Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekly highlights 4/18 - 4/21

4/18  Kevin, Mike and Eric did hip mobility, march+stride/pickup/sprint, 3x9.14m flys (bests: Kevin 9.52, Eric 8.87, Mike 8.79), 3x4H 5step, 3x4H (-1). Kevin worked well in getting a bit more upright before hurdles and getting lead leg pulled under on exit. Mike also worked on lead leg mechanics. Eric worked on arm action to go more linear, minimizing twisting. Also worked on keeping hips square on entry.
4/19  Kevin, Mike, Joe, Karly, Mollie and Carol all had some good jumps at some good heights. Guys jumped in the 5-7 to 5-10 area. Karly had some nice jumps at 4-8, including a clearance on her last attempt. Also some nice short approach jumps over 4-5. Mollie got a 4-5 clearance. Carol worked in the 4-3 to 4-7 range. Alex tried a couple and then rested his aching knee.

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