Wednesday, February 25, 2015

HJ approach marks

Jerome: 15 / 27 / 62
Spencer: 12 / 30 / 62
Kasey: 9 / 27 / 53
Holly: 12 / 25 / 50
Madeline: 8 / 25 / 52
Alex: 9 / 20 (step 6) 8" to inside / 49
Levi: 12 / 27 / 56

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 17 workouts

2/23 KC. Levi, Joe, Chris, Matt, Jessica and Desarae warmed up with circles, swings/cycles, skips, hurdle mobility. Technical runs over 4x2H, 4x4H. Some did an extra rep or two at 4H. Women's were down 3" and in 2'. Men's 2H set was -3" -3'. 4H set was 42 -3. Finished with 4x4 hurdle hops and 4x8 long skips. Stretched and rolled.

2/24 KC. Levi, Alex, Spencer and Kasey did individual warm ups, 2x run through, u-turn, duck under, scissors; 2-3x short approach jumps; 4-6x full jumps. Kasey and Alex had some attempts and near misses at higher bars, 5-0 and 4-10, respectively. Levi worked on his approach and speed in the turn and worked in 5-8 to 5-10 range. Spencer had some better jumps tonight around 5-8. Jerome was forced to sit out by trainers.

2/25 KC. Levi, Joe, Chris, Matt, Des and Jess did hurdle training. Warmed up with jump rope series, swings and cycles for mobility, skips, stride and pickup. 4x3H 1/2-space. 2-3 H1 starts. 3x2H tandem starts. 3x3H tandem starts. 1x2H + sprint. Foam rolling and stretching.

2/26 KC. Spencer warmed up and did a couple starts over 1, 2 and 3 hurdles. Worked mostly on squaring up, driving lead leg straight at hurdle (not outside in) and keeping the lead bent and lower as it moves from font to back. Others did horseshoes for recovery work. Levi did a circuit.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

UWM: Jerome gets 2.06 and top 7 DIII ranking

2/20 Milwaukee. Jerome had a miss at 1.91 and then had first jump clearances at 1.96, 2.01 and 2.06 (6-9) and an agonizingly close jump at 2.11 (6-11). He finished 4th in a very tough field. That performs ranks =#7 in DIII. Kasey was jumping well, too, clearing 1.36 and 1.46 (tied for 8th) on first jumps and then some good attempts at 1.51.

In hurdles, Joe finished third with his second-best-ever 60H time (8.49). Matt had a PR 9.41 (#9 all time). Spencer was just thousandths back, also with 9.41. Chris ran 9.93, but was better technically on several hurdles in that race.

In other events: Logan 60 (7.44) 400 (54.08).

Complete results

Rattled this one at 2.06, but it stayed on.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 16 workouts

2/16 KC.
High jumpers and hurdlers did a circuit in track area.
01x hu over/under
40x jr double-leg
10x rb hip thrust
40x mb chest to wall
10x kb swings
05x tuck jumps
01x hu alternating walkover
40x jr alternating-leg
10x rb L+R trail leg
20x mb overhead to wall
10x kb step ups
10x bounding strides
01x hu L sideover
10x jr L+R
10x rb L+R lead leg
10x mb slams
05x kb L+R single-leg deadlift
10x high skips
01x hu R sideover
10x jr up and back running steps
??x rb push ups
40x mb scoop to wall
10x kb goblet squats
10x long skips
Foam rolling and stretching

2/17 KC. Jerome, Alex, Kasey and Spencer did some HJ training. Individual pre-meet warm up. Individualized jumping. Jerome mostly rested his aching shins, but worked on a more consistent rhythm in the approach that got rid of the long last step. Spencer left for LJ about half way through and worked on getting more from his arms. He did a good job getting inverted today. Kasey left for class at 5:15 and had some good jumps at 5-foot bungees. Alex did the most jumping, working on getting a takeoff point closer to the bar to avoid jumping in.

2/18 KC. Des, Jess, Spencer, Joe, Matt and Chris did their own hurdle warm ups and then did 1x1-2-3-4. Finished with 3x3 kb swings, jump squats, plyo push ups. Quality of hurdle reps was very good, which was reflected in split times. Joe ran in mid-1.1s and very clean. Spencer and Chris were consistent at mid-1.3s, and Chris had good separation between lead and trail legs today. Matt ran around 1.3 and made some good improvements in his lead arm action and trail leg finish. Jess ran in 1.4 to 1.5 range. Des was consistent at 1.5.

2/19 KC. Those not running Friday, did sprint recovery workout. Others rested or did a warm up and shakeout. Levi did a full warm up and then tested out on major metrics. 30m accel (4.19), fly sprint (9.62 mps), hurdle start (2.13) and hurdle split (1.17 -- fastest ever run in KC).

