Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 1 workouts

11/04  VF. Kasey and Nathalie did a couple sets of over-unders and 170# deadlifts. On soccer field, did leg swings, a couple strides and some slow lows. 6x3H 1-steps, 6x3H 3-steps, 6x3H 5-steps. 2x8 dumbbell step ups, push presses, jump squats, split squats, plate walks.

11/05  KC. Kasey and Alex jogged a couple laps, did a couple pickups and then our flexibility series (arches, codogs, bridges, abs, scorps), 2-arm skips, 3-pt line runs, pit bridges, backovers from high box. Measured full run and mid point off 10x RT. Jana, Zuzka and Annika joined us around 5 and got in on some short approach 6-step jumps to a sit on the pit and then a few more reps with a layout. Marks for Kasey: 8/25/49 Alex: 8/25-3/47

11/06  KC. Group meeting

11/07 KC. 11-7 lucky numbers? Maybe. Jana, Zuzka and Annika started learning how to hurdle today and made rapid progress. Did in-place drills, walking drills, wall drills, hit-hit drills, oppo work, slow lows and 4-step power hurdles at 22." Stretched quad, ham, calf and hip flexor. Long way to go but off to a great start. Jana aggravated some shin pain. Will proceed with caution. If anyone has shin pain, stop what you're doing. Get treatment and do alternative workouts with low or no impact until pain subsides.

11/08  VF. On soccer field with Joe, Logan, Nate and Brad. Warmed up with some circles, swings, skips and strides. Walkovers, sideovers, skipovers. Slowlow loops. 6x4 1-step, 6x4 3-step, 6x5 5-step -- all at 27", half with oppo. Dumbbell work: 2x8 step ups, split squats, jump squats, plate walks and push presses.

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