Wednesday, May 27, 2015

June exercise

Most of you have been off for nearly a month.

Hope you've taken some time to rest and recover, and have begun doing some other forms of exercise -- swimming, basketball, med ball throws, jump rope, easy running on grass or turf, tennis, soccer, biking, volleyball, walking, stairs, bodyweight exercises and so on. Core work and flexibility are good areas to target this time of year.

You want to retain the most of the gains you made in the past season for strength, speed, skill and stamina. To retain most of what you have, you only need to train in that area once every week or two. To make gains, you need to train in a particular area more often. The closer you get to the beginning of the next season, the more often you should train.

Here is some background on detraining (deterioration of fitness when you stop training). This is if you are doing nothing.

Days 1–2 after last day of training
Adrenaline and beta-endorphin levels drop. Mood is affected negatively, but body stays intact. Aerobic and power capabilities are the same.

Days 3–5
Muscles become tighter and flexibility decreases. Aerobic capability decreases 5% by fifth day off.

Days 6–9
Sleep is more difficult and attention span shortens. Body’s ability to use oxygen (V02 max) drops by 10%. Less oxygenated blood is pumped with each heartbeat.

Days 10–12
Metabolic rate begins to drop, and you add pounds. Max heart rate and cardiac output decreases. Your ability to perform endurance activities declines by 15%. Muscle tone decreases.

Days 13–16
Energy production in muscle cells decreases. This causes sluggishness. Decreased cellular energy production also causes a continual drop in metabolic rate.

Days 17–19
Body becomes less efficient at sweating and cooling itself off. Body gets tired just trying to stay cool. Muscles are get less oxygen and heart pumps less blood with each heart beat.

Days 20–21
V02 max decline goes to 20%, meaning ability to use oxygen decreased by a fifth, making simple aerobic tasks are harder.

Days 22–25
Aerobic conditioning drops to 25%, and anaerobic capability begins to decline. Weight lifting and sprints become increasingly difficult and painful. Muscle mass has decreased by 15% or more.

Days 26–28
Performing aerobic and anaerobic activities that were a regular part of training now become very difficult or impossible.

Days 29–30
Muscle strength is down 30%. Loss of muscle mass means lower resting metabolism. Lifting max weight done when training no longer is possible.

If you continue to detrain until track starts in November, you lose all VO2 gains that were made during the past season, hurdling/jumping skills deteriorate and muscle strength erosion is 40%.

The exact rate at which you return to a sedentary fitness level is determined by your genetics, the shape you were in when you stopped exercising and how long you had been fit prior to detraining. It may not seem fair, but the fitter you are, the faster you lose the benefits of working out.

The bottom line is not to wait for track to start again before you start training. For now, that's in the form of other sports (do a variety of fun activities) and mix in some sprints and strength work once every week or two.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 29 workouts

5/18 KC. Jerome did explosive medball throws.

5/19 KC. Jerome warmed up and took 3 run throughs and then 6 more with pop ups, working on knee drive.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

North Central: Joe finishes season with quick 100, 110

5/15 Naperville. Joe ran 11.24 (12th) and 15.28 (9th) to close out his 2015 season with a couple good performances under some good conditions.

Friday, May 15, 2015

North Central: Jerome goes 6-7.5

5/14 Naperville. In a good tune up for nationals, Jerome cleared 6-7.5 in a 2-hour competition that had about the same number of competitors as nationals and a few national qualifiers. Finishing in a tie for 4th, Jerome's night included a very good jump at 6-9.5 on his final attempt. Competition was moved indoors again because of rain.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 28 workouts

5/11 KC. Joe warmed up with hurdle mobility and 3x5 extended space 5-step hurdles and a couple warm up starts over 1-2. Starts over 1-2-3-4-4-3-3. Split times in 1.17-1.25 range. Foam rolled.

5/12 KC. Jerome warmed up and worked on foot plant angle and turning in air rather than on ground. Did well with that, hitting the takeoff point correctly on all but one jump. This helped avoid the long last step and premature layout, quickening the rotation around the bar. Jumps were taken on a bungee set around 6-6.

5/15 KC. Jerome did a low-impact circuit with jump rope, hurdle mobility, medball wall throws, 5x5 bench and single-leg presses, jump rope and stretching/rolling.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

North Central: Jessica runs quick 400 in rain

5/8 Naperville, IL. Jessica ran a well-executed race en route to a 64.47 400 in a meet marred by a 2-hour storm delay. High jump was conducted indoors.