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Platteville: Joe claims 60H mark; multiple hurdle PRs

2/14 Platteville. On Valentine's Day, you had to love the performance of Joe who clicked off a PR 8.50 prelim and then etched his name on top of our all-time 60H list with a PR 8.36 final and a win. Spencer also ran a PR with his 9.37 (#8 all time) as did Matt with a 9.54 (#9 all time). On the women's side, Jessica ran 10.74, trying to 8-3 but going 9-4, and Desarae ran a PR 11.61 (#7 all time) -- a 1.5-second improvement.

In high jump, Jerome opened at 6-4.75, which he made on his second attempt, and then had an initial clearance at 6-6.75, which was good for second. His second attempt at 6-8.75 was very close, just folding on it after he cleared his hips. Kasey and Alex also jumped well, clearing 4-9 and 4-7, respectively.

In other events: Joe 200 (22.77) 4x4 (23.7-29). Chris 60 (7.70) 4x2 (25.4) 4x4 (25.9-30.3). Matt 4x2 (24.5) 200 (24.72). Jerome 4x2 (23.8). Kasey 4x2 (29.8). Desarae 4x2 (29.8) 800 (2:50.05). Jessica 4x2 (29.9). Logan 60 (7.44) 200 (23.90) 4x4 (25.7-28.8). Spencer SP (30-6.5) 200 (25.70). Ian 400 (57.56) 800 (2:18.56). Mikhail 400 (57.16) 200 (26.02).

Complete results

Joe's record-breaking run:

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 15 workouts

2/9 KC/Pettit. Joe went to Pettit and ran 5x200 at 27-28 target. Spencer, Kasey, Chris, Jessica, Desarae and Matt hurdled. Warmed up with rotations, swings and cycles, jump rope, 3x10 bounds, 2x5 single leg extensions, 2x10 rail runs. Matt did some trail leg work on the side with Levi. Hurdle drills were 4- and 6-step power hurdles with a mini hurdle in front to catch any lead leg swingers. Women worked from 22 up to 33 with tipped hurdle rail about 5.5 feet away on 6-step. Men worked up to 36 with short hurdle at 6 feet on 6-step. 2x5 up and back with varied number of hurdles and spacing, working on tracking the hurdle to minimize stutters and slow downs. Rolled and stretched.

2/10 KC. Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex worked HJ. 15-minute warm up, then several U-turns, short approach ramp jumps and several fulls near opening height and then several higher bars. Kasey nearly cleared 5-0, Jerome made 6-5.5 and Alex had a near miss at 4-7. Spencer checked out early for some LJ work. Men's hurdlers did a circuit with medball and jump rope.

2/11 KC. Desarae, Jessica, Levi and Mikhail did some high hurdle training. Desarae and Jessica warmed up with hip mobility, Russian boxes, glute-ham raises, deadlifts, long hops and push ups. Jump rope, skips, skaters, stride, pickup and bounding strides followed. Block starts over 1, block starts over 3 and block starts over 4 followed. Jess worked on 3-step (-3" -1'), Des worked on quick 4-step, Levi worked with Mikhail over 36, 39 and 42s for H1 and H2. Mikhail made some nice improvements; Levi looked good throughout; Des ran with consistency and confidence; Jess made a rapid transition to 3-step, but most splits were not as fast with 4s. More upside potential with 3s, though. Foam rolled.

2/12 KC. Joe, Matt and Chris did high hurdle training. Warm up consisted of jump rope, swings and cycles, skips, stride. 4-step into 1-step 27 up to 36. 3x3H 5-step 42. Block start 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 2H. Bands: trail, lead, hip thrust, push up. Foam roll.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Parkside: Kasey continues climb; Jerome gets another win

2/7 Kenosha. Jerome wins a lot of high jump competitions. No exception here as he made 6-6.75. Kasey got another PR, with 4-11.75 on her second attempt, moving her to #3 all time and good for 3rd in the meet. Alex also had a good day, getting a season best 4-7.75, less than an inch off her PR, which placed her 5th. Also in HJ, Spencer finished 4th at 5-7.

In hurdles, Joe was 5th in 8.02/8.07, hitting hurdles 1 and 2 in the final but making a good recovery. Matt was the best of the rest, narrowly missing the final with his 8.79 in 9th. Spencer got a PR 8.97 (11th) and Chris 9.41 (15th). In women's hurdles, Jessica ran 9.68 (10th) and Desarae 13.38 (18th).

Other events: Chris 200 (24.62), 400r (24.9/28.4). Matt 200 (25,09). Ian 200 (25.94) 400r (26.7/30). Mikhail 200 (25.70) PV (NH) LJ (17-9). Jessica 200 (28.95) 400r (29.7/33.9). Desarae 200 (29.81). Kasey 200 (29.88) 400r (31.2/36.8). The 4x4 women's team surpassed its indoor school record for the second week in a row.

