Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Workouts: 5/6, 5/7

5/6 At KC. Jerome warmed up, did some backovers off high box, medium box, low jump, floor. Some 4-step bungee jumps, working on plant angle and attack, and then some 6-step jumps, adding speed in turn while keeping plant angle. Did a couple run throughs and then about 6 full jumps at 6-5, again working on pushing the speed and a quick last step. Also marked the takeoff point, which we moved out a bit because of extra speed. Takeoff point was about 2 feet in and 3 feet out.

5/7 At MU. Joe, Brian, Brad and Holly trained on a cold and windy day. Brian came out early warmed up, did some up/back hurdles, then H1-H4, 1 min recovery, H3-H7, 1 min recovery, H7-Finish, 1 min recovery, 150. Then 5x4 3-step oppos at 8-yd spacing on turf. Brad, Joe and Holly warmed up on the turf with some strides, circles, swings, pickup and acceleration. H1 (falling -3"), H2 (3pt -3" -1), H3 (3pt R -1), 2x6H (alt R/-3" -1). Joe and Holly followed with same 400H work Brian did. They hit the target times on first 2 reps, went faster on third rep and finished with 150s that were faster than the first rep times to H4. Brad did some 1/2 hurdle trail leg work during that time. Stretched.

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