Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week 9: 12/31, 12/30

12/31 KC. Joe warmed up, did a couple warm up starts and then an up-down ladder (1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1) at 30-33-36-39-42-42-39-36 (42s and back were -1). Splits were in low to mid-1.2 range. Adjusted the start somewhat to hit the takeoff point more consistently. Ended with kb walks (double, L, R), 20x box drive, 20x Russian boxes, 100x jump rope (40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right). Rolled, stretched.

12/30 KC. Joe worked around the tables and chairs on track level. Warm up followed by 5x1 block starts at increasing hurdle heights. 10x5H at women's height and spacing to work on quickness and technical improvements. Strength work included 3x 10 kb swings, 10 step ups, 10 elevated push ups and 5 box drop pops.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 8: Holiday break

Individualized training based on following recommendations:

Break workouts
Anywhere bodyweight circuit
1. 30x jax -- 10 regular, 10 cross, 10 squat
2. 100x jump rope -- 40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right (can imitate this if no rope)
3. 20x squats
4. 20x mountain climbers
5. 20x lunges (10xL, 10xR)
6. 10x high-low plant (hands/elbows)
7. 20x kneeling hip circles (10xL, 10xR)
8. 10x tuck jumps
9. 10x scorpions (5xL, 5xR)
10. 01x depletion push ups (as many as you can, rest 90s, as many as you can, rest 90s, as many as you can)

You can add or substitute other exercises, depending on what equipment you may have available.

Hill sprints (can be done on flat if you have no hill available)
10 min warm up with jax, easy skips, strides.
1x 8-step
1x 10-step
1x 12-step
1x 14-step
1x 16-step
1x 18-step
1x 20-step

Plyometrics (on grass or turf) -- 100 total contacts
10 min warm up
20x easy skips
20x easy back skips
10x skips for height
10x skips for distance
10x quick double leg hops
05x left leg hops for distance
05x right leg hops for distance
05x left leg hops for speed
05x right leg hops for speed
10x bounding

If you can find a track:
10 min warm up
6x200 of increasing intensity* and walk back recovery.
Walk a lap cool down and stretch.

*Start about 10 seconds slower than your average 200 time and then go a second faster on each rep after that.
Last one will be about 5 seconds slower than your average.
If you are on grass, times will be slower than these targets.

Do three to four of the workouts above (bodyweight, hills, plyos and/or intervals) each week of break. If you have access to weights, you can add those on 2 of the days you do the workouts above. Keep reps to 3 to 5, sets 3 to 4, depending on how heavy.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Haydon Holiday Invite: Brad PRs 60H

12/19 Chicago. Brad raced 9.62 in 60H and also 7.85 60 in his season opener. Brad's hurdle time is less than a tenth off our top 10 list for 60H.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 7: 12/18, 12/17, 12/15,12/14

12/18 KC. Brad did a shakeout for meet on Saturday. Warm up, minimal drill work (sliders, slowlows) before 3x1 (36-39-42), 3x2 (42-39, -1, -1/2, R). Stretching.

12/17 KC. Women hurdlers did a workout similar to men on Monday.

12/15 KC. HJers trained on their own.

12/14 KC. Chris and Spencer were the early shift. Joe and Brad the late shift. Early shift did warm up, then some trail leg mobility. 7x5 1-step (30/13). 5x2 block starts (2x39, 3x42). 5x6 speedbuilders (17 to 27). 3x5 kb walk, kb step up, pull up, kb jump squat. Late shift skipped the 1-steps and did some of the speedbuilders as their drill work. Stretched. Joe did some technical work on lead arm; Brad worked on lead leg timing and cycling -- and flatter trail leg; Chris worked on pushing into hurdle, cycling lead and getting it down; Spencer on lead leg knee pickup, cycling and overall alignment. Everyone had some improvements. Did some handtime splits on 42s at -1. Chris, Brad and Spencer all ran 1.25 or better. Joe ran 1.15 or better. Good stuff!

Friday, December 11, 2015

UWM: Spencer equals PR in opener

12/11 Milwaukee. The UW-Milwaukee Developmental Meet features all ages and loads of entries on the 4-lane, 200-meter oval -- meaning this meet takes a while.  Joe and Spencer ran the 60H. Joe topped the barriers in 8.81 and Spencer 9.37, equaling his PR. Jessica ran her 60H race in 10.79, 3-stepping through hurdle 3 and going 4s the rest of the way enroute to her time that was just a couple tenths off her PR.

Other events: Joe 200 (23.94), Jessica 400 (67.71).

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 6: 12/10, 12/8, 12/7

12/10 KC. Des and Kim did a hurdles workout. Kasey and Chris did a sprint workout. Those competing Friday either did a shakeout or took the day off. Des and Kim warmed up and then did a 4H 1-step drill, working on pushing into hurdles, alignment, lead leg cut down and finishing trail leg. All at 27. We also took a look at block starts and made some improvements there. Video below shows the starts prior to improvements. After about 8 of those, we added a second hurdle. Kim started at -3 and got all the way to regular spacing with a 3-step. Des started successfully at -3, too, but struggled at -2, 4-stepping. Des had very good block starts and attack at H1. H2 was a bit problematic as knee drive decreased. A loose trail leg didn't help matters. Some work to do there as she works to advance from -3 to -2.

Kim is a bit bent over and stepping out a bit too far on this one.

Shoulders should be over hands. Des' shoulders are back a little from the hands. On exit, left hand is moving back, up and then out when it should just move out and up. Extension is good. Toe is under hip on first step, which is good. She's getting a good push on first step. Second step is a little ahead of the hip, which makes it impossible to push on contact. Instead, the push waits until her hips pass beyond the foot, allowing push to resume.

12/8 VF/KC. Des and Jess did a Viets Field circuit early in the day. Field was closed later for painting, so the afternoon group -- Chris, Joe and Kim -- did a similar circuit in the Kern Center, which was a combination of moderate running and bodyweight exercises. Kasey, Spencer and Alandra did some pit work, run throughs and full jumps with a bungee at moderate height (4-6w, 5-6m). Brad sat out with a back injury incurred late last week while doing squats. Worked out an approach for Alandra. Kasey's approach was reasonably consistent. Spencer came up short early but added enough speed later to get to a good takeoff point, which led to some better jumps.

12/7 KC. Spencer, Chris, Joe and Brad worked high hurdles. Warm up included circles, swings, cycles, wall drive, post ups, slowlows, power hurdles (up to 33). 5x4H 1-step. 5x1H (24 to 36). 2-3-4-3-2 (-1 36-39-42-39-36). Strength: 3x5 tb deadlift, bb hang clean, kb row and L+R box hops. Split times on 42s were around 1.2 for Joe, Spencer around 1.35, Chris and Brad around 1.4.