Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 performance list

2011 MSOE Outdoor Performance List

15.74 Emily Dieringer
18.25 Mollie Zuberbier
18.38 Karly Nehls
19.13 Leah Pucek
14.97 Kevin Diederich
16.61 Mike Cosentino
16.80 Eric Hein
1:01.45 Mike Cosentino
1:01.69 Tom Monteverde
1:03.48 Eric Hein
1:10.43 Arthur Weborg
1:13.57 Carol Cayo
Joe Klimowicz 5-10.75
Mike Cosentino 5-10.75

Kevin Diederich 5-10.75
Alex Raver 5-10
Karly Nehls 4-10
Mollie Zuberbier 4-6
Carol Cayo 4-5.5

2011 Scoring
Kevin 89.9
Emily 64.5
Mike 48
Joe 38.5
Karly 34
Eric 24.5
Mollie 13.5
Alex 10
Tom 9
Carol 9
Arthur 2.5
Leah 2.5

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weekly highlights 4/28 - 4/30

4/28  Mollie worked some highs. Hip mobility, high knee work into stride/pickup/sprint. 3x4H 5-step and then 3x4H 3-step (33 -1). Average split time on last rep -- 1.4. Good work on driving forward through hurdles rather than up and over.
At Wisconsin Lutheran
Windy! 50s
Short-handed because of break, but those running hurdles with the wind ran some good times. Joe's HJ was notable given he ran steeplechase earlier in the day.

Joe 5-10 [5th]
Mollie 4-3.25 [8th] 18.29 [#4 all time]
Emily 16.02/15.97 [3rd]
Eric 16.93/16.80 [3rd] 66.94 [8th]
Arthur 70.43

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekly highlights 4/18 - 4/21

4/18  Kevin, Mike and Eric did hip mobility, march+stride/pickup/sprint, 3x9.14m flys (bests: Kevin 9.52, Eric 8.87, Mike 8.79), 3x4H 5step, 3x4H (-1). Kevin worked well in getting a bit more upright before hurdles and getting lead leg pulled under on exit. Mike also worked on lead leg mechanics. Eric worked on arm action to go more linear, minimizing twisting. Also worked on keeping hips square on entry.
4/19  Kevin, Mike, Joe, Karly, Mollie and Carol all had some good jumps at some good heights. Guys jumped in the 5-7 to 5-10 area. Karly had some nice jumps at 4-8, including a clearance on her last attempt. Also some nice short approach jumps over 4-5. Mollie got a 4-5 clearance. Carol worked in the 4-3 to 4-7 range. Alex tried a couple and then rested his aching knee.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Emily wins HH; Joe takes HJ

At Wisconsin Lutheran

Sunny, mid- to upper 40s and breezy. Emily ran 16.21 into a slight wind and Joe topped 5-8 to win their respective events. Mike had a good debut in 400H, finishing second, with Tom taking fifth. Mollie jumped into 6th on the all-time HH list.

Emily 16.21 [1st]
Mollie 18.87 [6th #6 all-time] NH
Joe 5-8 [1st]
Mike 62.20 (21.2 H4) [2nd #10 all-time]
Tom 64.79 (27.1 H5) [5th]

Joe gets good rotation.

Mollie attempting 4-6.25.

Mollie and Emily driving through first hurdle.

Tom and Mike exit hurdle two.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kevin finishes 4th at Drake

Kevin ran 15.16 for 4th at the Duncan Invite at Drake on day with temperatures only in the 40s.

Kevin named athlete of the week for April 4-10

Kevin was named Northern Athletics Conference track and field athlete of the week for his performance at the Carroll Invitational. He won the hurdles in school-record time, won the discus, was second in high jump and third in javelin.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly highlights 4/11 - 4/13

4/11  Eric, Tom, Arthur and Carol warmed up and ran 2x6H... 1min rest + final 4H. Stretch.
4/12  Karly, Mollie, Carol warmed up, did some drills and took about a dozen jumps in 4-5 to 4-7 range. Kevin, Alex and Joe followed. Alex did a few jumps before getting knee treated. Kevin and Joe did box jumps at 5-9, 5-11, 6-1.
4/13  Tom, Arthur, Mike, Joe and Carol worked 5-4-3-2-1 400H at race pace. Everyone did well with pace and stride pattern. Emily, Karly, Mollie, Eric and Kevin worked 3x8H at reduced spacing (-1 for 3, -2 for 3 and -3 for 1). Everyone looked fairly sharp technically and were strong through all the reps. Planks and stretches followed.
4/15  Carol, Emily, Mollie and Leah did jogging, leg swings, mobility+hi knee+stride/pickup/sprint, 3x8.5m flys (bests: Emily 8.1mps, Leah 7.94, Carol 7.65, Mollie 7.39), 3x3H 5step, 1x1H-2H-3H block starts.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Kevin breaks record again; lots of group scoring

At Carroll University.

Good weather and good performances for nearly everyone. Top performance was Kevin's 14.97 PR, school and conference record. Tom and Carol picked up season bests in the 400H. Also had three places in men's HJ, including Mike's PR 1.80.

