Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 18: Quarter Break

Three workouts on their own during break -- speed/strength; low-intensity, high-volume; special endurance/plyos. Day off between each.

NACC Indoor: Jess wins 55H, Lea ties for 2nd in HJ

2/25 Kenosha. Ranked #2 going in, Jess executed two solid hurdle races, taking charge right from hurdle one and running away with the title by 2 tenths. She was 5th her freshman year (9.34), 5th her sophomore year (9.31), runner up her junior year (8.82) and now champion as a senior (8.82). Nice progression. And she placed 6th in PV and ran a leg on a school record 4x4 with Maia, Patty and Jerica. Quite a day. Also having a great day was Lea, getting a PR in HJ (4-11.5) and tying for 2nd place. She also took 3rd in LJ, and might have had another high place in TJ but her great day ended with a pulled hamstring in LJ finals. She has battled through leg issues nearly the entire season. Also adding points were Alex and Keaton in men's HJ, and Rachel and Michaela in women's HJ.

Jess: 9.56/9.49* (=PB 1st #3 all time) 9-6.25 (6th) 30.5/32.6 63.1r (4th SR)
Lea: 4-11.5 (PB T2nd) 17-7.75 (3rd)
Alex: 6-0.5 (PB 4th #10 all time)
Rachel: 4-9.5 (7th)
Michaela: 4-7.5 (8th) 29.54 (15th)
Keaton: 5-4.5 (8th)
Maia: 4-5.5 (13th) 11.50* (12th) 31.7/34.3 66.0r (4th SR)
Bianca: 4-3.5 (15th) 31-5.25 (13th)

Brian: 400 in DMR (1st)
Deven: 58.25 (25th) 27.6/28.7 58.7r (9th)
Hayden: 42-11.75 (6th) 35-7.75 (15th)

*converted to 60H time


Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 17: 2/23, 2/22, 2/21,2/20, 2/19

2/23 KC. Maia did pre-race warm up and 1x1, 3x2.

2/22 KC. Regen circuit.

2/21 KC. Maia, Jess and Hayden did rolling, scorpions, swings, cycles and trail freezes. Skips, switch hops, cariocas, dribbles and burts. A few hurdle drills and then H1 starts side by side -- one flat and one with H. Side by side H2 and H3 (-1). 2H starts with 10-step extended start. Bike cool down. Stretch and roll.

2/20 KC. Jumpers on hand were Maia, Samantha, Lea, Rachel, Michaela, Keaton, Hayden and Alex. Independent warm up and "jumper's choice" for bar height. Katie was a no-show.

2/19 Pettit. Maia, Jess, Jerica, Coy, Deven, Brian and Noah started with A skips, B skips, back skips, switch hops, cariocas, knee-calf-ankle dribbles followed by 4-step bursts and leg swings. 400 pace work includes 100, walk 300, 200, walk 200, 300. Cool down lap, planking, stretching. Everyone hit the target times on 100 and 200. 300 was tougher because of length of run and a rest of about 3 min., but most either hit the times or came close. Brian and Coy were targeting 52 pace, Deven 56, Jess and Jerica 62, Maia 66. Noah, coming off injury, dropped in behind Jerica and Jess. Kept volume low to get fresh for NACC while retaining sense of pace.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

UWM: Maia gets HJ PR #12; Alex debuts with 6-0 #10

2/17 Milwaukee. Big jump for Maia at 4-8.25 -- #12 all time. Great debut for Alex in HJ with a 6-0 jump and #10 all time. In hurdles, Jess put down another solid race with her 9.58, Des was just .02 off her PR. Not a group event, but Jess got a school record in 400 (1:02.09).

Jess: 9.58 (4th) 9-0.25 (4th) 62.09 (4th PR SR) 
Alex: 6-0 (5th #10 all time)
Keaton: 5-4.25 (6th)
Maia: 4-8.25 (7th PR #12 all time) 11.47 (13th) 26-1.75 (14th)
Rachel: 4-8.25 (T9th) 
Des: 10.47 (10th) 16-1.75 (7th) 67.52 (7th)
Katie: 4-4.25 (T11th) 
Michaela: 4-4.25 (T11th) 32-2.25 (9th)
Bianca: 4-4.25 (T11th) 32-2.25 (9th)
Brian: 26/28.2 54.22 (6th)
Deven: 2:19.15 (10th) 7.63 (19th)
Hayden: 38-6 (8th) 36-5 (10th)
Sam: 8.24 (23rd) 27.08 (17th)

Complete results

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week 16: 2//16, 2/15, 2/14, 2/13, 2/12

2/16 KC. Pre-meet shakeout.

