Monday, December 9, 2013

Workouts: 12/9, 12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13

12/9 At KC. Kasey, Nathalie, Annika, Jana, Zuzka and Mollie did circles, swings, over/unders, 3-5x deadlifts (150/170#) followed by 5 bunny hops and 10 elevated push ups. Stride, pick up and acceleration as prep for 3x30m timed accelerations. Best times: Kasey 4.67, Nathalie 4.67, Mollie 4.73, Jana 4.97, Annika 4.99, Zuzka 5.38. Kasey, Nathalie and Mollie all ran faster than their previous bests from prior years. 6-step power hurdles plus 2 1-step hurdles. Block starts working on 8-step (or 9) to H1, ranging from 22s up to 30s. Band work. Stretching.

12/10 At KC. Tonight's high jumpers were Alex, Kasey, Annika, Jana, Mollie, Mike, Jerome, Matt and Brad. Did usual warm up and then a few short approach jumps and run throughs. Didn't count jumps but most took about 6 to 10 jumps with full approach at challenging heights. For the first night jumping with a regular bar at some decent heights, the night went well for most. Alex, Kasey and Mollie made some nice bars, and Jana and Brad made some good improvements and finished with some good jumps. Jerome got off some nice jumps at some good heights, especially for our facility. Mike not as sharp as last week, having some footing issues, not getting a good block at plant. Annika still needs to get a more consistent approach so as not to get steps too long coming into the plant. Matt needs to stretch tall at takeoff and get to the top before starting layout -- just rushing that a bit. Kasey moved her mark back to 50.

12/11 At KC. Joe and Brad practiced hurdles tonight. Joe's warm up included 2x5x210 deadlifts followed by bunny hops and elevated push ups. Did a pick up and an acceleration followed by a few 6-step power hurdles into 1-step and then 3-step. Worked H1 from 33 to 42 off falling start and 3-pt. Block starts over 2 42s and then 3 42s. Ht splits around 1.25. Shifted down to 39s, running 1.2s, and working acceleration through H3. Finished with a few more 39 reps, working on keeping hips square and finishing a powerful trail leg. Brad's night consisted of multiple 6-step power hurdles at various heights and 8-step 3-pt starts at various heights up to 39, mostly focusing on lead leg mechanics and cut down timing.

12/12 At KC. Mollie did some 6-step power hurdles, including some with a 1-step and 3-step. Block starts over 1H with a couple reps each at 27, 30, 33. Finished with a couple reps over 4H 27 -3 and then joined sprint group.

12/13  At KC. Brad, Nate and Matt warmed up and then did some slow lows and an acceleration and block start before 3x 30m timed accels. Bests: Logan 4.08, Matt 4.10, Nate 4.48. 6x6-step power hurdles plus 1-step. 6x1H starts (Matt on blue marks, others on red). 4x4H (Matt on blue -2 36/33, others on red at 27). Stretching/rolling.

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