Friday, December 17, 2010

Recovery and rehab resource

Use this resource and a few simple tools to ease your aches and improve your flexibility.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where you look while high jumping

Your head and your eyes will dictate what your hips do. If you are looking down at your feet or your steps, you certainly won't jump up in the air. If you are looking at the bar when you jump, you will run right into it. Where you look should shift over the course of the approach and then the jump. It should start at the near standard.
When you begin the curve of the J-run, your sight line should move with your shoulders and hips toward the middle of the bar, and as you get closer to the bar, you should be seeing the far standard. Remember, you look there, but you keep your plant angle to the back corner -- don't flatten out the end of the run.
At the point of takeoff, you look parallel to the bar, at something that could be along the line of the bar about 20 feet away. After take off you lean your head back and try to look to the back or side of the pit.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Highlights 12/6 - 12/8

12/6  Eric, Kevin, Mike and Aaron lifted 3x3x420. 9.14m fly bests: Kevin 9.14mps, Mike and Eric 9.05, Aaron 8.70. 5x starts over H1 (39 +5) bests: Mike 2.04, Kevin 2.06, Aaron 2.36. 4x5-step 42s.
12/7  Joe worked early, with best jumps in the 5-8 to 5-10 range. Mollie and Aaron did a variety of warm up drills and some run throughs, and then took multiple jumps at 2 steps, 4 steps and full approach working with the bungee bar around 4-4 and 5-4, respectively. Karly came in later and did similar work. Everyone looked consistent on the run up and got some of the foot plants pointing to the back corner. Rotations getting better at times. Some adjustments on steps: Mollie 11/47, Karly 13/47.
12/8  Emily worked out early. Mollie worked out at 4:30 and Karly at 6. Mollie and Karly lifted 3x3x300. Followed with hurdle drills for hip mobility, a couple of pickups and then 3x9.14m flys -- Mollie and Karly both had bests of 7.49mps. Worked some technical runs with 5-stepping over 4H followed by reps over 3H (33 -2) and 2H (33 -1). Karly's splits were in the 1.31-1.46 range. Mollie ran in the 1.28-1.33 range. Both made good progress in the session. Stretched.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Highlights 11/29 - 12/3

11/29  Kevin, Eric, Mike and Aaron trained. Mike lifted 3x3x350. Kevin and Eric 3x3x400. Did hurdle mobility  drills, acceleration and block work, 8.5m flys (Kevin 9.66mps, Mike 8.95, Aaron 8.59, Eric 8.41), and then about a half dozen reps over 1H (36), working on block, push out and acceleration through the hurdle. Finished up with some 5-step technical work over 42s. Stretched.
11/30  High jump approach work. Marks: Kevin 13-50, Joe 12-52, Aaron 13-48, Mike 12-54, Karly 13-50, Mollie 11-49. About 90% of HJ is about the approach. What happens in the air is determined by what happened on the ground prior to takeoff. Job one is to be consistent on the approach speed and hitting the takeoff point aiming to the back corner of the pit. We did a pretty good job of that for the first practice.
12//1  Emily and Mollie lifted 3x3x280. Hurdle mobility drills followed. Did 3 pickups and 3x8.5 flys and Karly joined us at that point. Bests: Karly 7.94mps, Emily 7.87, Mollie 7.65. Did some acceleration and block work. Start over H1 (33) bests: Karly 2.17, Emily 2.17, Mollie 2.29. Checked some splits between H1-H2. Averages: Emily 1.26, Karly 1.37, Mollie 1.385 (33/30 -2). For the first day, this was very encouraging. Lots to do, but a good start, particularly on block work through H1.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

November practice

Practice starts on Monday. First few weeks will be general conditioning and strength work with the sprinters and jumpers. Hurdle work and high jumping starts after Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Emily sub-16 again

At Augustana.

Emily ran another 100H race under 16 seconds, posting a 15.99 to finish fifth at Augustana and scoring 4 more points to add to her group leading total of 69, making her our group MVP.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010 Scoring

Group Scoring Leaders
HJ/Hurdle Points Only
1. Emily 69

2. Kevin 53
3. Joe 28.5
4. Karly 26.5
5. Jim 26
6. Eric 26
7. Carol 21.5
8. Alex 15.5
9. Tim 14
10. Tom 8
11. Leah 5
12. Kathleen 2

Outdoor records / performance Lists

MSOE Outdoor Records

Kevin Diederich 15.44 Rhodes College 03/27/10
Catherine Chappell 15.23 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07
Jim Franke 57.45 UW-Madison 05/01/10
Heather DeLany 65.47 UW-River Falls 05/06/05
Adam Lewis 6-2 Ripon 04/28/01
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07

