Monday, January 30, 2012

Emily named NAC track athlete of week again

Emily was recognized by NAC for her outstanding performance at UW-Whitewater in 60H, pole vault and 200. She picked up a couple of third place finishes and a fifth in a large and competitive field. (She sat out the Dubuque meet this weekend to give someone else a chance.)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dubuque: Mike again nears HJ mark

1/28  Mike had another day of running between pole vault, high jump and hurdles. Despite passing his jumps at 6-0.75 to go hurdle, he returned for a couple of jumps at 6-2.75, resulting in near misses. His clearance at 5-10.75 was still good for 7th. Dan cleared at PR 5-7. Emily missed bus. Tim was a no show.

Mike 5-10.75 (7th); 8.53
Jim 5-5; 12.13 (fell)
Dan 5-7 (PR = #9 all time)

Complete results

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Workouts: 1/24, 1/25

Cutting back this week to allow for additional recovery.

1/24  High jumpers worked through a pre-meet warm up, starting at 5-0 and continuing until 3 misses at the final height. Joe and Mike cleared 5-10, Jim cleared 5-6 and Dan 5-4. Mollie started at 4-0 and cleared 4-4. Everyone took about 9 jumps total.

1/25  Jim, Tim, Mike, Emily and Mollie trained over hurdles doing pre-meet warm up, including 3x3 5-step, 1-2-3-2-1 and then 1x4 (-1). Everyone had good reps. Ht split ranges: Emily 1.2-1.3; Jim 1.25-1.35; Tim 1.25-1.3; Mike 1.25-1.3; Mollie 1.4-1.5. Aaron did a shin-friendly workout instead. Stretching, rolling.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

PR practice metrics

In order: short fly (meters per second); 30 accel; H start; H split (auto times).

Mike Cosentino: 9.05; 4.05; 2.04; 1.27
Aaron Rick: 8.85; 4.23; 2.21
Jim Franke: 9.14; 4.32; 2.18; 1.43
Tim Lang: 9.55; 4.03; 2.21
Emily Dieringer: 8.41; 4.63; 2.08; 1.29
Mollie Zuberbier: 7.65; 4.92; 2.25; 1.43

Kevin Diederich: 9.86; 3.88; 2.02; 1.20
Eric Hein: 9.40; 4.33; 2.20; 1.39
Karly Nehls: 7.94; 4.85; 2.19; 1.34

Emily, Tim make 60H final; Mike scores again in HJ

1/21 At Whitewater. Men finished 2nd of 13, women 7th of 10.

Emily 9.72/9.82 (3rd)
Tim 9.21/9.35 (7th)
Mike 9.42; 6-0.75 (T4th = #3 all time)
Jim 9.57 ; 5-7 (=9 all time)
Aaron 11.93 (fell)
Joe 5-8.75

Complete results


Aaron and Jim...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emily named NAC women's track athlete of week

Emily was selected Northern Athletics Conference Student-Athlete of the Week for women's indoor track and field for her performance at the Private College Invitational this past Saturday in Kenosha. She won the 200 in 27.08 and placed second in 55H at 8.91 and was sixth in pole vault at 3.03 meters.

Carol also was named NAC Student-Athlete of the Week, but in women's basketball, for her performance during the past week of action. She had two double-doubles on the week and grabbed her 1,000th career rebound in a win over Rockford last Tuesday. She will rejoin the track team following completion of the basketball season. Never gets any rest. She also was a member of the tennis team.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Workouts: 1/16, 1/17, 1/18

1/16  Aaron warmed up but hurting shins limited him to some no-impact interval work on aerobic equipment. Mike had some soreness but that dissipated during the workout. Ran 3x3H xtended 5-step at 42; ran 1-2-3-2-1H 42; ran H1-3 xtended start (39 R); ran H1 (-H2) to H4 (39 R); ran 3x4H up/back (39 -3); stretch/roll. Splits were in 1.05-1.23h range (39 R). Target is sub-1.25.

1/17  Jim and Joe warmed up and did 6 RTs. Jim worked in 5-3 to 5-5 range; Joe worked in 5-5 to 5-7 range with full approach. Did 6x 6-step jumps working on some technical issues. Finished with some box jumps and step ups. Stretching/rolling.

