Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 20: 3/16, 3/15, 3/14, 3/13, 3/12

3/16 KC. Jess, Bianca, Sam, RachelR, Miro and Hayden were in for high hurdle training. Lea was there through drills but started having some hamstring pain, so she stopped. Started with 90s, scorpions, swings. A skip, back skip, B skip, switch hop, shuffle, dribbles and bursts. 1-step L+R, speedbuilders. 3-pt starts over wickets, then with hurdles of increasing heights and then without wickets. Sam, Rachel and Miro worked over 2H at 27 -4, Bianca and Jess worked over did 4x4+4 30s (H1 33) at -1.5, Hayden over 36 at -4. Women did 3x 8x kb swing, 8x push up, 8x L+R kb press, 2x tbDL (220). Men lifted on Thursday. Comments: First night for Miro, who made a good adjustment with the trail leg. Kept him working low and tight, but he can move up and out next time. Hayden needs to square up and lean into the hurdle and off hurdle more consistently, but he did that on some reps. Rachel and Sam made good progress but are going to need to bring more speed into H1 to make it to H2 with 3 steps when it's 4 feet further away and 6 inches higher. Sam still needs to further tighten the trail, but it was better late in the session. Bianca did great, getting her 3s and using more speed and pushing forward a little better. Jess was solid throughout all of her reps. Dropped trail leg toe at times but kept it clear of hurdle.

3/15 KC. RachelL, Michaela, Keaton and Alex (and Alex) warmed up together, which included a variety of skips, stride drills, curve runs, backovers, short scissors, RTs, fulls. Brian worked upstairs on 400H -- 3H 5-step L+R, 3H 7-step (17 rhythm), 1H start, 4x4H high knee with walk back, and then some trail leg work on rail and off a 5-step. Comments: Rhythm work got better, trail leg got better. Expected inconsistencies occurred, but progress is good, and everything is getting smoother.

3/14 VF. Finally got outside. Mid-40s, breezy. All the hurdlers went out for 4x3+3 up and back on 30" randomly spaced hurdles after some warm up and hurdle drills. About 800m total on the up and backs. Walked a long side between sets. Jess, Des, Bianca, Sam, RachelR, Deven and Hayden were there. Walk-jog cool down lap and then inside for a 3-set strength series with 2x tbdl, 8x L+R kb step up, 8x L+R kb press, 8x push up, 8x kb swing. Roll and stretch.

3/13 KC. High jumpers included Maia, Sam, Rachel, Michaela, RachelR, AlexJ, Keaton, Alex and Hayden -- and Coy. Group warm up with forward and back skips, takeoff skips, high skips, long skips, pop turns, rim jumps, pit tip-ins and bridges, short approach ramp/box jumps, short approach jumps, full RTs, full jumps at moderate heights. Others did other field events or circuit. Brian did Monday's sprint workout (hills).

3/12 KC. Some went to NACC Pizza event. Others did sprint workout or a strength/plyo circuit.

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