2010 MSOE Outdoor Performance List

Emily Dieringer 15.80
Carol Cayo 18.28
Karly Nehls 18.53
Leah Pucek 18.71
Kevin Diederich 15.44
Eric Hein 16.20
Tim Lang 16.86
Jim Franke 57.45
Tim Lang 1:01.71
Eric Hein 1:01.96
Tom Monteverde 1:02.38
Carol Cayo 1:14.68
Joe Klimowicz 5-11.5
Alex Raver 5-9.75
Karly Nehls 4-7
Carol Cayo 4-5
Kathleen Keough 4-5

NAC performance lists

Results 5/8

NAC Championships
At Wisconsin Lutheran

Another difficult day weatherwise -- some sprinkles and strong winds throughout a day that just squeaked into the 50s. Everyone met the challenge of the weather and the competition with some very strong performances.

First, the women. Emily continued her dominance in the hurdles, taking another conference title in an impressive 15.97, which -- given the headwind -- was far superior to her 15.80 season best with a tailwind. Leah, Carol and Karly also scored in the highs. In the 400H, Carol ran a solid race and was a medalist, taking third. In the high jump, Carol and Karly tied for sixth.

On the men's side, Jim had the top performance with a fourth in the 400H. Eric put together a strong showing to take fifth and Tom rounded out the scoring with eighth. In the highs, Tim and Eric battled side by side for fifth place, with Tim prevailing by four hundredths. In the high jump, Alex and Joe tied for fifth.

Emily 16.75/15.97 (1st)
Leah 18.75/18.71 (6th) NH
Carol 18.83/18.83 (7th) 1:14.84 (3rd) 4-5 (T6th)
Karly 18.85/18.94 (8th) 4-5 (T6th)
Kathleen 4-3.25
Jim 58.97 (4th)
Tim 16.86 (5th) 1:09.02
Tom 1:04.00 (8th)
Eric 16.90 (6th) 1:01.96 (5th)
Alex 5-7.75 (T5th)
Joe 5-7.75 (T5th)
Andy NH

Complete results

The fab four fly through hurdle one in the final.

Karly clears at 4-5.

Tom, Tim, Jim and Eric at hurdle two.

Joe clears  5-7.75.

Eric and Tim attacking hurdle one in the highs final.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Results 5/1

At Carroll University.

We thought the meet a couple weeks ago was windy, but this was ridiculous. Fortunately, it was warm and winds were on tails for the sprint hurdles. The top performance was Jim's school record 400H and first place finish. Emily added a PR in taking the 100H title. Based on her 100 dash time, she converted better than 86% of her speed for the hurdles. Many other strong performances, too.

Eric 16.52/16.20 (7th - PR - #2 all-time) 1:02.95 (8th)
Tom 1:02.38 (7th)
Jim 57.45 (1st - PR - #1 all-time)
Alex 5-8.75 (T7)
Joe 5-8-7.5 (T7)
Emily 15.83/15.80 (1st - PR - #2 all-time)
Carol 18.28 (#3 all-time) 1:15.06 (5th) 4-5
Karly 18.53 (#4 all-time) 4-7

Men's results
Women's results

Jim's shadow leads him to a school record.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Results 4/17

At Wisconsin Lutheran.

Wind, wind and more wind. Tough conditions, especially for hurdlers and sprinters. Emily, Jim and Eric were runners up in the their respective hurdle events and Joe in the HJ.

Emily 18.10 [2nd]
Kathleen 4-5 [T6th]
Carol 4-5 [T6th] 1:14.68 [4th]
Karly 4-5
Leah NH 22.03 [7th]
Eric 18.71 [2nd] 1:06.30 [5th]
Tom 1:03.09 [4th]
Jim 58.87 [2nd]
Alex 5-9.75 [3rd]
Joe 5-11.5 [2nd - #3 all time]
Andy NH

Complete results

Joe HJ...

Eric attacks hurdles -- and a -7.0 mps headwind...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Compare lanes 5 and 6

This is a good comparison of the good technique of David Oliver in lane 5 -- maintaining lean, leading with the knee and running off the hurdles -- compared to lane 6 -- less lean, leading with the foot and braking off the hurdles. Watch them run side by side and see the differences.

