Sunday, May 9, 2010

Results 5/8

NAC Championships
At Wisconsin Lutheran

Another difficult day weatherwise -- some sprinkles and strong winds throughout a day that just squeaked into the 50s. Everyone met the challenge of the weather and the competition with some very strong performances.

First, the women. Emily continued her dominance in the hurdles, taking another conference title in an impressive 15.97, which -- given the headwind -- was far superior to her 15.80 season best with a tailwind. Leah, Carol and Karly also scored in the highs. In the 400H, Carol ran a solid race and was a medalist, taking third. In the high jump, Carol and Karly tied for sixth.

On the men's side, Jim had the top performance with a fourth in the 400H. Eric put together a strong showing to take fifth and Tom rounded out the scoring with eighth. In the highs, Tim and Eric battled side by side for fifth place, with Tim prevailing by four hundredths. In the high jump, Alex and Joe tied for fifth.

Emily 16.75/15.97 (1st)
Leah 18.75/18.71 (6th) NH
Carol 18.83/18.83 (7th) 1:14.84 (3rd) 4-5 (T6th)
Karly 18.85/18.94 (8th) 4-5 (T6th)
Kathleen 4-3.25
Jim 58.97 (4th)
Tim 16.86 (5th) 1:09.02
Tom 1:04.00 (8th)
Eric 16.90 (6th) 1:01.96 (5th)
Alex 5-7.75 (T5th)
Joe 5-7.75 (T5th)
Andy NH

Complete results

The fab four fly through hurdle one in the final.

Karly clears at 4-5.

Tom, Tim, Jim and Eric at hurdle two.

Joe clears  5-7.75.

Eric and Tim attacking hurdle one in the highs final.

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