Kevin 15.10/14.97 [1st PR #1 all time] 5-10.75 [2nd]
Mike 16.93 5-10.75 [3rd PR #5 all time]
Eric 18.33/19.03 [3rd] 1:05.20 [5th]
Emily 16.27/15.92 [4th]
Karly 19.62 NH
Alex NH
Carol 1:14.70 [6th] 8.3  6  6.2  6.5  6.6  6.8  6.6  7  7  6.5  6.9
Tom 1:01.69 [4th] 7  4.7  5.1  5.1  5.35  5.5  5.6  5.8  5.8  5.8  
Joe 5-10.75 [4th]

Mike taking a shot at 1.85. Good speed but long strides into takeoff make it tough to get vertical. Still, a pretty good jump.

Here is Kevin at 1.85. Like Mike, a good effort. Keeping the head back a bit longer would help.

Jumpin' Joe giving 1.85 a good go.

Karly jumps at 1.40. Lead knee needs to rotate around to front to get perpendicular.

Karly looking pretty good on the hurdles but over striding between them, losing drive.

Kevin, Mike and Eric in prelims. Mike gets a bit too low and takes a beating. Need to attack from a higher angle.

Emily in the 100H final. Great race over all. Excellent work in getting the lead leg down, though it could be bent a bit to aid in that action. Other possible improvements: Get the arms moving more forward and back -- lead arm wrapping across the body too far and turning the shoulder, causing a twist. Right arm extending to side and not driving quite enough. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Are you eating well?

Even if you maintain a healthy weight, you may benefit in many ways by improving what you eat -- more energy, more alert mind, better sleep, improved athletic performance, etc. If you are overweight, these points will help you return to a weight that improves your long-term health and short-term performance.
It's not a diet, but a 12-prong approach to a lifestyle that doesn't really limit how much you eat as much as what you eat (though portion control is a good idea, too):
1. Weigh yourself at least weekly and write it down in a monthly calendar (you can use that to record workouts, too)
2. Start with a healthy breakfast every day -- whole grains, fruit, low-fat dairy, eggs, etc.
3. Eat 2 servings (at least a half cup) of fruit daily. Have these readily available -- even cut up and bagged for easy use.
4. Eat 3 servings (at least a half cup) of vegetables (especially leafy ones) daily. Have these readily available -- even cut up and bagged for easy use.
5. Get 25 grams of fiber daily. You will get this through fruit, vegetable, whole grains.
6. Get 1.5 grams of protein per pound bodyweight. This is tough; may require supplement (protein bar, protein shake, etc)
7. Limit sweetened drinks to 12 oz or less a day -- best to eliminate it and substitute a diet drink, but water would be better.
8. Eat 3 meals a day.
9. Eat 2 snacks a day. (Not junk -- fruit, peanut butter, yogurt, nuts, etc.)
10. Exercise at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. (You all get plenty of that.)
11. Get 20 to 80oz of water daily. (1/2 your bodyweight in ounces is good.)
12. Do strength training 2 times a week. 

Take one day a week to eat whatever you want but try not to over eat. Best to eat more stuff earlier in the day and lighter in the evening. Also good not to eat anything at least 3 hours before bedtime. Evening snacking will pack on the pounds because when you sleep you are not burning many calories, so they get stored (as fat, of course). I also suggest not drinking too many calories (juice, sugary sodas, beer, alcohol) -- you can consume a lot of calories quickly this way. If you are already overweight, watch the total carbs by focusing more on low-fat protein and leafy vegetables and getting bread, pasta, rice and potatoes mostly out of your meals. Eat colorful foods rather than the white (starchy) ones, which break down quickly into sugars.

Carrying a few pounds less can help you run faster and jump better. Pay attention your fuel.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly highlights 4/4 - 4/7

4/4  Practiced at Kern. Kevin, Mike and Eric did hurdle mobility, marching + sprints, 3x9.14m flys (Kevin 9.42mps, Eric PR 9.14mps, Mike 8.87mps), 3x3H 5step (42), 3x4H (42 -1), 3x4H up/back (42 -1 up, 39 -2 back), stretch.
4/5  Alex, Joe, Kevin, Mollie, Karly and Carol did warm up exercises, jumping exercises and drills, followed by 3x run throughs and 3x3 jumps (women 4-2 to 4-8 range; men 5-8 to 5-11 range).
4/6  Molly, Karly and Emily did a workout similar to the men on Monday, all on 33s. Tom worked on 400H pacing.
4/7  Eric and Carol were at MU for 400H and did some up and back hurdles at 20y spacing for warm up and then 6H, 5H, 4H at race pace (Carol 39.5 / 32.6 / 26.6 - all on pace)(Eric 35 / 29 /24.1 - +1.5, +1, +1.5 pace).

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kevin beats conference, school hurdle marks -- into headwind

At Carroll University.

Cloudy, windy and cold early but the sun broke through later, raising temperatures to upper 40s. Kevin set a new conference and school outdoor hurdle record, running a surprising 14.99, given less-than-ideal conditions. Mike overcame some warm up difficulties to finish fourth, while Eric maintained three steps to the finish, which was no easy task. On the women's side, Emily ran 16.94 for fifth. In high jump, Joe leaped 5-8.75 for sixth.

Kevin 14.99 (-w) [1st PR #1 all time] 
Mike 16.83 (-w) [4th #3 all time]Eric 18.43 (-w) [7th] 1:04.84 [8th]
Tom 1:02.02 [7th]
Joe 5-8.75 [6th]
Emily 16.94 [5th]
Mollie 19.92 4-5
Leah 19.98
Carol 1:18.51 4-5

Complete results

Kevin en route to his record breaking 14.99. Mike and Eric are seen here, too.