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack

Monday, March 29, 2010

Practice during break

You need to figure this out on your own based on several factors:
Your health. Are you hurt or fatigued?
Facilities. What do you have access to? (weights, outdoor track, indoor track, other)
Weather. Is it good enough to go outside?
Needs. What areas are you most trying to improve? (conditioning, technique, speed, strength)

Strength (2 or 3 times during the break)
Stick with our weight protocol if you can. If you can’t access enough free weights for the deads, you can substitute using cleans, step ups or squats. If you only can access machines, you can use leg press or hack squat machines. If you only have bodyweight to work with, do single leg squats and add plyometrics – quick hopping – within a minute after a set. If you don’t do weights at all, do more vigorous plyometrics with less emphasis on quickness and more on power – big hops, skips, bounds and jumps (dropping off a 2-foot platform, landing and springing upward quickly). Keep the total number of ground contacts for plyos to about 50 (5x10 or 10x5, for example). If you do them in conjunction with the lifting – about 9 contacts per set.

Skill (1 or 2 times – preferably on a strength day)
If you can access hurdles, do the drill work as per usual and if the weather is good, you can do some fast stuff over 3 to 5 hurdles (discounted distance and/or height). Keep the total volume around 20 to 30 hurdles total. If the weather is poor, you can still hurdle, but don’t worry about speed. Do up-and-back hurdles using 4 or 5 hurdles in one direction, 5-stepping up and then 5-stepping back over 4 or 5 more set in the other direction. You can spread them out a little longer than normal for the 5-stepping. You also could do this with 3-stepping but pull them in 2-4 feet or more.

For intermediates, work on rhythm between 3 to 5 hurdles. Run the 3 to 5 and then walk the remaining part of the track and go again. Total number of hurdles about 15 After that, do a couple randomly spaced hurdles on the curve and/or straight to work on your ability to position yourself to take off at an appropriate distance from the hurdle and to work with either leg as it comes up. Time permitting, you always can do drill work and oppo work after the main part of the workout to work on technique.

If you have access to field event equipment and facilities, you could do some work there, too, especially approach work for jumps. You could do some jumps if conditions are good enough.

Speed (1 or 2 times – preferably on a strength day)
If you are outside, you can do some longer flys, 5x35 is good for now (if you are on a track marked for 300/400 meter hurdles, it’s the distance between hurdles. Use about 25m for a fly-in and then time the segment if you have a stopwatch. Run reps until your time drops off by 2 tenths compared to your fastest of the first 3 reps, but run no more than 7. Take 4-5 minutes rest between each. After 5, you can reduce the recovery by a minute if you want.

Conditioning (between the speed or skill days)

Extensive tempo runs on grass work well here – run on a football field, running the long sides and walking the short sides. These are fast strides -- not all out sprints. There are lots of other things you can do for general conditioning: medicine ball work, calisthenics, biking, other sports and such. The key here is that whatever you do, keep intensity low, volume high, recovery short.

Rest – don’t train every day. Take a day or two off. If you are hurt or tired, even more.

Stuck inside? Do a bodyweight circuit.

3/27 results

At Memphis.

Kevin broke his school record in the 110H. Several other notable performances, including Jim's debut in the 400H, just a few tenths off the school record. Tim was close to a PR in the 400H, and Tim, Eric and Emily had solid showings in the highs as did Joe in the HJ.

Kevin 15.44 [4th - #1 all time]
Emily 16.51 [#2 all time]
Tim 17.46 61.71
Eric 17.51 67.68
Tom 65.53
Jim 57.88 [6th-#2 all time]
Joe 5-8.75 [6th]
Karly 4-4
Kathleen 4-2
Andy NH

Monday, March 22, 2010

Practice schedule: 3/29 - 4/1

This is tentative:
M-Tim, Eric, Kevin -- HH OUTSIDE
W-Emily, Leah -- HH OUTSIDE
T-Tim, Eric, Jim, Tom, Carol -- 400H OUTSIDE
F- Off

Practice highlights 3/15 -3/19

Karly put together a number of splits in the 1.3s and Carol in 1.4s.
In 400H action, splits for 7H-5H-3H (-3/-3"m/headwind):
Tom 39.9 27.8 16.2
Jim 36.7 25.4 15.8
Eric 43 28.4 17.3
Tim 39.1 26.9 16.2
Carol 45.7 32.2 19.7

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lean and hold your lean

We talk about this a lot, but here you can see it at the 2010 World Indoor Championship with Terrence Trammell. Toward the end, you will see some closer and slower replays that show how well Trammell leans in and then maintains the lean over and off the hurdle. If you look at some of the others, they are straightening up before and after the hurdles --not so good. Take a look...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Practice schedule: 3/15 - 3/19

Tentative -- subject to change based on weather.
MO - HH (Tim, Eric) OUT
TU - Pizza (for those who qualified) IN
WE - HH (Kevin, Emily, Leah) OUT
TH - IH (Tim, Eric, Tom, Carol) OUT
HJ at Kern -- on your own or with Lynda/Mike
[typically this will be on TU]
FR - HH (Karly, Leah, Carol) IN

