Thursday, November 7, 2013

Avoiding food temptations

Fast and easy are two things that can get you into trouble with junk foods. When you are trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or just eat healthier, think about what you are choosing to eat when you get hungry during the day. Instead of reaching for bags of processed and sugary foods, choose healthy items:

Cut-up vegetables: Slice them, bag them, eat them. Baby carrots, grape tomatoes, broccoli florets, sugar snap peas, pepper strips, etc.
Sauteed vegetables: Saute them in olive oil with chopped garlic, red pepper flakes, or a dash of turmeric. Refrigerate and use for side dishes or hot snacks (warmed in a microwave).
Soups: Make one or more of your favorite soups and store them in serving-size cups in the refrigerator. Have a cup as a pre-dinner appetizer, to take the edge off, or as a snack.
Steel-cut oats: If you’re worried about time, cook up one week’s worth of oats according to the package directions and store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Emergency foods: Everyone needs good-for-you choices. Have some of this around:  almonds, peanuts or walnuts; bags of pre-chopped fruits and veggies; apples; dried fruit; and edamame.

If you have this stuff handy, you'll be less likely to grab the chips, crackers and other processed foods that aren't very healthy. All part of good preparation. Good for your body and your brain.

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