Friday, March 12, 2010

Practice schedule: 3/15 - 3/19

Tentative -- subject to change based on weather.
MO - HH (Tim, Eric) OUT
TU - Pizza (for those who qualified) IN
WE - HH (Kevin, Emily, Leah) OUT
TH - IH (Tim, Eric, Tom, Carol) OUT
HJ at Kern -- on your own or with Lynda/Mike
[typically this will be on TU]
FR - HH (Karly, Leah, Carol) IN

On days you are not scheduled for HH/IH/HJ, you work with your other events.
Be careful not to put high-intensity days back to back.
Full-out hurdling, sprinting and lifting are high intensity.
Technical work, intervals, IH are lower intensity.
When you lift on your own, keep that on a high intensity day.

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