Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Workouts: 12/23, 12/26, 12/2

12/23 At KC. Joe trained with Brandon from the Badgers. Started with circles, swings, over/unders, deadlifts (220#), lateral lane hops, elevated push ups and hurdle mobility. Did stride, pickup, accel before some practice starts and then 30m timed accels from blocks. Joe posted a best of 3.95 -- just a few hundredths off his best-ever mark of 3.89. Hurdling consisted of 6-step powers, 3x1H block (39 and 42), 3x2H block (42 and 39 -1), 3x4H (39 -2). Block work was side-by-side. Splits were around 1.2 mostly. Nathalie did the same workout (lower of course) minus the 30m accels, which she had done in a previous workout. Made good progress on block starts with 8-step as well as 3-step, which we got out to about -1.5. Ran most of the hurdles at 27 or 30. Splits were always under 1.3, some at 1.2 -- very good.

12/26 At KC. Joe and Nathalie did circles, swings, A skips, carioca, side shuffles. 2x5 deadlifts (270/180), L+R 1-leg hops, elevated push ups and hurdle walkovers. Did a few hurdle drills: hangovers, pullovers and pull off -- all working the trail leg. Some 6-step power hurdles plus 1. Block starts over 1, starting low and working up. 4x3H from blocks (-1' 27 / 39-42-42-39). 3x4H from 3-pt. (-6"). Stretch.

12/2 At KC. Joe, Nathalie and Mollie did circles, swings, over/unders, deadlifts (180/270), single-leg hops, elevated push ups, walkovers. Some 4- and 6-step power hurdles followed to work on hip displacement into hurdle. 3x3H 5-step (-3", R, R). Women did 5x2H (-3", R, R, R, R). 3x4H (-3" / -2). Joe did 4x2H (-3, R, R, R) and 2x4H (-3 / R). Bands and stretches.

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