2/15 KC. Most did field events. Others did a regen workout.

2/14 KC. Loved the work done in the Valentine's Day hurdle practice. Maia, Des, Jess and Hayden did usual warm up with mobility exercises, skips, switch hops, shuffles, dribbles, bursts. Hurdle drills: 1-step, 4-step power hurdle plus 3-step. Starts over H1, starts over 3H with H2 at +12 for 5-step, side-by-side starts over 2H at -1. All hurdles were at 30. Did some video to check starts and entry step. Hayden worked only over H1 at 33.  Finished with some band work: knee drive, lead and trail leg. Comments: Hayden continues to make good progress, particularly at charging into takeoff. Early in the session, he was back on the heel on the entry step. Same for Maia, reaching to takeoff and extending the lower leg and planting on heel instead of getting the last step down quickly and running off the take off. She hit the -1 splits in the mid-1.4 to mid-1.5 range. Need some work on oppo. Des had what likely was her best practice ever. She sprinted between hurdles, keeping up with Jess on every side by side rep, turning splits around 1.2. Jess worked on some minor issues, improving entry step, popping heel through hurdle, vigorous cycling and reverse of lead leg. Everyone worked on finishing the trail leg. She also hit the splits around 1.2 and handled the 5-step reps the best.

2/13 KC. High jumpers on hand: Michaela, Katie, AlexJ, Maia, Rachel, Bianca, Hayden, Keaton, Alex and Nick. Lea rested as she tries to get her leg feeling better before NACC. After independent warm up, a short discussion about takeoff position -- leaning in and back, planting to corner, gathering on penultimate. Did a few jump turns from that position and then a few short approach jumps to work on the same. Did 5 rounds of full jumps. Michaela, Katie and Alex took their jumps at 4-4, Bianca and Maia at 4-7, Rachel 4-7 and 4-10, Hayden 4-10, Keaton 5-4 and Nick and Alex 5-7.

2/12 Pettit. McCoy, Deven, Jess and Maia warmed up and then did 3x 200+150 at faster than average 400 pace for 200 and approximate speed of final 150 of 400 speed for 150. 30 seconds between. 8 minutes between sets. Target paces: McCoy 54, Deven 57, Jess 62, Maia 67. Others training at Kern did either sprint workout, 3x240+80, or strength/interval circuit (for those needing to stay off legs).

Monday, February 12, 2018

Platteville: Big meet, big performance by Jess in 60H; Katie PRs HJ

2/10 Platteville. 17 teams in our largest meet of the indoor season made for some tough competition. Jess ran a season best 9.51 and was 6th in 60H -- just hundredths off her PR. Des was able to 3-step through 3 hurdles -- first time for that. High jumpers didn't hit the scoreboard, but most jumped well, especially Katie who got a PR of 4-9.

Jess: 9.61/9.51 (6th) 9-4.25 (8th) 8.44 (18th) 
Rachel: 4-9 (9th) 
Lea: 4-9 (11th) 16-9.75 (7th) 34-3.5 (24th) 
Katie: 4-9 (12th =#10 all time) 29.20 (25th)
Keaton: 5-7 (14th)
Maia: 4-7 (=PR 15th) 11.67 (34th) 24-7.25 (46th) 9.08 (23rd)
Michaela: 4-5 (22nd ) 8.73 (19th)
Bianca: 4-5 (23rd) 31-1.25 (19th)
Des: 10.75 (29th) 15-3.5 (22nd) 8.50/8.55 (24th) 21-0 (53rd)
Brian: 2:11.46 (31st)
Hayden: 59.20 (46th) 37-10.75 (33rd) 34-4.75 (45th)
Sam: 8.38 (44th) 26.91 (52nd)

Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 15: 2/9, 2/8, 2/7, 2/6, 2/5

2/9 KC. Canceled basketball because court was in use. Warm up and out for most. Des and Maia did some hurdling.

