Monday, January 16, 2012

Workouts: 1/16, 1/17, 1/18

1/16  Aaron warmed up but hurting shins limited him to some no-impact interval work on aerobic equipment. Mike had some soreness but that dissipated during the workout. Ran 3x3H xtended 5-step at 42; ran 1-2-3-2-1H 42; ran H1-3 xtended start (39 R); ran H1 (-H2) to H4 (39 R); ran 3x4H up/back (39 -3); stretch/roll. Splits were in 1.05-1.23h range (39 R). Target is sub-1.25.

1/17  Jim and Joe warmed up and did 6 RTs. Jim worked in 5-3 to 5-5 range; Joe worked in 5-5 to 5-7 range with full approach. Did 6x 6-step jumps working on some technical issues. Finished with some box jumps and step ups. Stretching/rolling.

1/18  Tim and Jim did full warm up with 3x3H xtended 5-step and 1-2-3-2-1H (42), then 4-3-2-1H (-1 42). Finished with 3x4H up/back (-3 39). Tim posted ht splits in 1.2-1.3 range. Jim 1.3-1.4. Emily did the same (33 but 30 up/back). Mollie worked nearly all reps over 2H (-3 to -1, some at 33, some 30). Emily's ht splits were around 1.2. Mollie around 1.3.

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