Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Workouts: 3/18, 3/19, 3/20, 3/21. 3/22

3/18  At Kern Center. Briel, Kasey, Nathalie and Brad trained together. 6x5 4- and 5-step power hurdles, half on oppo. 3x2 block starts at regular height and space. 3x4 at 30 and regular space. Brad did some additional technical work while the women did 2 sets of explosive lifts in weight room (push press, pedals, squat jumps, speed jerks and step ups).

3/19  At Kern Center. Nate, Jerome, Carson, Alex and Kasey trained. Flexibility series then double arm skips, pit bridges, backovers off box. 6x 4-step, 6-step and 8-step approaches off box with bungee bar. Nate, Jerome and Carson all cleared 7-0 off the 8-step with about an 8" ramp. Finished with plyometrics: tuck jumps, split jumps, squat jumps, single leg hops, rebound jumps, rim jumps off curve.

3/20  At Kern Center. Joe, Jon and Brad trained high hurdles. Warm up was followed with deadlifts, Russian box jumps and push up jacks. 3x4-step power (33), 3x5-step power (36), 3x5-step power (39). 3x2 and 3x4 block starts. Auto time bests for H1: Joe 2.13, Jon PR 2.17 and Brad 2.17 (39). On split times, Joe had a PR 1.29, Jon =PR 1.30. Finished with 2 sets of  6 explosive lifts: push press, pedal, squat jump, speed jerk, step up.

3/21  At Kern Center. Alex, Nate, Jerome and Carson trained together, starting with flexibility series, double-arm skips, curve running, pit bridges, backovers. 6 run throughs. 3 jumps around 4-2 for Alex, 5-8 for Carson, 5-11 for Nate and Jerome. Went up on second round of 3. Alex at 4-4, Carson 5-10 and Nate and Jerome at 6-2. Took a couple more with Alex at 4-7, Carson at 5-11 and Nate and Jerome at 6-3. Carson and Alex had some aches and pains, so they ended their workout. Jerome and Nate did over/unders, hurdle hops, single-leg box jumps, freeze drops, depth jumps.

3/22  At Kern Center. Mike, Joe, Logan, Nate and Nathalie did 400H training. Started off with 4x5H 1-step. 2x1H block starts. 6x3H relative spacing (Mike and Joe on 15, Logan 17, Nathalie and Nate 19).  4x3H (regular height, random spacing).

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