (66), Des a little fast but her target probably needed to be faster than I set (72), Deven was on target (64) and Jacob, too (68). Recovery was walk back on early ones and around between 3 and 4H reps. Turn hurdles were next. 3x3, running to finish on final rep. Stretched. Good practice on a cold day with temp maybe 40.

3/27 KC. Maia, Sam, RachelR, RachelL, Michaela, Bianca, AlexJ, AlexM and Keaton were in for HJ. RachelL led warm up and then we did 5 short approach box jumps, 5 run throughs and 6 full jumps (2 each at low, moderate and challenging heights).

3/26 KC. Sam, Rachel, Jess, Des, Holly and Maia started with mobility work: rolling, 90s, swings, cycles. Skips, switches, dribbles and bursts. 3x 6-6 wickets were a little too much for some. 3x 8.5m flys (Bests: Jess 1.04, Maia 1.11, Des PR 1.01, Rachel 1.14, Holly 1.12 in trainers, Sam 1.12). 3x reactive hurdles: 1-1-3-5-3 (9-9-18-30-22 at 27-27-30-33-30). 3-4x 4H (1 lane 30 -1; 1 lane 27 -2). Jess was consistently hitting splits in mid-1.2s or a little better, Maia was in mid-1.4s on her best reps, Des ranged from mid-1.3s to mid-1.4s, Holly ranged from 1.2s to 1.4s in trainers. Rachel was mid-14s on her best reps (on 27s), and Sam about 1.5 (on 27s). Some had to bail after that but others stuck around for 3 sets of 4H hops, 8 kb swings, 8 push ups, 2 tbDLs. 5-5-5 bike/ellip, roll, stretch. Comments: Focus and quality was high. Everyone worked efficiently and got a lot done. Worked a few technical issues but mostly it was about running and hurdling fast.

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