Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 22: 3/29, 3/28, 3/27, 3/26

3/29 MU. Brian went out to MU -- 38 degrees with 15-20 mph winds -- nasty. He did a few reps over H1, then 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 trying to hit target pace, which was tough into the headwind to H1. Brian was consistent -- just about a second slower than target for 62. Finished with 4x3 on turn. He split 4.5 to 5.5 on those, getting faster each time. Hurdling was inconsistent but much better than previous sessions and it got better within the session as well. And then we got locked in and had to wait for security to let us out.

3/28 MU. Jess, Des, Jacob and Deven did mobility with 90s, scorpions, swings and cycles. Warmed up with skips, switches, dribbles and bursts. 10-30y up and backs. 3-point starts over 2 then 3 then 4, trying to hit target times. Jess was on target for most (66), Des a little fast but her target probably needed to be faster than I set (72), Deven was on target (64) and Jacob, too (68). Recovery was walk back on early ones and around between 3 and 4H reps. Turn hurdles were next. 3x3, running to finish on final rep. Stretched. Good practice on a cold day with temp maybe 40.

3/27 KC. Maia, Sam, RachelR, RachelL, Michaela, Bianca, AlexJ, AlexM and Keaton were in for HJ. RachelL led warm up and then we did 5 short approach box jumps, 5 run throughs and 6 full jumps (2 each at low, moderate and challenging heights).

3/26 KC. Sam, Rachel, Jess, Des, Holly and Maia started with mobility work: rolling, 90s, swings, cycles. Skips, switches, dribbles and bursts. 3x 6-6 wickets were a little too much for some. 3x 8.5m flys (Bests: Jess 1.04, Maia 1.11, Des PR 1.01, Rachel 1.14, Holly 1.12 in trainers, Sam 1.12). 3x reactive hurdles: 1-1-3-5-3 (9-9-18-30-22 at 27-27-30-33-30). 3-4x 4H (1 lane 30 -1; 1 lane 27 -2). Jess was consistently hitting splits in mid-1.2s or a little better, Maia was in mid-1.4s on her best reps, Des ranged from mid-1.3s to mid-1.4s, Holly ranged from 1.2s to 1.4s in trainers. Rachel was mid-14s on her best reps (on 27s), and Sam about 1.5 (on 27s). Some had to bail after that but others stuck around for 3 sets of 4H hops, 8 kb swings, 8 push ups, 2 tbDLs. 5-5-5 bike/ellip, roll, stretch. Comments: Focus and quality was high. Everyone worked efficiently and got a lot done. Worked a few technical issues but mostly it was about running and hurdling fast.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 21: 3/23, 3/22, 3/21, 3/20, 3/19, 3/18

3/23 MU. Maia, Jess, Des, Deven and Brian went out on a 37-degree but sunny day for some 400H work. Did some 90s and scorpions, swings and cycles for mobility; skips, shuffles, up and back H for warm up. 1x1, 1x2, 1x3 with walk back recovery, trying to hit target times at H3 (Brian 62 - 16.5; Deven 64 -17; Maia 72 - 19; Des 72 -19; Jess 66 - 17.5) Brian hit his target, no time for Deven, Maia on target, Des and Jess were just a little slower than target. Moved down to turn for 3x3 with walk across recovery. Third one went all the way to finish. Total volume around 650m. Walk-jog cool down lap.

3/22 KC. Alex, Keaton, Michaela, RachelL, AlexJ were in for HJ. Others did field events or circuits. Updated approach marks for Alex and RachelL.

3/21 KC. Hurdle basics session for Sam and RachelR. Lots of drills and then some reps over H1 and then H2. Ran most drills and reps at 27. Gradually worked out to -2. Progress was great. Sam tightened up the trail and was aligned much better, using more of her speed. Rachel started to get her trail leg out to the side better at times. Sam got her 27-2 split down to 1.35, and Rachel nearly the same. Still more work to do, especially getting up to the 33s at regular spacing.