On days you are not scheduled for HH/IH/HJ, you work with your other events.
Be careful not to put high-intensity days back to back.
Full-out hurdling, sprinting and lifting are high intensity.
Technical work, intervals, IH are lower intensity.
When you lift on your own, keep that on a high intensity day.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Practice highlights 3/7 - 3/12

M - Eric ran 9.14 mps on 8.5 fly.
W - Emily ran 8.41 mps on 8.5 fly; Karly 7.94, Leah 7.14.
TH - 10x3H 7-step relative spacing for 17/19 patterns.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Default workouts

If there comes a day when either I don't make it in, or you don't make it in, and you need a workout, here you go:

1. 5x4 over/unders then 3x 12 elevated pushups, 24 plate twists, followed by 2-3 sets deadlifts at 85% or more. No more than 10 total reps.
2. Swings, skips and sprints (stride>pickup>acceleration>3pt start).
3. Drills: 3x 4H skipovers, 1/2-space 3-step (lower height) 3-4H, 5-step 3H.
4. Pre-race: 3H from stand at -2; 2H from 3pt at -1; 1H block start.
5. Race modeling: 3x4H (-1); 3x2H (-1)
6. Stretch: walking stretches (high knee, toe touch, extreme lunge); wall stretch (ham, hip); foam roll.

High Jump
1. 20 jumping jacks, 10-step acceleration, 10 skips, 10 double-arm skips, 5 circle runs, 5 backovers.
2. 5 full approaches -- 2 or 3 with scissors
3. 5 full approach jumps
4. 5 short approach jumps working on plant and layout
5. Stretch: see hurdles

If you have no equipment access, you can still do the first 2 parts of the workout. Then add plyometrics:
5x up to high box or 4 or 5 stair steps.
5x rebound depth jumps off something about 18" high -- give or take 6"
5x medball ups
5x 2-step single leg basketball backboard jumps reaching up one arm to backboard
That's one set. Do 1 to 3 sets.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

3/5 results

Kevin ran 7.84 in the pentathlon hurdles, just .02 off his all-time best.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

2/27 results

NAC at Carthage.

What a day! A sweep of the men's and women's titles in the hurdles. Kevin set a championship record and tied the conference record. Emily tied the championship record. Kevin, Tim and Karly also ran PRs in the hurdles. Joe, Kevin, Alex and Karly put up points in the HJ.
Kevin 7.86/7.82 [1st ChR =CR PR SR] 5-9.75 [7th PR #4 all time]
Eric 8.55/8.47 [8th PR #3 all time]
Tim 8.46 [PR #2 all time]
Jim 9.29
Alex 5-9.75 [8th]
Joe 5-9.75 [5th]
Andy 5-5.75
Emily 8.92 [1st =ChR PR]
Karly 10.54 [6th PR] 5-5.5 [6th]
Split times:
Kevin 2.70 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.23
Eric 2.90 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.32
Emily 2.90 1.26 1.23 1.23 1.26
Karly 3.26 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.66

Complete results


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Performance Lists

School Indoor Records

Kevin Diederich 8.45 UW-Milwaukee 2/19/10 
Emily Dieringer 9.67 Grand Valley State 2/13/10
Kevin Diederich 7.82 Carthage 2/27/10
Catherine Chappell 8.81 Northern MI 2/09/08

Alex Raver 6-1.5 Carthage 1/19/08, Chicago 1/31/09, Carthage 2/28/09
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 Carthage 3/07/08

2010 Performance List

Kevin Diederich 8.45
Tim Lang 9.14
Eric Hein 9.40 
Emily Dieringer 9.67
Karly Nehls 11.34 
Kevin Diederich 7.82
Tim Lang 8.46
Eric Hein 8.47

Emily Dieringer 8.92

Jim Franke 9.08
Karly Nehls 10.54

Alex Raver 5-11.5
Joe Klimowicz 5-10.5
Kevin Diederich 5-9.75

Andy Donalds 5-7.75
Karly Nehls 4-9.5

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2/19 Results

At UW-Milwaukee

Kevin broke his 60mH record again, topping the sticks in 8.45. Tim moved into second on the all-time list. Karly made all threes for the first time. Joe was at a season best in HJ and moved into third on the all-time list.

