Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Workouts: 1/24, 1/25

Cutting back this week to allow for additional recovery.

1/24  High jumpers worked through a pre-meet warm up, starting at 5-0 and continuing until 3 misses at the final height. Joe and Mike cleared 5-10, Jim cleared 5-6 and Dan 5-4. Mollie started at 4-0 and cleared 4-4. Everyone took about 9 jumps total.

1/25  Jim, Tim, Mike, Emily and Mollie trained over hurdles doing pre-meet warm up, including 3x3 5-step, 1-2-3-2-1 and then 1x4 (-1). Everyone had good reps. Ht split ranges: Emily 1.2-1.3; Jim 1.25-1.35; Tim 1.25-1.3; Mike 1.25-1.3; Mollie 1.4-1.5. Aaron did a shin-friendly workout instead. Stretching, rolling.

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