2/8 KC. Most were doing field events. Some did a regeneration circuit.

2/7 KC. Maia, Holly, Jess and Hayden comprised the hurdle group. Started with deep breathing, rolling, swings and cycles. Skips, shuffles, cariocas, alt quick legs, straight leg run, switch hops, dribbles with bursts, and wickets (6-0 to 6-4). Drills: marching hurdles, speedbuilders, power hurdle plus 3-step (-5). Warm up start over H1. 3x3 at race height and spacing, with auto split times. Jess and Maia were near all-time bests (1.33 and 1.58). 3x2 with extended 10-step start and 30" hurdles at race spacing. Hand time splits ranged from 1.25 to 1.35 for Jess and 1.45 to 1.55 for Maia. Holly had foot problems and stopped during drills. Hayden worked mostly on H1 at race spacing  at 30. Tried some at 36, but the lead leg swing led to striking the hurdle, so we cut back to 30 for now, which worked out well after the first few reps. Did some eccentric work -- dbl leg hops, skaters and back and forth freezes. Finished with 3x8 kb swings, lunges and goblet squats.

2/6 KC. Large group of jumpers for this one. Warmed up as a group: F+B skips, L+R shuffle, rim jumps, circle runs (one straightening up to see what happens to curve), take-off skips, run-run-jump, pop turns, pit arches, edge arches, backovers, 1/2 circle pop ups into pit, 5x run throughs and 5-6x fulls at one or two heights a little under season best heights. Alex worked at 4-2, Katie 4-2 to 4-6, Bianca, Maia and Michaela 4-6, Lea 4-6 to 4-9, Rachel 4-6 to 5-0, Hayden 4-9 to 5-0, Keaton 5-3, Alex 5-6, Nick 5-9. Emphasized good curve running and lean into curve tonight. Some did a good job with that, which resulted in some good jumps for those who were able to improve that aspect.

2/5 KC. Strength and Interval Circuit 
Hurdle mobility (1x each)
  • alternating (FWD+BKW), same leg (L+R), sideways (L+R), over-under (L+R)
Dribbles (2x each)
  • ~20m calf;  ~20m ankle 
Strength (3 sets of following on track level)
  • 3x trap-bar deadlift (2 count up, 4 count down)
  • 3x bb push press
  • 3x bb hang clean
  • 5x glute ham raise
  • 5x hip thrust -- large band on hip thruster 
  • 10x reverse calf raise (L+R)
  • 2x4x 15 sec fast -- 45 sec easy on bike
  • 1 min plank between sets
Cool down
  • 5 min easy rowing or elliptical
  • 10 min stretching/rolling 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Ripon: Jess gets 2nd in 60H, Lea ties for 2nd in HJ

2/3 Ripon. Good performances abounded in the new field house. Jess ran a season best 60H of 9.53 while Lea led the HJ group, which placed 5 in the top 7. Maia and Keaton both had near misses at season-best heights. Jess, Maia and Des teamed with Patty to set an MSOE record in 4x4. Maia got a PR in 60H and equaled her HJ PR.

Jess: 9.65/9.53 (2nd) 9-8 (3rd) 30.5/33.5 64r (SR 4th)
Lea: 4-9 (T2nd) 8.59 (DNS F) 32-9 (6th) 32-0.75 (9th)
Rachel: 4-7 (T4) 
Maia: 4-7 (=PR T4) 11.39 (PR 13th) 25-4.5 (17th) 33 35 68r (SR 4th)
Katie: 4-7 (T4) 8.51/8.57 (6th) 29.61 (11th)
Keaton: 5-7 (6th)
Bianca: 4-5 (T7th) 31-7.25 (12th)
Des: 10.73 (9th) 16-1.5 (4th) 30.8/35.3 66.1r (SR 4th)
Brian: 54.76 (9th) 24.3/29.1 53.4r 
Deven: 28.7/28.8 57.53 (14th) 25.43 (18th)
Hayden: 32-8.25 (15th) 37-5.75 (10th) 26.42 (21st)

Complete results