Sunday, May 6, 2012

NAC Championship: Emily wins all-events award

5/5  At Chicago. Emily scored 32 points and won the all events individual in the women's competition. Included in that performance was a PR 15.40 100H (2nd), PR 26.19 200 (1st), PR 12.73 100 (2nd) and 9-5.5 pole vault (3rd). Another in a career of outstanding performances for Emily. Our other champion was Mike, who returned from a long layoff for mono to win the HJ, equaling Nate's school record 6-4.75 and setting a NAC championships record. Starting at a relatively low height because he hadn't jumped since the indoor season, Mike had a few misses along the way and took a high number of jumps (10) but still managed to win a very tight competition. As a group (6 events), we came up with 35.5 of our combined teams' 136 points. Also hitting the scoring column were Nate, who contended for the title with Mike until he re-injured his knee; Jim, who had a season's best in 400H; Jonathon and Tim, who ran season's best 110H times, with Jonathon becoming the fifth member of the sub-17 club. Mollie and Tom also had season's bests in their respective hurdle events.

Emily 15.40/15.59 (PR SR 2nd #2 all time)
Mollie 18.58 4-4.25
Mike 6-4.75 (PR =SR CR1st)
Tim 16.69/16.98 (PR 7th #4 all time)
Jim 59.04 (4th)
Tom 62.69
Jonathon 62.98 16.77/16.77 (6th #5 all time)
Nate 6-2.75 (T2nd)

Complete results

Tim and Jim at hurdle 3 in 400H.
Jonathon en route to a 400H PR.

Mike missed this one, but he made a lot of other bars enroute to his title.

Nate was on his way to another great performance before a knee injury took him out of the competition.

Emily's start in the prelims when she set her 15.40 PR.

Jonathon and Tim -- bookends in the 110H final.

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