Sunday, February 28, 2016

NACC Indoor: Joe finishes runner up; Jess PRs for 5th

2/28 Kenosha. Joe was a medalist once again in his final NACC Indoor Championships, finishing 2nd in spite of a block slip. In his four conference indoor meets, Joe won one title, was runner up twice and was third once (he tied the school record in that one). Jess also put a nice finish to her season, running a PR en route to her 5th place finish. Spencer was just outside the scoring column with 9th place finishes in 55H and HJ. Spencer also had a hurdle PR, and so did Brad and Chris.

Joe: 7.90/7.88 (2nd)
Jess: 9.53/9.31 (PR 5th #3 all time)
Spencer: 8.44/8.39 (PR 9th #4 all time) 5-8 (9th)
Kasey: 4-7.5 (9th) (8 jumps)
Brad: 8.71 (PR 12th #11 all time) 5-6 (10th)
Chris: 8.97 (PR 17th #16 all time)
Kim: 9.88 (13th)

Other events: Joe 200 (23.16), Brad TJ (38-9.5) SP (36-0.25) PV (11-5.75) , Jess 400r (30.2/34.4 64.6), Kasey 400r (69.8), Kim 200 (29.44), Chris 400r (25.3/28.9 54.2).

Joe's 7.88 - 2nd place

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 17: 2/26, 2/25, 2/24, 2/23, 2/22

2/26 KC. Pre-meet day had Jess and Chris doing starts over 1-3 hurdles. Jess looked sharp, particularly on later reps, turning splits in mid-1.2 to 1.3 range, focusing a little more on H2 and a little less on H1. Chris continued to work on lean and lead-leg cut down, making some gains there and turning splits in 1.3 to 1.4 range.

2/25 KC. Most were off today, but Brad came in to do more hurdling, working block starts over 1-2 hurdles. Had some very good reps. Lead arm was pulling back, high and wide, but otherwise he was in and off hurdles clean most of the time. When taking off far enough away, he was at his best. Still getting too close many times.

2/24 KC. Des, Kim and Jess rehearsed pre-comp warm up then did side-by-side starts over 1-2-3-4-4. Joe, Brad, Chris and Spencer did the same later. Some reps were at race specs. Others in and/or down.

2/23 KC. Brad, Kasey, Alandra and Spencer did pre-comp warm up. Took 1-2 jumps near opening height, 2-3 at mid-height and 2-3 at max height.

2/22 KC. Kim, Jess, Brad, Chris, Joe and Spencer did sprint mechanics drills, 10x3H (-3' -3") working on technical improvements. 3 sets of 8 kb swings, 10 push ups, 8 bw squat jumps.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

UWM: Joe takes 3rd; Brad and Des PR

2/20 Milwaukee. Joe had the top finish with his third-place finish in 60H (8.57). Des didn't get a 3-step but got something better -- a PR 10.45 (#6 all time). Brad also had big PR, dropping about 4 tenths with his 9.48 (#12 all time). Jess ran 10.22 for 6th in 60H.

Joe: 8.57 (3rd)
Jess: 10.22 (6th)
Kasey: 4-8.25 (7th)
Spencer: 9.32 (8th)
Des: 10.45 (PR #6 all time)
Brad: 9.46 (PR #12 all time) 5-2.5
Kim: DNF

Other events: Joe 200 (23.28), Brad TJ (36-4.25) SP (34-9.5), Jess 400 (63.96), Des 400 (66.75), Kasey 400 (68.10), Kim 200 (29.67).

Complete results

Kasey clearing 4-8.25

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 16: 2/17, 2/16, 2/15

2/17 KC. Des, Jess and Kim did pre-meet warm up, then 1x1-2-3-4 (R, R, 30R, 30 -1). An extra rep after that to make some corrections. Band work for lead, trail, hip and knee drive. Stretching. Men did a similar workout but R, R, 39R, 39 -1).

2/16 KC. Kasey and Brad did a pre-meet warm up and then jumps at starting height and some at higher heights within a 9-jump limit. Kasey took most of her jumps at 4-8 and Brad at 5-4.

