Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 2 workouts

11/11  KC. Kasey and Nathalie did some circles and swings, over/unders and 2x4-5 DLs at 170# with 2x4-5 depth jumps and 2x10 elevated push ups. 6x4H 4-step power hurdles into 1-step hurdles. 7x5H at 27 -4. Some reps were oppo. Kasey shifted to right leg as preferred lead. Nathalie left. Finished with 2x8 dumbbell work: speed jerks, lunge walks, bench press and hip thrust. Stretched.

11/12  KC. Alex warmed up but had some pain in her lower leg and left to do the no-impact sprint workout and then get treatment. Kasey and Brad were next. Did some circle jumps and short approach work before full-approach run throughs. Both were getting good plants and rotations on the 4-step work. Kasey did a particularly good job of getting vertical and controlling that last step which sometimes gets too long. Approaches were mostly on the mark. Madeline joined in during run throughs before leaving for vault work. Jana and Annika arrived about 5:15, did most of the warm up work and then did some circle jumps, short approach jumps up on stacked mats, finishing with full approach work. So far, so good for them. Marks: Kasey 8/25/49, Brad 13/27/55, Annika and Jana 8/26/49, Madeline 8/27/52.

11/14  KC/VF. Annika, Jana and Zuzka did some warm up and deadlifts (~100#) and then went outside for another round of hurdle training. Started off with 4-step powers but at  27 this time. We also added a second hurdle with a 1-step. We worked oppo on both drills. Tried some 3-step at about 22' from the 4-step power, which went well and included more oppo work. Everyone made some good corrections, but as to be expected, there are inconsistencies. Zuzka overstrides somewhat, needs to maintain consistent knee drive and become more aggressive. Jana tends to get off her alignment but has good attack. Annika sometimes brings trail knee to low and swings out the lower part of lead leg, but sometimes she's good. Jana had some shin problems again despite the soft surface, so she shut down for a while. Went back inside for dumbbell series with push press, jump squat, step up, split squat and walking plate twist.

11/15  VF. Joe, Logan, Brad and Mollie warmed up with circles, swings and skips to strides. Worked preferred and oppo 4-step powers 4x and then 4x into 1 steps. Next, 6x6H (30"/36'). Brad strained his trail leg hamstring a few reps in. Everyone else finished out with 10 different partner bodyweight exercises and 4 different stretches.

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