Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekly highlights: 5/7, 5/9

5/7  Emily and Jim started prep for Friday's meet at North Central College. After warm up drills, Emily did 2x 6H (30 -3) and 8H (30 -1), resting one minute per hurdle run. Jim did 2H-3H-4H-3H-2H, working first on seeing if 15 steps were possible and then finishing out with a nice series of 16-step reps, with splits in 4.4-4.6 range -- most about 4.5. Stretched.

5/9  Emily practiced in the Kern Center, doing a few slowlows and then working a ladder: 1H (33) 2H (33 -3) 3H (33 -2) 4H (33 -1) 4H (30 -1) 3H (30 -1) 2H (30 -1) 1H (27). Splits were all in the target area of 1.2 or a little better. Starts looked good (see below). Worked as usual on keeping the lead foot pointing up, not forward, and ripping the trail leg through. Whole workout was precise and quick. After Emily's workout, Jim went to MU. After a few up/backs, progressing from 30 to 36 at increasing speed, he did 7H, 5H and 3H, all targeting 90-95% of race pace. He did that. First rep was about .2-.3 off race pace splits. Second was about .1-.2 off pace, and third was right on pace for 58. Stretched. Weather was great. Makes you wish the season was longer.

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