Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week 16: 2//16, 2/15, 2/14, 2/13, 2/12

2/16 KC. Pre-meet shakeout.

2/15 KC. Most did field events. Others did a regen workout.

2/14 KC. Loved the work done in the Valentine's Day hurdle practice. Maia, Des, Jess and Hayden did usual warm up with mobility exercises, skips, switch hops, shuffles, dribbles, bursts. Hurdle drills: 1-step, 4-step power hurdle plus 3-step. Starts over H1, starts over 3H with H2 at +12 for 5-step, side-by-side starts over 2H at -1. All hurdles were at 30. Did some video to check starts and entry step. Hayden worked only over H1 at 33.  Finished with some band work: knee drive, lead and trail leg. Comments: Hayden continues to make good progress, particularly at charging into takeoff. Early in the session, he was back on the heel on the entry step. Same for Maia, reaching to takeoff and extending the lower leg and planting on heel instead of getting the last step down quickly and running off the take off. She hit the -1 splits in the mid-1.4 to mid-1.5 range. Need some work on oppo. Des had what likely was her best practice ever. She sprinted between hurdles, keeping up with Jess on every side by side rep, turning splits around 1.2. Jess worked on some minor issues, improving entry step, popping heel through hurdle, vigorous cycling and reverse of lead leg. Everyone worked on finishing the trail leg. She also hit the splits around 1.2 and handled the 5-step reps the best.

2/13 KC. High jumpers on hand: Michaela, Katie, AlexJ, Maia, Rachel, Bianca, Hayden, Keaton, Alex and Nick. Lea rested as she tries to get her leg feeling better before NACC. After independent warm up, a short discussion about takeoff position -- leaning in and back, planting to corner, gathering on penultimate. Did a few jump turns from that position and then a few short approach jumps to work on the same. Did 5 rounds of full jumps. Michaela, Katie and Alex took their jumps at 4-4, Bianca and Maia at 4-7, Rachel 4-7 and 4-10, Hayden 4-10, Keaton 5-4 and Nick and Alex 5-7.

2/12 Pettit. McCoy, Deven, Jess and Maia warmed up and then did 3x 200+150 at faster than average 400 pace for 200 and approximate speed of final 150 of 400 speed for 150. 30 seconds between. 8 minutes between sets. Target paces: McCoy 54, Deven 57, Jess 62, Maia 67. Others training at Kern did either sprint workout, 3x240+80, or strength/interval circuit (for those needing to stay off legs).

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