Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekly highlights: 11/12, 11/13, 11/14

11/12  At KC. Briel and Kasey did standard warm up then 2x5 deadlifts -- Kasey 220, Briel 200 (which was too heavy -- lighter next time), 2x5 hip hops, 2x10 push up jacks. Did step ups on box, bag kicks and 5x1H slowlow loops. Did 5x1H from 3pt, working on start mechanics, stride pattern to H1, drive for five and then stepping up head first into the hurdle at 22/27 inches. Next, a couple fly sprints. Bests: Kasey 7.59mps, Briel 7.20. Then, 5x4H 1-step 27s, 1/2-space 27s, 5-step 27 to 33. 10x hip thrusts, hip bridges, box squats.

11/13  At KC. Kasey, Kelly, Mike and Carson warmed up with circles, swings, strides, takeoff skips, 1-step rotators, 5x arch backs in pit, 5x backover, circle runs (22' diameter), circle runs with jump. Spent considerable time working out approach marks. After doing that, we did about 10 full approach run throughs and made some minor adjustments. Took a scissor jump and then about 5 jumps at low height and then a couple at higher heights all with bungee bar. Estimated height about 5-8 to 5-10 neighborhood for Carson and around 4-6 for Kasey and Kelly. Accomplished what we after in getting marks for approach and some fairly consistent run throughs. Marks (out from standard/step 5/starting point): Carson - 15/26-6/52; Mike - 15/23-6/52; Kasey - 10/20/46; Kelly - 10/25-6/47-6.

11/14  At KC. Andrew, Joe and Logan warmed up with circles, swings, strides and hurdle mobility. Lifting was 2x5x220 (Joe 130), 4x5 hip hops, 2x10 push up jacks. About 10x slowlow loops with some oppos and 4x5H 1-step + 1 oppo set. 5x1H block starts. 5x4H elevators (36 to 42; Logan 27 to 36). Ran late, so no additional strength work or group stretch/roll.

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