Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 17: 2/23, 2/22, 2/21,2/20, 2/19

2/23 KC. Maia did pre-race warm up and 1x1, 3x2.

2/22 KC. Regen circuit.

2/21 KC. Maia, Jess and Hayden did rolling, scorpions, swings, cycles and trail freezes. Skips, switch hops, cariocas, dribbles and burts. A few hurdle drills and then H1 starts side by side -- one flat and one with H. Side by side H2 and H3 (-1). 2H starts with 10-step extended start. Bike cool down. Stretch and roll.

2/20 KC. Jumpers on hand were Maia, Samantha, Lea, Rachel, Michaela, Keaton, Hayden and Alex. Independent warm up and "jumper's choice" for bar height. Katie was a no-show.

2/19 Pettit. Maia, Jess, Jerica, Coy, Deven, Brian and Noah started with A skips, B skips, back skips, switch hops, cariocas, knee-calf-ankle dribbles followed by 4-step bursts and leg swings. 400 pace work includes 100, walk 300, 200, walk 200, 300. Cool down lap, planking, stretching. Everyone hit the target times on 100 and 200. 300 was tougher because of length of run and a rest of about 3 min., but most either hit the times or came close. Brian and Coy were targeting 52 pace, Deven 56, Jess and Jerica 62, Maia 66. Noah, coming off injury, dropped in behind Jerica and Jess. Kept volume low to get fresh for NACC while retaining sense of pace.

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