Jessica 64.47 17.48
Jerome 6-5.5 (5th)
Joe 15.48 (10th) 11.32

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 27 workouts

5/5 KC. Jerome and Alex warmed up and then took some jumps at opening heights and up. Jerome took about 7 jumps ranging from 6-4 to 7-0 (bungee) and Alex in the 4-4 to 5-0 range. Alex worked on approach, arm and knee drive. Jerome smoothed out the acceleration in the turn and worked on delaying his move to get his back to the bar while increasing knee drive.

5/6 KC. Joe and Jess warmed up and did about a half dozen block starts over 2-3 hurdles at regular height, slightly tighter spacing.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

2015 Performance List


Joe Buichl 8.36 (#1 all time)
Spencer Kamke 9.37 (#8 all time)
Matt Hannula 9.41 (#9 all time)
Chris Kataura 9.73
Jessica Bilskie 10.59 (#2 all time)
Desarae Echaverria 11.61 (#7 all time)
Joe Buichl 7.72 (=#1 all time) 
Matt Hannula 8.50 (#6 all time)
Spencer Kamke 8.97
Chris Kataura 9.03
Jessica Bilskie 9.34 (#3 all time)
Desarae Echaverria 9.95 (#7 all time)
Joe Buichl 14.71 (#1 all time)
Levi Gatrost 16.12 (#4 all time)
Matt Hannula 16.58 (=#6 all time) 
Spencer Kamke 16.69 (#7 all time)
Chris Katuara 19.07
Jessica Bilskie 16.76 (#4 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 17.98 (#5 all time)
Kasey Mylin 18.88 
Joe Buichl 56.47
Levi Gatrost 57.51 (#4 all time)
Matt Hannula 59.92 (#8 all time)
Chris Kataura 60.16 (#9 all time)
Spencer Kamke 66.72 
Jessica Bilskie 72.66 (#3 all time)
Kasey Mylin 75.29 (#5 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 76.24 (#6 all time)
Jerome Rhodes 6-9.75 
Nate Verdun 6-4.75
Levi Gatrost 6-2.75 (#5 all time)
Spencer Kamke 5-11.25 
Kasey Mylin 4-11.75 (#3 all time)
Alex Jandrin 4-11 (=#4 all time) 

NACC performance list

High jump / hurdle scoring
111        Jerome Rhodes
  73        Joe Buichl
  31.75    Kasey Mylin
  29         Jessica Bilskie
  22         Alex Jandrin
  18         Nate Verdun
  15         Matt Hannula
    7         Chris Kataura
    6         Spencer Kamke
    4         Desarae Echevarria
    3         Levi Gatrost

NACC: Jerome gets title; Joe gets record; everyone scores

5/3 Wauwatosa. Weather was... hot!? Upper 70s set the stage for some excellent performances. Jerome took another NACC high jump title, setting an outdoor season best and meet record 6-9.5, and then took three shots at a PR 6-11.5. Joe got the only MSOE hurdle record he didn't have by racing to a 14.71 and second place finish. Everyone else hit the scoring column, including some PRs by Matt, Des and Jess.

Jerome 2.07 (1st) 7 jumps
Joe 14.71 (PR SR #1 all time)
Nate 1.92 (T4th) 6 jumps15
Spencer 1.74 5 jumps in deca 16.8?
Levi 1.86 11 jumps in deca 16.3?
Matt 16.58 (PR 7th =#6 all time) 59.92 (PR 4th #8 all time)
Chris 61.39 (5th)
Jessica 16.85 (5th) 70.17 (PR 4th #3 all time)
Kasey 75.58 (6th) 1.46 (T3rd) 6 jumps
Alex 1.41 (5th) 5 jumps
Desarae 17.98 (PR 7th #5 all time) 76.24 (PR 7th #6 all time)

Other events:
Joe 200 (22.27) 4x4 (51.4)
Chris 4x1
Matt 4x1
Jess 4x1 4x4
Kasey 4x1 4x4
Des 4x1 4x4
Spencer Decathlon
Levi Decathlon

Complete results

Jerome's best attempt at 6-11.5

Friday, May 1, 2015

NACC: Qualifying

5/1 Wauwatosa. Joe and Matt qualified in 110H, and Matt and Chris in 400H. Spencer and Levi are in hunt for top decathlon finishes. Joe also qualified in 200.

Joe 15.27  22.65
Matt 16.87  60.22
Chris 61.39
Spencer 12.33  56.74  5-8.5 19-1.25  33-8.75
Levi 12.13  53.40  6-1.25 19-0 31-4

Matt and Joe in prelim