Complete results

Kasey's PR 1.52

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 14 workouts

2/2 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer, Kasey, Jessica, Desarae and Mikhail (and later Austen) trained for 400H. Warm up consisted of jump rope, swings/cycles, skips, stride, push ups, Focused tightly on technical issues. For most, getting hip displacement at take off -- leading with head, hand, knee; keeping the lead leg and trail leg moving. Started with some low 4-step power hurdles, working up to 33s. 5x3H relative spacing (7-step). 5x2H relative spacing (9-step). Kettlebell step ups, single leg deads, straddle squats, jump squats, hip thrusts. Band work: trail, lead, hip thrust, push ups. Stretch and roll.

2/3 KC. 100 jump rope, takeoff skips on curve, 10-step pickups, pit arches, backovers, 4-step ramp jumps to work on layout, run throughs, full jumps. Had some good jumps at moderate heights and higher bars. Spencer, Jerome, Alex and Kasey were joined later by Mikhail and Adriana. Mikehail worked about a foot back from Kasey's mark. Adriana worked off Kasey's midpoint for a 6-step approach. Jerome, Alex and Mikhail did some single-leg low box to high box jumps.

2/4 KC. Desarae and Jessica were joined by Mikhail, who worked with Levi on some hurdle mechanics. Warm up consisted of 100 jump rope, swings and cycles, skips and strides, pickup and acceleration. Some block starts were followed by starts over H1 (bests: Des 2.23, Jess PR 2.18). 30m acceleration for Des PR 4.48, Jess PR 4.47. 2x8.5m fly (bests: Des PR 1.11 - 7.66mps , Jess PR 1.04 - 8.17mps). 4x3H (split bests: Des 1.62, Jess 1.40). Kettlebell: swings, split squats, goblet squats, walking lunges. Core work: wipers, knee hugs, plank.

2/5 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris and Spencer trained tonight. Levi did some hurdle reps later. Warm up included 2x4 deadlifts. 3x3H 5-step (39-39-42). 30m acceleration (bests: Joe PR 3.85, Chris PR 3.95, Matt PR 4.02). 4x1 starts (bests: Joe PR 2.02, Matt PR 2.06, Chris 2.22). 4x3H (bests: Joe =PR 1.26, Matt PR 1.33, Spencer PR 1.36, Chris 1.43).Kettlebell series. Foam rolling. Exceptional practice session. Consistency was good and performances on our metrics were great -- lots of PRs. Still some work to do technically, but progress continued.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Northern Michigan: Joe, Jerome notch wins; Kasey gets HJ PR

1/31 Marquette, MI. Jerome won HJ at 6-6 and Joe took the 55H (8.14/7.91) Kasey leaped a PR 4-10.25 (#4 all time) for 3rd in HJ. Alex had some good attempts at 4-6.25 but no heighted. Spencer also no heighted and but had some close ones at the 5-10 opening. In hurdles, Jessica had a PR 9.50/9.63 (#3 all time) for 6th, and Desarae ran a PR 10.70, just .02 off the top 10 list. On the men's side, Matt ran a PR 8.64/8.63 (#8 all time) for 7th. Chris ran 9.06 and Spencer 9.17. Also of note, Kasey (67.8), Jessica (63.8) and Desarae (72.2) teamed with Adriana (70.4) to set an MSOE indoor school record in the 4x4 (4:34.18).

In other events, Alex 200 (35.11) and 4x2 with Kasey. 4x4s: Joe (24/28.7), Chris (25.9/29.4), Matt (25.9/30.5), Spencer (26.9/30), Ian (26.4/31). Ian also ran 400 (58.56) and 200 (25.93). Spencer SP (8.91). Logan 55 (6.70/6.95).

On 4x4s, Kasey, Desarae and Joe were on target for first 200. Nearly everyone else was a little hot -- about a second too fast. Chris was out about a second too slow. Better balance should result in faster times.

Men's results
Women's results

Kasey's 1.48 jump. Good run up and plant. Could get better arm drive and more lift by having arms pulled back on penultimate for a longer, more forceful drive on takeoff. Folded a bit early, causing the brush with the bar after clearance.

Joe's prelim shows a good lead leg but a trail leg that pauses and doesn't get much drive.

Trail leg finished much better here in the final.

Jess can save a little time on each hurdle by having some lead leg bend and earlier cut down.

Matt gets out well and made some good improvements since his last race but could push forward more at takeoff and keep the lead arm and lead leg moving -- now pausing on top of every hurdle.

Good jump here for Jerome at 6-6, but he folds a little early, which also affected attempts at 6-8.

Alex stepped out of the curve here, which left her too far out to make this bar.