Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 19: 3/9, 3/8, 3/7, 3/6, 3/5

3/9 KC. Deven, Brian and Jacob did foam rolling, scorpions, leg swings, 6-2" wickets (17 equivalent), walkovers, 1/2-space3s, speedbuilders -- working both lead legs at heights from 27-36. 6x3H 7-steppers at 17 equivalent. 2x3x5H with in-place high knee between (about 20 sec per rep -- 60 sec per set). Foam rolled. Comments: Everyone did great. Rhythm worked well at 17 for all and the oppos were very good, particularly for Deven and Jacob. Brian will need more work there.

3/8 KC. Hurdlers vs High Jumpers basketball. High Jumpers won 17-15. Players: Maia, Des, Bianca, Hayden vs. Sam, Keaton, Alex, Michaela and Rachel.

3/7 KC. Jess and Des practiced in morning. Maia, Bianca, Samantha and Hayden in afternoon. Foam rolling, scorpions, forward and backward skips, B skips, switch hops, shuffles, dribbles and bursts. Drills: in-place lead and trail and arm action, walkovers, jogovers, 1-steppers, speedbuilders, 4-step power hurdles of increasing height, 3-point starts over H1 of increasing height (up to 36 for Hayden, 33 for Maia, 30 for Bianca and Sam). Strength series: 4x 2x tb deadlifts, 4xboxjumps, 4xL+R seated presses, 8x kb swings, 8x push ups. Cool down: 5 min bike. Comments: Great progress in this session for the beginners. Sam, Bianca and Hayden all did well in sprinting into hurdles and getting near appropriate takeoff point. Sam's trail leg gets a little loose and arms cross at times. Bianca is ready for H2, as is Hayden. Maia was solid, but got a little long off the block once or twice, putting her takeoff a bit too close. Everyone ran in trainers. Should be ready for blocks and spikes next time.

3/6 KC. Hayden, Maia, Bianca, Samantha, Rachel (Gray), Rachel, Keaton, Alex, Michaela spent a lot of time on basic HJ. Flexibility: arches, bends, bridges, scorpions. A skips, back skips, high skips, long skips, takeoff skips, L+R shuffles, low walk. Pit flip-ins, bridges, backovers. Circle runs, 3-pt line runs, 1/2-circle jumps, scissor jumps, short-approach jumps, full RTs, about 6 full bungee jumps, 3x5 L+R mini-hurdle hops, hamstring, calf, hip flexor stretches. Nonfieldeventers did strength/plyo series.

3/5 KC. Samantha, Des, Jess, Bianca, Maia, Rachel, Deven and Brian were there for some general hurdling early in session. Jess, Maia and Deven did some 400H training later in session. Brian, Des and Bianca left early. Started with skips, switches, dribbles and bursts, and wickets. Lead leg mechanics and trail leg mechanics followed. 400Hers did 5x3 7-step (17 rhythm) on 27s while Sam and Rachel did speedbuilders over 24s. 400Hers did 20-step in-place run then hurdle (3x4H). Rachel and Sam did some 1/2-space 3s over 30s. Strength series: 3x 5L+5R garhammers, 10x kb swings, 5x kb goblet squat, 5x box jumps, 3x tb deadlift. Cool down: 5 min bike/row/elliptical, roll.

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