3/20 KC. Alex, Hayden, Coy, Maia, Sam, RachelR, RachelL, Lea, AlexJ, Michaela, Bianca were on hand for HJ. Rachel led the group through warm up. Did some 2-step jumps to work plant angle and rotation to get perpendicular to bar. Moved to short approach jumps (5 or 6-step) to work the same qualities at higher speed. Did a few run throughs and then fulls. Shot video of just about everyone and we did a quick review after a shoot.

3/19 KC. Jess, Maia, Holly, Sam, RachelR, Des and Lea were in for high hurdle training. Rolling, scorpions, swings and cycles. Fwd, bkw and B skips, switches, shuffles, dribbles and bursts. Warm up starts and 30m timed accels (bests: Jess 4.49, Des 4.37, Maia PR 4.67, Sam 4.97, RachelR 4.83). Lea and Holly arrived later -- after the 30s -- so, no accels for them. 5x3H up-back-up 5-step at 10.5m -- about 4 min between reps, working on tech, conditioning and focus. Strength work: 3x 2xtbDL, 8x push up, 1-min plank, 8x kb swing, 4x box jump. Cool down: 5 min bike, 5 min roll, 5 min stretch.

3/18 MU. Trey, Tripp, Jacob and Brian went to MU on a 50 degree day with sunshine and light winds. General warm up was followed with 1H up and backs, starting at 10y, adding 5y on each rep. 3xH1 was next as everyone tried to find some consistency and rhythm out of a 3-point start, sprinting out 12 steps and then maintaining speed through H1. 3x3 was next, trying to get near target times. Trey was in mid-16s, Tripp mid-17s and Jacob around 18. Brian hurt his foot on a landing and was not able to complete a rep. At the speed that they ran, Trey was at a 62 pace, Tripp around 64 and Jacob 65. Finished up with 3x3 on turn with a short recovery. Splits for all were in low to mid-5s -- appropriate to the speeds run in the reps over the first 3. Couple laps cool down and stretch. Comments: It was a pretty rough outing, which is expected the first time out. Lots of jumping and not enough hurdling, which created all kinds of problems with trajectory and landing. Made some adjustments and things got a little better, particularly on turn hurdles, but there's a lot of work to do.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 20: 3/16, 3/15, 3/14, 3/13, 3/12

3/16 KC. Jess, Bianca, Sam, RachelR, Miro and Hayden were in for high hurdle training. Lea was there through drills but started having some hamstring pain, so she stopped. Started with 90s, scorpions, swings. A skip, back skip, B skip, switch hop, shuffle, dribbles and bursts. 1-step L+R, speedbuilders. 3-pt starts over wickets, then with hurdles of increasing heights and then without wickets. Sam, Rachel and Miro worked over 2H at 27 -4, Bianca and Jess worked over did 4x4+4 30s (H1 33) at -1.5, Hayden over 36 at -4. Women did 3x 8x kb swing, 8x push up, 8x L+R kb press, 2x tbDL (220). Men lifted on Thursday. Comments: First night for Miro, who made a good adjustment with the trail leg. Kept him working low and tight, but he can move up and out next time. Hayden needs to square up and lean into the hurdle and off hurdle more consistently, but he did that on some reps. Rachel and Sam made good progress but are going to need to bring more speed into H1 to make it to H2 with 3 steps when it's 4 feet further away and 6 inches higher. Sam still needs to further tighten the trail, but it was better late in the session. Bianca did great, getting her 3s and using more speed and pushing forward a little better. Jess was solid throughout all of her reps. Dropped trail leg toe at times but kept it clear of hurdle.

3/15 KC. RachelL, Michaela, Keaton and Alex (and Alex) warmed up together, which included a variety of skips, stride drills, curve runs, backovers, short scissors, RTs, fulls. Brian worked upstairs on 400H -- 3H 5-step L+R, 3H 7-step (17 rhythm), 1H start, 4x4H high knee with walk back, and then some trail leg work on rail and off a 5-step. Comments: Rhythm work got better, trail leg got better. Expected inconsistencies occurred, but progress is good, and everything is getting smoother.

