Friday, December 2, 2011

Tight hamstrings

Hurdlers often have tight hamstrings, particularly with the lead leg, which gets an extreme stretch on every hurdle.

Lots of people, including hurdlers, have a hip tilt, which you can check by how much arch you have in your lower back while sitting back in a chair. The greater the tilt, the greater the pull on the hamstrings -- sort of a nonstop stretch. So when you do a hamstring stretch, you end up stretching an already tight muscle. 

So what to do about that? Stretch your hip flexors and quads, which helps get the hips to a more neutral position, allowing the hamstrings to get back to their normal length. You will feel better and likely improve your  running and recovery.

Whenever you feel your hamstrings or lower back are tight, stretch the hip flexor and quads first. Lengthening the muscles on your front side will help out the backside.

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