2/15 Pettit. Sprinters and hurdlers convened at Pettit for 6x150s -- 2x build up 150s, 2x 50 easy -50 fast - 50 easy, 2x fast. Recoveries ranged from 3 to 7 minutes. Walked 150 and jogged 450 for cool down. Stretched.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 15: 2/10, 2/9, 2/8

2/10 KC. Des, Kim and Jess did 4x2 deadlifts, stride mechanics, 30m accel (Des 4.44, Kim 4.65, Jess 4.67), starts over H1 (Jess 2.16, Des 2.17, Kim 2.22), starts over 3. Strength: 3 sets of kb swings, jump squats w/wo kb, clap push ups, lunge jumps. Stretching/rolling. Brad, Spencer, Chris and Joe did a similar workout. Timed 30s (Joe 3.90, Chris 4.01, Spencer 4.09). No H1 times but we did time splits (Joe 1.24, Spencer 1.29, Brad 1.4, Chris 1.45). Same strength work as women. Comments: The women did a much better job of attacking hurdles and getting more force into the track, resulting in good times throughout the workout. Des needs to work on trail leg finish without a reach; Kim could use an earlier lead leg cut down and more forceful trail leg pull through. Jess could run taller -- keeping more stiffness in ankle joint on foot contacts and more upright sprint posture. Joe and Spencer squared up better tonight and got better finish from trail legs. Chris got off the hurdles a little better in this workout but more is needed. Brad had some good hurdles and some bad ones. Still reaching, getting too close and trail leg is inconsistent. Lead leg cut down is getting better

2/9 KC. High jumping for Alandra, Brad and Spencer. Alandra continued to work on speed and lean away from bar through takeoff. Had some nice jumps when she was able to hit the takeoff step with inward lean. Same for Brad. Also moved him back a bit to get a takeoff point further from bar, which helped. Missing early at 5-3, he finished with a clean jump at 5-7. Like Brad, Spencer folded on a few bars but had a good jump at 5-8 and then finished out with a couple of jumps at 5-10 and a couple at 6-0 -- some good attempts, including a near miss. He was consistent on approach and a little more patient on the layout. Hurdlers did a conditioning/recovery circuit.

2/8 KC. Strength and power circuit.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Parkside: Spencer's PR moves him to #4 all time

2/6 Kenosha. Spencer got PRs in HJ and 55H, and Joe ran his fastest time of the year in taking 2nd in 55H. Jess also ran a strong 55H, qualifying for finals with her season-best time. Des was able to 3-step the H2 again. Kasey was 3rd in HJ at 4-7 and narrowly missed 4-9 on her second attempt.

Joe: 8.14/7.84 (2nd)
Spencer: 8.55/8.46 (=#4 all time) 5-10.75 (2nd) (7 jumps)
Jess: 9.42
Des: 10..08
Kasey: 4-7 (7 jumps)
Brad: 9.22 NH

Other events: Joe 400r (23.8/29 52.8), Spencer SP (32-5.25), Brad LJ (18-6.5) SP (33-8) PV(NM), Jess 400 (63.62), Des 200 (29.53), Kasey 200 (30.55).

Complete results

Joe gets season best and Spencer a PR in 55H final.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 14: 2/3, 2/2, 2/1

2/3 KC. Jess, Des and Kim deadlifted, warmed up, did some 1-step hurdles (and oppos). Worked on start mechanics and then some starts over H1, most side-by-side. 3x4 (30 -1.5). Throughout the workout, we emphasized staying up -- on the ball of the foot and off the heels -- with good success. 3x10 kb swings, roll/stretch. Brad, Spencer, Joe and Chris were next. They did the lifting and warm up routine and then 5x3 5-step reps, some practice starts then 3x4 (39 R, 42 -1). Took some handtimes: Chris around 1.4, Spencer mid-1.2, Joe sub-1.2, Brad about 1.3. 3x10 kb swings, stretch/roll.

2/2 KC. Kasey, Alandra, Brad and Spencer jumped. Took 3 at -6, 3 at -4 and at least 3 at season-best height. Everyone had some good jumps and made some important changes that worked well. Hurdlers did a circuit.

2/1 Pettit Center. Sprinters and hurdlers ran 5x200, with first 2 at opening 400 pace and final 3 at closing pace. 8 minutes recovery between first 2, 5 minutes for the remainder. Nearly everyone was able to hit their target numbers, which were based on best 200 time (1.5-2 seconds slower for opening, and 3 seconds slower than the opener for the closer).