Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 3 workouts

11/18  Annika and Jana joined Kasey and Nathalie tonight. Good group. Good practice. Started with circles and swings. Moved to a couple over/unders and moved right into 2 sets of 5 deadlifts followed by 5 hops and 10 elevated pushups. Hurdling consisted of walkovers, sideovers, skipovers; 4-step power; 4-step power + 1-step; 4-step power + 3-step (22); 8-step into 5-step (32). Most of the work was at 30. Some were oppo. Annika has some work to do on trail leg (getting loose and too far under); Jana had no major problems, just need to be a bit quicker off the hurdle and keeping a good line; Kasey had good arms with the right lead. The arms get away a bit on the left. Nathalie also had no major issues, running aggressively throughout the workout. Did some block introduction for Jana and Annika. Stretched.

11/19  Kasey, Alex, Mollie, Madeline and Matt worked run-throughs, some 4-step jumps and more than a half dozen full jumps at a moderate height with bungee. Looking pretty good on our approaches -- most important part of any jump.

11/20  Joe, Logan, Nate and Mollie hurdled. 6x4-step power + 1-step; 6x6-step power + 3-step (-4); 6x6-step to 5-step (4H  +6). Mollie worked at  27. Joe and Logan at 33. Nate split time between 27 and 33. Everyone got some oppo reps. Stretched and/or rolled.

11/21  Zuzka did circles, swings and marching walk, jog, skip and run. Walkovers, sideovers, skipovers. 4-step power and 4-step +1 1-step and +1 3-step. One set of oppo. Tried a few 6-step powers into 3-step and then some block work, including a few 6-step starts over a 22. Nearly all the other hurdle work was at 27. Did better tonight with knee drive into, over and between. Trail leg is still too loose too often. Attack is getting better. Stretched. Joe didn't hurdle tonight, having done that last night. He went out to the field for some tempo runs.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 2 workouts

11/11  KC. Kasey and Nathalie did some circles and swings, over/unders and 2x4-5 DLs at 170# with 2x4-5 depth jumps and 2x10 elevated push ups. 6x4H 4-step power hurdles into 1-step hurdles. 7x5H at 27 -4. Some reps were oppo. Kasey shifted to right leg as preferred lead. Nathalie left. Finished with 2x8 dumbbell work: speed jerks, lunge walks, bench press and hip thrust. Stretched.

11/12  KC. Alex warmed up but had some pain in her lower leg and left to do the no-impact sprint workout and then get treatment. Kasey and Brad were next. Did some circle jumps and short approach work before full-approach run throughs. Both were getting good plants and rotations on the 4-step work. Kasey did a particularly good job of getting vertical and controlling that last step which sometimes gets too long. Approaches were mostly on the mark. Madeline joined in during run throughs before leaving for vault work. Jana and Annika arrived about 5:15, did most of the warm up work and then did some circle jumps, short approach jumps up on stacked mats, finishing with full approach work. So far, so good for them. Marks: Kasey 8/25/49, Brad 13/27/55, Annika and Jana 8/26/49, Madeline 8/27/52.

11/14  KC/VF. Annika, Jana and Zuzka did some warm up and deadlifts (~100#) and then went outside for another round of hurdle training. Started off with 4-step powers but at  27 this time. We also added a second hurdle with a 1-step. We worked oppo on both drills. Tried some 3-step at about 22' from the 4-step power, which went well and included more oppo work. Everyone made some good corrections, but as to be expected, there are inconsistencies. Zuzka overstrides somewhat, needs to maintain consistent knee drive and become more aggressive. Jana tends to get off her alignment but has good attack. Annika sometimes brings trail knee to low and swings out the lower part of lead leg, but sometimes she's good. Jana had some shin problems again despite the soft surface, so she shut down for a while. Went back inside for dumbbell series with push press, jump squat, step up, split squat and walking plate twist.

11/15  VF. Joe, Logan, Brad and Mollie warmed up with circles, swings and skips to strides. Worked preferred and oppo 4-step powers 4x and then 4x into 1 steps. Next, 6x6H (30"/36'). Brad strained his trail leg hamstring a few reps in. Everyone else finished out with 10 different partner bodyweight exercises and 4 different stretches.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Avoiding food temptations

Fast and easy are two things that can get you into trouble with junk foods. When you are trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or just eat healthier, think about what you are choosing to eat when you get hungry during the day. Instead of reaching for bags of processed and sugary foods, choose healthy items:

Cut-up vegetables: Slice them, bag them, eat them. Baby carrots, grape tomatoes, broccoli florets, sugar snap peas, pepper strips, etc.
Sauteed vegetables: Saute them in olive oil with chopped garlic, red pepper flakes, or a dash of turmeric. Refrigerate and use for side dishes or hot snacks (warmed in a microwave).
Soups: Make one or more of your favorite soups and store them in serving-size cups in the refrigerator. Have a cup as a pre-dinner appetizer, to take the edge off, or as a snack.
Steel-cut oats: If you’re worried about time, cook up one week’s worth of oats according to the package directions and store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Emergency foods: Everyone needs good-for-you choices. Have some of this around:  almonds, peanuts or walnuts; bags of pre-chopped fruits and veggies; apples; dried fruit; and edamame.

If you have this stuff handy, you'll be less likely to grab the chips, crackers and other processed foods that aren't very healthy. All part of good preparation. Good for your body and your brain.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 1 workouts

11/04  VF. Kasey and Nathalie did a couple sets of over-unders and 170# deadlifts. On soccer field, did leg swings, a couple strides and some slow lows. 6x3H 1-steps, 6x3H 3-steps, 6x3H 5-steps. 2x8 dumbbell step ups, push presses, jump squats, split squats, plate walks.

11/05  KC. Kasey and Alex jogged a couple laps, did a couple pickups and then our flexibility series (arches, codogs, bridges, abs, scorps), 2-arm skips, 3-pt line runs, pit bridges, backovers from high box. Measured full run and mid point off 10x RT. Jana, Zuzka and Annika joined us around 5 and got in on some short approach 6-step jumps to a sit on the pit and then a few more reps with a layout. Marks for Kasey: 8/25/49 Alex: 8/25-3/47

11/06  KC. Group meeting

11/07 KC. 11-7 lucky numbers? Maybe. Jana, Zuzka and Annika started learning how to hurdle today and made rapid progress. Did in-place drills, walking drills, wall drills, hit-hit drills, oppo work, slow lows and 4-step power hurdles at 22." Stretched quad, ham, calf and hip flexor. Long way to go but off to a great start. Jana aggravated some shin pain. Will proceed with caution. If anyone has shin pain, stop what you're doing. Get treatment and do alternative workouts with low or no impact until pain subsides.

11/08  VF. On soccer field with Joe, Logan, Nate and Brad. Warmed up with some circles, swings, skips and strides. Walkovers, sideovers, skipovers. Slowlow loops. 6x4 1-step, 6x4 3-step, 6x5 5-step -- all at 27", half with oppo. Dumbbell work: 2x8 step ups, split squats, jump squats, plate walks and push presses.