3/14 VF. Finally got outside. Mid-40s, breezy. All the hurdlers went out for 4x3+3 up and back on 30" randomly spaced hurdles after some warm up and hurdle drills. About 800m total on the up and backs. Walked a long side between sets. Jess, Des, Bianca, Sam, RachelR, Deven and Hayden were there. Walk-jog cool down lap and then inside for a 3-set strength series with 2x tbdl, 8x L+R kb step up, 8x L+R kb press, 8x push up, 8x kb swing. Roll and stretch.

3/13 KC. High jumpers included Maia, Sam, Rachel, Michaela, RachelR, AlexJ, Keaton, Alex and Hayden -- and Coy. Group warm up with forward and back skips, takeoff skips, high skips, long skips, pop turns, rim jumps, pit tip-ins and bridges, short approach ramp/box jumps, short approach jumps, full RTs, full jumps at moderate heights. Others did other field events or circuit. Brian did Monday's sprint workout (hills).

3/12 KC. Some went to NACC Pizza event. Others did sprint workout or a strength/plyo circuit.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 19: 3/9, 3/8, 3/7, 3/6, 3/5

3/9 KC. Deven, Brian and Jacob did foam rolling, scorpions, leg swings, 6-2" wickets (17 equivalent), walkovers, 1/2-space3s, speedbuilders -- working both lead legs at heights from 27-36. 6x3H 7-steppers at 17 equivalent. 2x3x5H with in-place high knee between (about 20 sec per rep -- 60 sec per set). Foam rolled. Comments: Everyone did great. Rhythm worked well at 17 for all and the oppos were very good, particularly for Deven and Jacob. Brian will need more work there.

3/8 KC. Hurdlers vs High Jumpers basketball. High Jumpers won 17-15. Players: Maia, Des, Bianca, Hayden vs. Sam, Keaton, Alex, Michaela and Rachel.

3/7 KC. Jess and Des practiced in morning. Maia, Bianca, Samantha and Hayden in afternoon. Foam rolling, scorpions, forward and backward skips, B skips, switch hops, shuffles, dribbles and bursts. Drills: in-place lead and trail and arm action, walkovers, jogovers, 1-steppers, speedbuilders, 4-step power hurdles of increasing height, 3-point starts over H1 of increasing height (up to 36 for Hayden, 33 for Maia, 30 for Bianca and Sam). Strength series: 4x 2x tb deadlifts, 4xboxjumps, 4xL+R seated presses, 8x kb swings, 8x push ups. Cool down: 5 min bike. Comments: Great progress in this session for the beginners. Sam, Bianca and Hayden all did well in sprinting into hurdles and getting near appropriate takeoff point. Sam's trail leg gets a little loose and arms cross at times. Bianca is ready for H2, as is Hayden. Maia was solid, but got a little long off the block once or twice, putting her takeoff a bit too close. Everyone ran in trainers. Should be ready for blocks and spikes next time.

3/6 KC. Hayden, Maia, Bianca, Samantha, Rachel (Gray), Rachel, Keaton, Alex, Michaela spent a lot of time on basic HJ. Flexibility: arches, bends, bridges, scorpions. A skips, back skips, high skips, long skips, takeoff skips, L+R shuffles, low walk. Pit flip-ins, bridges, backovers. Circle runs, 3-pt line runs, 1/2-circle jumps, scissor jumps, short-approach jumps, full RTs, about 6 full bungee jumps, 3x5 L+R mini-hurdle hops, hamstring, calf, hip flexor stretches. Nonfieldeventers did strength/plyo series.

3/5 KC. Samantha, Des, Jess, Bianca, Maia, Rachel, Deven and Brian were there for some general hurdling early in session. Jess, Maia and Deven did some 400H training later in session. Brian, Des and Bianca left early. Started with skips, switches, dribbles and bursts, and wickets. Lead leg mechanics and trail leg mechanics followed. 400Hers did 5x3 7-step (17 rhythm) on 27s while Sam and Rachel did speedbuilders over 24s. 400Hers did 20-step in-place run then hurdle (3x4H). Rachel and Sam did some 1/2-space 3s over 30s. Strength series: 3x 5L+5R garhammers, 10x kb swings, 5x kb goblet squat, 5x box jumps, 3x tb deadlift. Cool down: 5 min bike/row/elliptical, roll.