Saturday, May 18, 2013

Naperville: Brian improves 400H PR

5/18  At Naperville. Good weather, rain shower, shifting winds hampered things. Joe and Brian M ran 15.61 and 16.23 into a -1.6 headwind as winds shifted prior to their race. Had the race run in the other direction as 100 did later, they would have been around their PR times. In 400H, Joe got out well but had some minor issues in the turn and ran 57.25. Brian J ran a PR 59.45 (#5 all time) and Logan 62.02. In HJ, rain delayed the start about an hour. Nate and Brian M both made 6-2.75, tying for 9th. Jerome cleared 6-4.75, tying for 5th. Everyone had at least one good jump at the next height.

Complete results

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