Monday, April 14, 2014

Workouts: 4/14, 4/15

4/14 At KC. Wind and snow outside kept us inside. Joe, Brad, Nathalie and Mollie trained first, warming up and then doing reactive hurdles off a 4-step into 1-step, 3-step, 1-step, 3-step, 1-step, 3-step, working on individualized improvements (with good progress). 2 Gazelle sets. Stretch/roll. Kasey and Brian were next, working on relative-spacing 19- and 17-step, respectively. They did 10 reps on short recovery. Brian made some good improvement on trail leg and Kasey on lead leg. Brian also did some block work -- and that got pretty good, too. Holly was next. She did a few power hurdles on each leg, working on stepping up. She then did 5x2H, starting low and working up to 33s at -1. Rest and then 3x4H at 30. Splits were in 1.3s. Finished with a few reps over 2H, working on a tight trail leg, and she dropped those reps into the mid 1.2s. 5x3H relative spacing followed and then 2 sets of Gazelle kettlebell.

4/15 At KC. Pre-meet style warm up, including some opening height jumps and then about 6 jumps at moderate height for those competing Thursday. Others took a few more jumps. Kasey, Madeline, Mollie and Alex were jumping in 4-5 to 4-7 range, with a lot of clearances at 4-7. Brad took most of his jumps at 5-3, making most. Jerome worked mostly at 6-5.

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