Monday, December 10, 2012

Workouts: 12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/15

12/10  At Kern Center. Kasey and Briel warmed and then lifted (K 3x220, 1x220, 4x190; B 5x190, 1x220, 4x170), 3x5 tuck jumps, 3x10 push ups. Drills: slowlows, 1-step, 5-step. Block starts: side by side then 1H timed alternating with 2H 3- or 4-step (-1). Best times: Kasey 2.36, Briel 2.40. Briel had a hand-time in mid-1.60s for split. Kasey struggled on 3-step. Eight-step work to H1 consistency was better this week. Ended with 3x3H (30) up/back 5-step, box bridges and thrusts. Foam rolling.

12/11  At Kern Center. Did full run throughs and then regular jumps in 5-10 to 6-0 range. Finished with full approach box jumps with bungee in 6-4 to 6-10 range. 5 plyometric exercises followed: single-leg hops, low fast skips, stairs, single leg box jumps, pogos. Kasey and Alex did a similar workout (not plyos). Kasey jumped in 4-6 to 4-8 range. Alex around 4-0. Ramp jumps were in 5-0 to 5-6 range for Kasey and 4-6 to 5-0 range for Alex. Some very good jumping by all and nice adjustments. Kasey marks moved back to 48/24-6.

12/12  At Kern Center. Probably should have done something 12x on 12/12/12 -- but we didn't. We stuck with regular warm up and upped the weights to 2x4x310 for Andrew, Jonathon and Mike. Joe went up to 220. Included 8x tuck jumps and 10x push ups after each lift set. A couple of warm up accels and then a couple fly sprints. Everyone equaled or exceeded their previous bests. JA PR 9.23 mps, JB = 9.42, AB = 9.62, MC PR 9.14. Next, some 5x4 1-step hurdles and 3x3 5-step 39s. Then 1H falling, 2H 3pt and 4x3H block -- all at 42 -1. Ended with 3x3H up/back at -4 in trainers at 39. Mike had to stop after a couple 3H full speed reps with pain behind his knee. Jon had to stop a rep later because of pain in his foot -- the one that had an operation last year. Foam rolling.

Lots to like here, especially the consistent ball of foot positioning, including takeoff. Right arm swings back too straight and the alignment along the right side could be a bit better, but this is a good rep, and Jon has been consistent and clean on most of his reps.

Andrew does many things well. Lead arm swings across a bit too much, but it doesn't negatively impact his alignment. Knee drive is good into and over the hurdle. The big issue is the steps just before the hurdle where he's over striding -- as evidenced by the heel striking. We picked up on this during practice, and he had some better reps where he stayed on the ball of foot better. Will need to get stronger pushes in the middle steps to eliminate the need to stretch to get to the takeoff point for H1 and then go for a little more drive -- and maybe a little less quickness -- in the 3-step between hurdles. Everything else looks good.

Couple of things with Joe here. Didn't have a takeoff mark on floor, but Joe is reaching a bit and back on his heel at takeoff. Might be too close to hurdle. Had he been further back, the trajectory might have been better. Needs to keep the trail leg toe pointed upward. Slight drop caught the hurdle.

Almost didn't post this because it wasn't a good rep, and Andrew had better ones, but it again highlights the need to get more power and drive to get to the 7th and 8th steps without reaching and getting back on the heel. Problems on H1 carried over into H2. Also can see that lead arm hand in close toward chest and way over near the opposite shoulder.

There's a lot going on here. The lead leg isn't tracking very well, which is causing other problems. By tracking, we want the lead leg to come from straight back with lower leg aligned with upper leg and targeting the hurdle mark. Joe's leg is swinging a bit from the outside to the inside, which probably is causing the arms to go out to counterbalance, which, in turn, causes him to twist and make it impossible to stay square to the hurdle. Good news is that it isn't off too much. Once the lead leg starts tracking better, he can have an easier time in getting the arms in and staying squared up.

12/13 At Kern Center. Kasey helped teach Nate how to hurdle -- and did a good job. Nate picked it up fairly quickly -- at least the basics. Did slowlows on both legs and then some close-space 3-steps, again working both legs. Next, reps at relative spacing for 19-step pattern. Kasey literally got off on the wrong foot -- so the first hurdle was messed up for a while. After I figured out that was happening, things went smoothly for her. Nate was rough, of course, but was able to attack well and maintain rhythm. All the work was at 27. Shins were sore, so we stayed in trainers and kept the rep number down.

12/15  At Kern Center. Jonathon came in, warmed up, did some 1-step reps over 4 and then tacked on 3H 5-steppers in combination. Did a warm up 1H from falling start (39) and 2H from 3pt. Finished with 1-2-3-4 (-1 42). Very crisp and quick throughout. Foam rolling.

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