Monday, December 3, 2012

Workouts: 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/6

12/3  At KC. Kasey and Briel warmed up and lifted (Kasey 3x220, 1x220; Briel 5x170, 4x170), did Russian box jumps and 3-count push ups. Did a couple of flys (K 1.15, B 1.21). Next, 3 contrast starts over H1 and 21m flat. Went on to block starts -- 5xH1 and then down to H2 in a couple of feet, with Briel working on 4-step and Kasey 3. Finished with 4 box exercises and stretching/rolling.

12/4  At KC. After Mike and Carson warmed up, Carson took about 10 jumps in the 5-6 to 5-9 range. Moved the start point back to get peak of jump over the bar. Early attempts were getting dragged off behind knees. Later attempts showed good adjustment. Mike split time with vault. Early attempts were into bar, but he made an immediate correction, improved the vertical and had some easy clearances in the 5-7 to 5-10 range. Alex and Kasey were next. Alex was working on getting more consistency in the run up, staying on ball of foot, leaning into curve and finding some arch. Rotation in getting back to bar was good, along with a perpendicular clearance. Most jumps were taken in 3-6 to 4-0 area. Kasey gained some better consistency in hitting the mid mark and that helped with the jumps. Plant is still too parallel, but she held the lean into the curve better later in the session and had some nice clearances. Need to work on the plant and getting a tighter curl, but the run up is looking good. Took most jumps in 4-4 to 4-8 range. Videos below weren't the best efforts of the night -- everyone had some better jumps than shown here. Still a chance to see some things.

Biggest issues here are a takeoff step that's too long and leaning into the bar before leaving the ground. Mike made some good adjustments on subsequent jumps.

Carson does a lot well here. Nice plant angle, arm position, keeping head back on arch. Maybe leaning toward bar a bit early, but there's not much not to like there.

Kasey runs a good turn but then takes that last step so she ends up nearly perpendicular to bar and that contributes to the lean toward bar right off ground. Probably would help to keep the arms running a little longer and then pull them back on the penultimate step. Arch back looks good. Biggest thing to do first is to keep the hips at 45 degrees rather than 90 degrees -- which can be set up by getting the plant angle improved.

Good job here by Alex in getting that plant foot at the correct angle. Leaning in before leaving ground, though. Left leg drives up well but never gets rotated to front, so that leg goes over nearly sideways. The arms are going straight up -- no block -- and the upper body never arches back so the hips cannot rise.

12/5  At KC. Mike, Andrew, Joe and Jonathon had a very good practice. Strength: 2x4-5x280 (Joe 190), Russian box jumps, 5-count push ups. Drills: 5x 2H slowlows (27), 4H 1-step (30), 3H 5-step (42). High-speed hurdles: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 (-1 42). Hand-time splits were quite consistent and fast for this early in the season. Mostly in mid-1.2s to 1.3. Foam rolling.

12/6  At KC. Logan, Joe and Andrew did 400H training. Warm up, some slowlows, including oppos, and then some reps on both legs over 3H 5-stepping on 33s. Main event was 10x 3H at 7-step relative spacing on 30s -1 covering the west straight. Logan worked on 17 equivalent while Joe and Andrew trained at 15. Walked remainder of lap for recovery. Did all on preferred lead leg. Everyone did well. Foam rolling.

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