1/18  Tim and Jim did full warm up with 3x3H xtended 5-step and 1-2-3-2-1H (42), then 4-3-2-1H (-1 42). Finished with 3x4H up/back (-3 39). Tim posted ht splits in 1.2-1.3 range. Jim 1.3-1.4. Emily did the same (33 but 30 up/back). Mollie worked nearly all reps over 2H (-3 to -1, some at 33, some 30). Emily's ht splits were around 1.2. Mollie around 1.3.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Emily gets fast start to indoor season at Carthage

1/14 Opening day. Always exciting and unpredictable. Emily had quite a day, missing her PR by just .02, running 8.99/8.91 for 2nd in a quality field in 55H. On the men's side, Mike had a rough outing, banging through H3 and H4, leading to a 4-step H5 and 9.32. Aaron ran a clean race, managing 9.44. Men's HJ pulled in 6 team points, with Mike leading the way with a jump of 6-0 3/4 (= #3 all time) for 5th, narrowly missing a school record height at 6-2 3/4. Joe was 7th at 5-8 3/4. Dan had a good first-ever HJ competition, clearing 5-5.

Complete results

Mike taking a too long plant step into takeoff. Getting that step quicker will help get more vertical and less travel.

Joe leaning in a bit on this one but shows that great rotation and curl around the bar on this clearance.

Emily shows great technique and consistency here.

Dan jumping at 5-7. Jumping toward bar but a pretty good attempt for first meet ever high jumping.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Workouts: 1/9, 1/10, 1/11

1/9  Tim and Aaron did pre-race warm up and then 2x4H (one at 42, one at 39, both -1). Next, 3x2H (42, 42, 39) and then 1x1H. Finished with 4x4H up/back 3-step (39 -3) 45 sec rec. Hurdle stretches. Tim's starts were 2.21/2.22a; Aaron's 2.28/2.26a. Hurdle splits were in 1.2-1.3h for both.

1/10  Dan, Jim, Joe and Mollie jumped. Worked pre-meet warm up, including 5x RT, 3x short approach jumps and a couple opening height jumps. Did about 3 more at opening height and then about 3 at +2. Jim went to LJ, Joe took about 3 at +4 (5-7). Dan at 5-5. Mollie worked in 4-0 to 4-4 range off 11-47 mark. Dan took a bunch of short range, 3-4 step popovers to work on a quicker last step. Also worked on dropping the head back a bit more.

1/11  Jim did pre-race warm up and then a few extra reps from blocks to H1 and then 4H at 42 (-1). Trail leg and overall fluidity through hurdles was much better than last week. Emily worked a pre-race warm up and then 3x3H xtended start (30 R) and 3x4H (-H2 30 R). Better hand-time splits were around 1.2. Mollie's first hurdle workout consisted of a few reps over H1. Also worked on starts out to 5 steps, all hitting the mark, and then 6 steps, coming up 4 to 8 inches short of the mark. More work on that next time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Workouts: 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6

1/3  HJ. Worked on pre-meet warm up. After RTs, took a few short approach jumps, working on plant and layout. Took up to a dozen full approach jumps, beginning at starting height and then going up 2" on makes and down 1" on misses. Packed away pit and then did 3x10 step ups with 7k medball on each leg, working in some box drop jumps / hops.

1/4  Emily's warm up included pre-race prep: 3x3 33 xtended 5step; 1H (std), 2H (3pt -1), 3H (blk -1), 2H (blk R), 1H (blk). Then 4-3-2-1 (30 -1). Ended with 4x4 3step (30 -1). Targeted splits in 1.2 -1.25 ht range. All were in 1.2-1.28 range.

1/5  Jim, Tim and Aaron did pre-race prep similar to Emily's but not the up/backs. Jim's ht splits ranged from 1.29 to 1.39; Tim 1.23 to 1.33; Aaron 1.25 to 1.43 -- a bit uneven. Looking to make things more consistent toward the fast end of those ranges. Aaron ended with kettlebell lifts / box jumps. Jim and Tim will lift Friday. Foam roll.

1/6  Mike did the same workout, including up/backs. Ht splits on 42s were in mid- to high 1.2s. Splits on 39s were about the same, except for a particularly good one in 1.16, a much better attack. Ended with stretching/rolling.