Kevin 8.54 [1st - SR]
Eric 9.40 [8th]
Tim 9.14 [5th]
Karly 11.34 NH
Alex 5-8.5 [6th]
Joe 5-10.5 [4th-PR]

Complete results

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Heels to head

Erynn James, who has jumped over 5-9 for MU, has a pretty insane arch that helps her add inches by keeping her center of mass lower than the bar. If we could bend it like that...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2/13 Results

At Grand Valley State.
Kevin and Emily both set school records in 60mH.
Kevin 8.53
Emily 9.67
Both times are superior to the 55mH records in terms of meters per second.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going downhill

Getting in closer to the  hurdle may add a more vertical component at takeoff, but it allows you to pull the trail underneath more and to start the lead leg cut down even before the heel passes the rail. This approach also can help buy time in getting the trail leg all the way to the front. Check out world record holder Dayron Robles...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

2/6 Results

At Stevens Point.

On Friday, Kevin broke his school record in the hurdles again. On Saturday, Emily PRd the hurdles, nearly making a tough final and nearly breaking under the 9-second mark.

Tim 8.57  7.33 (converted 85.5%)
Kevin 7.92  5-8.5
Jim 9.19
Eric 8.71
Emily 9.01 [PR]
Karly 11.21  NH
Alex 5-8.75
Joe 5-8.75
Complete results

Sunday, January 31, 2010

1/30 Results

At Carthage.

Great meet with lots of great performances. Kevin broke his record in winning the highs, and several others had personal  bests. Jim had a good debut in the hurdles, just missing the top 10 all time list.

Kevin 8.10 (1.17 1.21 1.13 1.20) / 7.93 [1st-SR] 5-7.75
Eric 8.72/8.74
Tim 8.59 (1.20 1.20 1.32 1.27-1.25avg) / 8.66 [7th]
Jim 9.95/9.08  (1.29 1.38 1.38 1.31- 1.34avg)
Emily 9.06 (1.24avg) [PR] / 9.11 (1.30avg) [3rd]
Karly 11.08 [PR] (1.53 1.54 1.73 1.67-1.61avg) / 11.40 (1.72avg)  4-7.5 [T5th]
Joe 5-9.75 [5th]
Alex 5-7.75
Complete results

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1/22 Results

At UW-Parkside

Kevin was just 4 hundredths off his school record in the 55H. Emily finished second in the hurdles, primarily against DII competition.
Kevin 8.10 / 7.98 [5th]
Eric 8.77 / 8.69 [7th]
Emily 9.18 / 9.15 [2nd]
Karly 11.37 / 11.29 [8th] 5-7.75 [5th]
Alex NH
Andy NH

Sunday, January 17, 2010

1/16 Results

At Carthage.

Emily finished fourth in the hurdles, and Karly was seventh in the high jump. Kevin hurdled and high jumped well on Friday in the heptathlon. Alex, Joe and Andy had good performances in HJ with some personal and season bests.

Tim 8.64 / 8.73
Kevin 8.06 5-9.5 [=PR]
Eric 8.71
Joe 5-9.75 [PR]
Alex 5-11.5
Andy 5-7.75 [PR]
Emily 9.16 / 9.34 [4th]
Karly 11.35 4-9.5 [7th]

Monday, January 11, 2010

1/9 Results

At Carthage.

Great opener. In men's hurdles, Kevin took first and finished just a tenth off the school record. Tim equaled his PR, taking fifth. On the women's side, Emily took second in a PR 9.12 and Karly had a successful debut, taking sixth. In high jump, Kevin set a PR of 5-9.5, taking sixth.

Tim 8.56 / 8.54 [5th]
Kevin 8.14 / 8.06 [1st] 5-9.5 [6th]
Eric 10.07 / 9.16
Joe 5-7.5 [T8]
Alex 5-7.5 [T8]
Andy 5-7.5 [PR]
Emily 9.50 / 9.12 [2nd-PR]
Karly 11.74 / 11.78 [6th] 4-5.5 [4th]

Complete Men's Results
Complete Women's Results

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Schedule

JAN 9 Season Opener Carthage
JAN15 Pentathlon Carthage
JAN16 Private Meet Carthage
JAN22 Parkside UW Parkside
JAN30 Tadd Metzger Carthage
FEB5-6 Pointer Invite Stevens Pt
FEB12-13 U of Iowa Ames, Iowa
FEB19 U of Wisconsin Milwaukee
FEB27 NAC Champs Carthage
MAR5 Last Chance Carthage
MAR12-13 Nationals DePauw, Green Castle, IN
MAR25-28 Rhodes Memphis, TN
APR17 WLC Milwaukee
APR24 Marquette U Milwaukee
MAY1 Private Schools Carroll College
MAY7/8 NAC Outdoor Wisconsin Lutheran
MAY13-14 North Central Deca Naperville
MAY22 UWW Last Chance Whitewater
MAY27/29 D3 Nationals Baldwin-Wallace, Berea, OH