Monday, March 25, 2013

Workouts: 3/25, 3/26, 3/27, 3/28

3/25  At Kern Center. Briel, Kasey and Brad worked sprint hurdles. 6x5-step power hurdles (1/2 with oppo). Couple of warm up starts then 3x1H and 3x4H. Briel ran hand time splits in mid-1.6s to 1.7s. Kasey ran in mid-1.4s to upper 1.5s at race height and spacing. Briel shut down to rest her shins. Kasey continued with 3x4 up/back (30 -1/-2). Brad then resumed with 2H reps -- some at 39, most at 36, working on hitting takeoff point and getting lead leg down earlier. Had good success later in session and posted some reps in mid-1.2s (-1).

3/26  At Kern Center. Alex, Kasey, Carson, Mike, Nate and Jerome did flexibility work, pit bridges, backovers and run throughs. 10 full approach jumps, starting low and going up 2 inches on makes and down 1 inch on misses. Alex cleared 5 bars with a best of 4-4. Kasey cleared 3 bars with a best of 4-3, stopping after 6 jumps because of sore shins. Carson cleared 5 bars, best of 5-8 a couple times. Mike cleared 1 bar, with a best of 5-6 on 6 jumps (arrived late, had sore toe). Jerome cleared 5 bars, best of 5-11. Nate cleared 5 bars, best of 6-2.

3/27  At Kern Center. Joe, Jon, Brad and Nathalie worked sprint hurdles. After warm up, 2x5 deadlift, 5x tuck jump and 10x 3-count top 3-count bottom push ups. A few power hurdles, then 6x1H (reg height) and 3x4H (men 39 -1, Nathalie 30 reg). Joe and Nathalie also snuck in some PR fly sprints (Joe 9.52 mps and Nathalie 7.52)

3/28  At Cudahy. First day outside. Only 40 degrees but sunny with light breeze. Kasey, Nathalie, Joe, Logan and Nate. Brief warm up, some short-approach hurdles and then 2x5 (30), working on race pace. Everyone was reasonably close or on target. Finished with 5x3 turn hurdles off 35m run-in. Everyone hung around race pace or better. Good workout. Good to get outside for a change.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Workouts: 3/18, 3/19, 3/20, 3/21. 3/22

3/18  At Kern Center. Briel, Kasey, Nathalie and Brad trained together. 6x5 4- and 5-step power hurdles, half on oppo. 3x2 block starts at regular height and space. 3x4 at 30 and regular space. Brad did some additional technical work while the women did 2 sets of explosive lifts in weight room (push press, pedals, squat jumps, speed jerks and step ups).

3/19  At Kern Center. Nate, Jerome, Carson, Alex and Kasey trained. Flexibility series then double arm skips, pit bridges, backovers off box. 6x 4-step, 6-step and 8-step approaches off box with bungee bar. Nate, Jerome and Carson all cleared 7-0 off the 8-step with about an 8" ramp. Finished with plyometrics: tuck jumps, split jumps, squat jumps, single leg hops, rebound jumps, rim jumps off curve.

3/20  At Kern Center. Joe, Jon and Brad trained high hurdles. Warm up was followed with deadlifts, Russian box jumps and push up jacks. 3x4-step power (33), 3x5-step power (36), 3x5-step power (39). 3x2 and 3x4 block starts. Auto time bests for H1: Joe 2.13, Jon PR 2.17 and Brad 2.17 (39). On split times, Joe had a PR 1.29, Jon =PR 1.30. Finished with 2 sets of  6 explosive lifts: push press, pedal, squat jump, speed jerk, step up.

3/21  At Kern Center. Alex, Nate, Jerome and Carson trained together, starting with flexibility series, double-arm skips, curve running, pit bridges, backovers. 6 run throughs. 3 jumps around 4-2 for Alex, 5-8 for Carson, 5-11 for Nate and Jerome. Went up on second round of 3. Alex at 4-4, Carson 5-10 and Nate and Jerome at 6-2. Took a couple more with Alex at 4-7, Carson at 5-11 and Nate and Jerome at 6-3. Carson and Alex had some aches and pains, so they ended their workout. Jerome and Nate did over/unders, hurdle hops, single-leg box jumps, freeze drops, depth jumps.

3/22  At Kern Center. Mike, Joe, Logan, Nate and Nathalie did 400H training. Started off with 4x5H 1-step. 2x1H block starts. 6x3H relative spacing (Mike and Joe on 15, Logan 17, Nathalie and Nate 19).  4x3H (regular height, random spacing).

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Memphis: 2 school records highlight great weekend

3/16  At Rhodes College. Everyone enjoyed the 76-degree temperatures, though the winds were brisk at times. Mike, Nate and Jerome all entered the HJ competition at 5-8 and didn't have a miss among them until 6-2 when Mike had one. All went on to clear 6-4 and the opportunity to set a school record at 6-6. Jerome made it on his first attempt. Mike and Nate both had some very close attempts. Jerome had a couple close attempts at 6-8. Jerome finished 2nd, Mike 8th and Nate 9th. Record breaking continued later in the afternoon as Joe shave nearly a second off the 400H, running virtually alone out in lane 7. His 56.56 was good for 7th place (splits: 6.7 4.2 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.4 5.6 6.0). Joe also had an excellent 110H race in a crosswind, running 15.82 (#2 all time). Andrew posted 18.87 in the 110H and 60.85 in the 400H (#8 all time). Logan was close behind with 61.50, then Mike 62.37 (7.1 4.5 5.4 5.2 5.0 5.3 5.6 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.4), and Nate ran 79.82. In women's competition, Alex got a PR 4-6.25 in HJ (#6 all time). In 110H, Nathalie ran 18.57 (#6 all time), Kasey 19.41 (#8 all time) and Briel 20.86 (#10 all time). In 400H, Kasey ran 1:23.86 (#5 all time) with splits of 8.4 5.9 5.9 6.4 6.7 7.3 8.3 8.5 8.3 10.0. Food at Corky's in Memphis was great, and everyone did well there. Athlete of meet: Jerome -- who put 8 inches on his previous PR and broke the conference record.

