Monday, December 6, 2010

Highlights 12/6 - 12/8

12/6  Eric, Kevin, Mike and Aaron lifted 3x3x420. 9.14m fly bests: Kevin 9.14mps, Mike and Eric 9.05, Aaron 8.70. 5x starts over H1 (39 +5) bests: Mike 2.04, Kevin 2.06, Aaron 2.36. 4x5-step 42s.
12/7  Joe worked early, with best jumps in the 5-8 to 5-10 range. Mollie and Aaron did a variety of warm up drills and some run throughs, and then took multiple jumps at 2 steps, 4 steps and full approach working with the bungee bar around 4-4 and 5-4, respectively. Karly came in later and did similar work. Everyone looked consistent on the run up and got some of the foot plants pointing to the back corner. Rotations getting better at times. Some adjustments on steps: Mollie 11/47, Karly 13/47.
12/8  Emily worked out early. Mollie worked out at 4:30 and Karly at 6. Mollie and Karly lifted 3x3x300. Followed with hurdle drills for hip mobility, a couple of pickups and then 3x9.14m flys -- Mollie and Karly both had bests of 7.49mps. Worked some technical runs with 5-stepping over 4H followed by reps over 3H (33 -2) and 2H (33 -1). Karly's splits were in the 1.31-1.46 range. Mollie ran in the 1.28-1.33 range. Both made good progress in the session. Stretched.

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