Saturday, May 18, 2013

Naperville: Brian improves 400H PR

5/18  At Naperville. Good weather, rain shower, shifting winds hampered things. Joe and Brian M ran 15.61 and 16.23 into a -1.6 headwind as winds shifted prior to their race. Had the race run in the other direction as 100 did later, they would have been around their PR times. In 400H, Joe got out well but had some minor issues in the turn and ran 57.25. Brian J ran a PR 59.45 (#5 all time) and Logan 62.02. In HJ, rain delayed the start about an hour. Nate and Brian M both made 6-2.75, tying for 9th. Jerome cleared 6-4.75, tying for 5th. Everyone had at least one good jump at the next height.

Complete results

Monday, May 13, 2013

Workouts: 5/13, 5/14

5/13  At Marquette. Temps only in mid-40s and breezy. Logan, Brian J, Joe and Brian M worked hurdles. Everyone worked some 4-step power hurdles into 2 1-step hurdles. 400Hers did half with oppo. 110Hers did 3x speedbuilders (18-20 at 36, 22-24 at 39, 26-28 at 42). 3x 4H (Joe 2x) at 39-42-39 -1. Brian worked on a higher entry attack and trail leg pull through height. Joe on squaring up and getting lead down earlier. While Joe and Brian worked highs, Logan and Brian J worked 6x3 3-steps (8yd), starting at 30 and going to 33 and 36 -- 1x at each height on each leg. Next 6x up/back progressives (33). Joe then joined Brian J and Logan for 133s at race pace (run first third, second third and third third with 60 sec recovery between). Stretch.

5/14  At Marquette. Cool but nice day for Brian, Nate and Jerome at high jump. Pre-meet warm up, including RTs and practice jumps at 5-10. Took 3 jumps at 1.85 (6-0.75) with bar, 3 at 1.90 with bungee and then 4 at 1.95 with bungee. Worked on plant angle and pushing speed in turn to enhance lean away. Brian J did tempo work on turf, did some easy running and then some hurdle drills to prep for 400H on Friday.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

North Central: Brians break out barrier bests on blustery day

5/10  At Naperville. Brian Main and Brian Janus moved way up on the all-time MSOE hurdle lists despite the mid-40 temps. Main became #3 all time with his 15.83 in the 110H, and Janus became #5 all time in the 400H with a 60.23 (splits, starting with H1-2: 4.8, 4.9, 4.9, 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6, 5.6) in his first-ever race in the event. Nate and Jerome continued their consistent level of high-quality jumps, each clearing 6-4.75, Jerome finishing tied for 5th. Brian jumped 6-0.75.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Workouts: 5/7, 5/8

5/7  At Marquette.  Joe did a tempo workout on his own. Nate, Brian and Jerome jumped in some perfect weather. Jogged a lap, did flexibility exercises, some pit bridges, backovers, 3 4-step jumps (scissors + 2 layouts) at 5-5. 6x run throughs. 2x 5-8, 2x 5-11, 2x 6-2 and 3-4x 6-5 -- all with bungee bar.

5/8  At Marquette. Joe, Brad, Logan and Brian worked hurdles. Started with 4x 1+1+1 power hurdles. 3x3H 5-step (Joe and Brian at 39s and 42s, Brad and Logan at 36). 4x2H starts (42s and 39s). 2x6H (last 3 -1, 1st set 42, 2nd set 39) (Brad and Logan ran sets of 4H) (Joe just one rep). 400H workout was H1-5 (Joe ran about 25.5 and Logan 26.5), H6-7-8 and H9-10-F. Rested about a minute after first set, less than a minute for last set. Stretched. Weather was great again. Very little wind, comfortable temp and dew point.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

2013 Performance list

Joe Buichl 15.51 (#2 all time)
Brian Main 15.83 (#3 all time)
Jonathon Anthony 16.70 (#8 all time)
Andrew Bianan 18.87
Nathalie Oehlers 18.35 (#6 all time)
Kasey Mylin 19.41 (#8 all time)
Briel Larson 20.86 (#10 all time)
Joe Buichl 56.30 (#1 all time)
Brian Janus 59.45 (#5 all time)
Andrew Bianan 60.85 (#10 all time)
Logan Bertling 61.17
Mike Cosentino 61.87
Nate Gray 74.40
Kasey Mylin 77.02 (#3 all time)
Nathalie Oehlers 78.03 (#5 all time)
Joe Buichl 8.77 (#2 all time)
Jonathon Anthony 9.10 (#4 all time)
Andrew Bianan 9.15 (#6 all time) 
Kasey Mylin 11.12 (#3 all time)
Briel Larson 12.25 (#5 all time)
Joe Buichl 8.13 (#2 all time)
Andrew Bianan 8.52 (#6 all time)
Jonathon Anthony 8.55 (#7 all time) 
Mike Cosentino 8.86
Kasey Mylin 10.36 (#7 all time)
Briel Larson 11.26 (#8 all time)
Jerome Rhodes 6-6.75 (=#1 all time)
Brian Main 6-6.75 (=#1 all time)
Nate Verdun 6-4.75 (=#3 all time)
Mike Cosentino 6-4 
Carson Henneberry 6-0.75 (#6 all time)
Alex Jandrin 4-6.75 (#6 all time)
Kasey Mylin 4-4.75 (#10 all time)
Leah Hendricks 4-1.5

NAC performance list

High jump / hurdle scoring
96    Joe Buichl
54    Jerome Rhodes
39.5 Mike Cosentino
22    Brian Main
21.5 Nate Verdun
12.5 Carson Henneberry
12    Jonathon Anthony
  8    Kasey Mylin
  6    Andrew Bianan
  4    Logan Bertling
  2.2 Alex Jandrin

Friday, May 3, 2013

NAC: Joe takes down 400H record

5/3  At Wisconsin Lutheran.  Cold, wind and rain -- what else is new? Sporadic light rain, persistent winds and temperatures in the low 40s made it tough on everyone. Unless your name is Joe. He ran his preliminary 400H in 56.30, knocking a few tenths off his previous record and placing himself into the finals with the fastest qualifying time. Mike also made the final, despite his sore hamstring and conservative approach to the race (70.19). Nate had a strong finish and posted 76.25. Logan had a heel first landing and skidded down and out of his lane off hurdle 2. Brad competed in is first decathlon. Day 1 consisted of: 100 (13.50), LJ (16-11.25), SP (32-4.75), HJ (4-11), 400 (60.14). He's in 6th going into Day 2.

5/4  At Wisconsin Lutheran. Warmer weather and sunny skies made for some good performances. Brad moved all the way into 2nd in the decathlon: 110H (18.95), DT (110-3), PV (10-4), JT (130-11), 1500 (5:11+). Joe won a full set of medals -- gold, silver and bronze for 4x4, 4x1 and 110H (PR 15.51 #2 all time). He also added a 4th in 400H (56.74). Brian got 3rd in HJ (6-4) and 7th in 110H (16.30 #3 all time). Nate and Jerome also cleared 6-4, tying for 4th. Mike made 6-0, tying for 7th, and Carson cleared 5-6. In the women's meet, Alex was T6th in HJ (4-5.5), and Kasey jumped 4-3.5. In the hurdles, Nathalie was 5th (18.85). Kasey took 4th in 400H (PR 77.02 #3 all time) and Nathalie 7th (78.03 #5 all time). Athlete of meet for our group: Joe for being our leading point-getter in this meet and breaking the 400H record.

Complete results

Joe and Brian in the 110H final.