Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Workouts: 5/13, 5-14

5/13 At KC. Brad and Jerome worked on plant angle with 4-step and 6-step approaches, scissors and layouts; full approaches; full jumps.

5/14 At MU. One of the highest quality workouts of season. After warm up, Joe and Brad worked some highs. 1 and 2H at 39 -1 off falling and 3 pt. 3H at regular height -1. 2x5H (regular height, -1). 3x3H (regular height, -1). Trail legs were looking good. Joe squared up the hurdles better than ever. Got the takeoff point to H1 moved back to proper distance. Brian joined in for 400H, which Brad also did. Brian and Joe worked near 56 pace and Brad around 61-62. Did first 5 hurdles and last 5 hurdles to finish, with about a 1 min break between. Joe and Brian ran about 24.5 for first 5 and about 31.5 for second 5. Brad split 27+ and 34+. Finished with 5x3 elevator (30-36) hurdles on oppo at 8 to 9y spacing. Stretched.

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