Top three high jumpers in MSOE history: Mike 6-4.75, Nate 6-4.75, Jerome 6-6.

400H crew: Logan, Andrew, Mike, Joe, Nate and Kasey.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Joe: Entry angles

This shot shows a nice vertical shin angle as the takeoff foot hits the ground.Hips are back a bit, leaving a bit of separation at the knees, but the shin angle is the key.
 Good displacement here. Hips well ahead of takeoff foot with a strong entry angle -- about 58%.
Here's Joe with an entry angle around 66%
Good when you can get the force vectors more toward the hurdle -- something closer to the 58% seen above.
Here is Joe's angle as the takeoff foot touches down. It's about 69% compared with 90% with the elite hurdler in the top image. Reducing this blocking will help improve entry speed and enhance the hip displacement that allows a more aggressive entry angle.

Workouts: 3/11, 3/12, 3/13

3/11  At Kern Center. Brad, Nate, Kasey and Nathalie warmed up and then did 4x3H extended 5-step (2x oppo). 5x2H (33/39bl) -- Kasey worked on alignment and getting the lead leg down; Nathalie worked on maintaining her forward lean off the hurdle and getting a consistent attack into and off of H1. Kasey and Nathalie started off running splits in mid-1.4s and ran a couple as fast as mid-1.3s. Nate  struggled to get a consistent 8-4 rhythm and to cycle rather than lift the lead leg as well as to get the trail leg out to the side. Similarly, Brad was flipping the lead foot out and around, and he was pulling the trail leg under rather than out and around. Brad did start making progress on getting the lead leg down and keeping knee drive going rather than reaching between hurdles. The group ended with 3x4 up/back (30 -- regular out and -1 going back). Lifted: 6x push presses, 6x pedal, 6x squat jumps, 6x step up, 6x speed jerks, 6x single squat jumps.

3/12  At Kern Center. Kasey, Alex, Nate, Jerome, Carson warmed up with flexibility series, pit bridges, backovers, 4-step jumps, 5 run throughs and then 10 jumps with women starting at 4-2 and men at 5-4 and then going up 2 on makes and down 1 on misses. Kasey had makes at 4-1 4-2 and 4-4. Alex had makes at 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3. Carson had makes at 5-4 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-10. Mike at 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-7. Nate at 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-10 5-11 6-1 6-2. Jerome at 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-10 6-0 6-2 6-2 6-4. Jerome had 4 PRs, including the highest jump ever in the Kern Center.

3/13  At Kern Center. Joe warmed up and then lifted 3x260 and 4x260 with box jumps and elevated push ups. 3x4 5-step (39/42). 12x2H. Shot some video as we worked on many technical issues -- entry position, angle and extension into hurdle, lower arm carry with arms closer to body, lead leg extension and cut down, trail leg pull through and keeping hips and shoulders square. Made progress on several fronts. Some reps were very good -- and most were better than shown during indoor season.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Workouts: 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7

3/4  At Kern Center. Kasey, Briel, Nathalie and Brad did a new warm up series and then 6x 4-step power hurdles (1/2 with oppo for women), 5x1H block starts (30/36), 3x4H up/back on 1 min recovery (30 -2). Foam rolling. Briel stopped after 2x up/back because of sore shins.

3/5  At Kern Center. Kasey, Alex, Leah, Carson and Nate did a flexibility series, some double arm skips, circle runs, pit bridges, box backovers, 4-step scissors, 4-step box jumps, 6-step jumps. Worked mostly on plant with a shorter last step. Finished with 5x jump circuit -- single leg box jumps, medball slam/up, line run rim jump, bounding and clap (or 5) pushups.

3/6  At Kern Center. Jon, Joe and Andrew did a flexibility series, skips and strides, deadlifts (310/220jb) with box jumps and elevated push ups. 5x1 36 4-step power hurdles. 5-6x 1H block starts, most at 39, but a couple reps at 42. Joe continued his improvement, getting a PR 2.09 start. Andrew also got a PR at 2.10 and Jon had a 2.19, just .01 off his best. 3x4 up/back (39 -2 in trainers) with 1-min recovery. Joe ended with 4x5 squat jumps.

3/7  At Kern Center. Brad, Jerome, Nate, Carson, Kasey, Alex and Leah did flexibility series, double-arm skips, 3-point line runs, backovers, run throughs, run throughs with scissors. Women jumps were 3x 4-2 3x 4-4 2x 4-6. Brad took 8 jumps around 5-4 to 5-6. Carson and Jerome jumped 3x 5-6, 3x 5-8, 2x 5-11. Nate 3x 5-8, 3x 5-11, 2x 6-2. Checkmarks: Jerome 28-6 56-6; Alex 23 46, Kasey 25-6 49; Brad 25 54; Nate 32 60-6.